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Brahim Boukoufallah burahimu
I'm a french passionate web developer

Bedrock Streaming Lyon, FRANCE

Martin Adams heymartinadams

@onetask-me Vancouver, BC, Canada

Jean-Philippe Morin jp-paper

@paper-co Montreal, QC

Ruslan Konviser evereq
Building Ever® - Open Platform for Collaborative, On-Demand and Sharing Economies @ever-co

@ever-co Worldwide

Darjan Bogdan darjanbogdan

@ClaySolutions Amsterdam

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Thompson thompson0012
Data Analyst, Scientist, Engineer, Research and Development
Jeff Valdez vitaminjeff
C#, DDD, and a little Vue on the side. 👍

Los Angeles, CA

Doug Eisenstein daefresh
I build disruptive tech products and lead elite engineering teams 🔥.


Oliver Frolovs olliefr
I enjoy to design and build lean and secure Cloud-native systems. Want one? Let's connect!

@devil-mice-labs United Kingdom

Rob Baccus rbaccus

Palo Alto Networks Greater Seattle Area

Jan-Arve Nygård jannyg

@norsk-tipping Hamar, Norway

Frédéric Schmidt fdaschmidt
Software Architect