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François-Nicolas Robinne FNRobinne

Pacific Salmon Foundation Edmonton, Canada

Cao Zhigang zgcao
Ph.D, aquatic remote sensing, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chinese Academy of Science Najing, JiangSu Prov.

Chris Keneally cckeneally
PhD Candidate researching the microbial communities of inland aquatic ecosystems (and their responses to salinity stress)

The University of Adelaide Adelaide

Rosalie Bruel rosalieb
freshwater ecologist - researcher at the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB)

OFB Aix-en-Provence, France

OuyangWenyu OuyangWenyu

Dalian University of Technology Dalian, China

Paul inkenbrandt

Utah Geological Survey United States

Jemma Stachelek jsta

Los Alamos National Laboratory New Mexico, USA

Ariel Saffer arielsaffer

Center for Geospatial Analytics North Carolina State University

César Ordóñez ceordonez

University of Geneva Geneva, Switzerland

B Steele steeleb

Fort Collins, CO