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openstack-exporter snap

Snap published at


The command is provided in the snap as:

$ golang-openstack-exporter.openstack-exporter --help
usage: openstack-exporter [<flags>] [<cloud>]

This can be aliased to openstack-exporter if you wish:

sudo snap alias golang-openstack-exporter.openstack-exporter openstack-exporter


$ snap services golang-openstack-exporter.service
Service                            Startup   Current   Notes
golang-openstack-exporter.service  disabled  inactive  -

This service requires some configuration set first, but then it can be managed as a snap service. At least one of cloud or multi-cloud must be set, and credentials will likely be required.

sudo snap set golang-openstack-exporter cloud=mycloud os-client-config=/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml
sudo snap start golang-openstack-exporter


Logs for the service can be viewed by running:

sudo snap logs golang-openstack-exporter

/etc/openstack access

To allow the snap to read from the /etc/openstack/, you may need to manually add the connection:

$ snap connections golang-openstack-exporter
Interface     Plug                                     Slot           Notes
home          golang-openstack-exporter:home           :home          -
network       golang-openstack-exporter:network        :network       -
network-bind  golang-openstack-exporter:network-bind   :network-bind  -
system-files  golang-openstack-exporter:etc-openstack  -              -

$ sudo snap connect golang-openstack-exporter:etc-openstack

$ snap connections golang-openstack-exporter
Interface     Plug                                     Slot           Notes
home          golang-openstack-exporter:home           :home          -
network       golang-openstack-exporter:network        :network       -
network-bind  golang-openstack-exporter:network-bind   :network-bind  -
system-files  golang-openstack-exporter:etc-openstack  :system-files  manual


The following config items are supported for the service. Note that the service must be restarted for configuration changes to be applied.

$ sudo snap get -d golang-openstack-exporter
        "cloud": "",
        "collect-metric-time": "",
        "disable-cinder-agent-uuid": "",
        "disable-deprecated-metrics": "",
        "disable-metric": "",
        "disable-service": {
                "baremetal": "",
                "compute": "",
                "container-infra": "",
                "database": "",
                "dns": "",
                "gnocchi": "",
                "identity": "",
                "image": "",
                "load-balancer": "",
                "network": "",
                "object-store": "",
                "orchestration": "",
                "placement": "",
                "volume": ""
        "disable-slow-metrics": "",
        "domain-id": "",
        "endpoint-type": "",
        "log": {
                "format": "",
                "level": ""
        "multi-cloud": "",
        "os-client-config": "",
        "prefix": "",
        "web": {
                "listen-address": "",
                "telemetry-path": ""

Boolean options

These options must take a value of "true" or "false". If set to "true", the corresponding flag is passed to the openstack-exporter.

  • collect-metric-time
  • disable-cinder-agent-uuid
  • disable-deprecated-metrics
  • disable-service.baremetal
  • disable-service.compute
  • disable-service.container-infra
  • disable-service.database
  • disable-service.dns
  • disable-service.gnocchi
  • disable-service.identity
  • disable-service.image
  • disable-service.load-balancer
  • disable-service.object-store
  • disable-service.orchestration
  • disable-service.placement
  • disable-service.volume
  • disable-slow-metrics
  • multi-cloud

Examples of configuring these options:

# turn on the option
sudo snap set golang-openstack-exporter multi-cloud=true
sudo snap set golang-openstack-exporter collect-metric-time=true
sudo snap set golang-openstack-exporter disable-service.dns=false

# turn off the option
sudo snap set golang-openstack-exporter disable-service.dns=false
# unsetting will reset to the default, which is false
sudo snap unset golang-openstack-exporter disable-slow-metrics

Options with a value

These are options that take a value that is passed to the openstack-exporter cli:

  • cloud
  • domain-id
  • endpoint-type
  • log.format
  • log.level
  • os-client-config
  • prefix
  • web.listen-address
  • web.telemetry-path

Examples of configuring these options:

# set a value
sudo snap set golang-openstack-exporter cloud=openstack
sudo snap set golang-openstack-exporter os-client-config=/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml

# revert to default
sudo snap set golang-openstack-exporter domain-id=
sudo snap unset golang-openstack-exporter log.format

disable-metrics option

This option is similar to other options with a value, but it takes multiple values, separated by whitespace.

  • disable-metrics