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Configuring ActiveMQ

The ActiveMQ node routing plug-in must be enabled so that it sends routing updates that the programs in this directory can read. Install rubygem-openshift-origin-routing-activemq and see its included for instructions.

Configuring the Daemon

The daemon must be configured to connect to ActiveMQ. Edit /etc/openshift/routing-daemon.conf and set ACTIVEMQ_USER, ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD, ACTIVEMQ_HOST, and ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION to the appropriate credentials, address, and ActiveMQ destination (topic or queue).

Exactly one routing module must be enabled. A module for F5 BIG-IP LTM, a module for an routing implementing the LBaaS REST API, and a module that configures nginx as a reverse proxy are included in this repository. Edit /etc/openshift/routing-daemon.conf to set the LOAD_BALANCER setting to "f5", "lbaas", or "nginx", and then follow the appropriate module-specific configuration described below.

Internally, the routing daemon logic is divided into controllers, which encompass higher-level logic, and models, which encompass the logic for communicating with load balancers. These controllers include a simple controller that immediately dispatches commands to the load balancer (used for nginx and F5), a controller that includes logic to batch configuration changes and only dispatch commands to the load balancer at an interval (configurable using the UPDATE_INTERVAL option in routing-daemon.conf; used if LOAD_BALANCER is set to f5_batched), and an asynchronous controller for load balancers (such as LBaaS) where it is necessary first to issue commands and then to poll for an asynchronous confirmation on each command.

For testing purposes, a dummy model, which merely prints actions that a normal model performs rather than performing actions itself, is also included. If you specify the "dummy" module, then you will get the dummy model with the simple controller; if you specify the "dummy_async" module, then you will get the dummy model with the asynchronous controller.


Edit /etc/openshift/routing-daemon.conf to set the appropriate values for BIGIP_HOST, BIGIP_USERNAME, BIGIP_PASSWORD, BIGIP_SSHKEY, BIGIP_DEVICE_GROUP, VIRTUAL_SERVER, and VIRTUAL_HTTPS_SERVER to match your F5 BIG-IP LTM configuration.

F5 BIG-IP LTM must be configured with two virtual servers, one for HTTP traffic and one for HTTPS traffic. Each virtual server needs to be assigned at least one VIP. It is not necessary that each virtual server have a unique VIP; the HTTP virtual server and the HTTPS virtual servers may share a VIP. Once the LTM virtual servers have been created, update VIRTUAL_SERVER and VIRTUAL_HTTPS_SERVER in /etc/openshift/routing-daemon.conf to match the names you have used.

A default client-ssl profile must also be configured as the default SNI client-ssl profile. Although the naming of the default client-ssl profile is unimportant, it does need to be added to the HTTPS virtual server.

The LTM "admin" user's 'Terminal Access' must be set to 'Advanced shell' so that remote shell commands may be executed. Additionally, for the remote key management commands to execute, the BIGIP_SSHKEY public key must be added to the "admin" user's .ssh/authorized_keys file.

If you configure F5 BIG-IP LTM with a device group, use the BIGIP_DEVICE_GROUP to specify the name of this device group. If this setting is specified, the daemon will synchronize the device group at the interval specified by the UPDATE_INTERVAL interval, or the default value of 5 if UPDATE_INTERVAL is left unset.

On initialization, the daemon will create a local-traffic policy named "openshift_application_aliases" and add it to the HTTP and HTTP virtual servers if such a policy does not already exist.

As it runs, the daemon will automatically create pools and associated policy rules for applications, add and manage policy rules and SSL certificates and keys for aliases, add members to the pools, delete members from the pools, and delete empty pools and unused policy rules when appropriate. The daemon will create the pools in the "/Common" partition; see "Pool and Route Names" below regarding pool names. The daemon will also create rules in the "openshift_application_aliases" policy to forward requests to pools comprising the proxy gears of the respective applications based on the "Host:" header of incoming HTTP requests.

Using LBaaS

After enabling the LBaaS module as described in the section on configuring the daemon, edit /etc/openshift/routing-daemon.conf to set the appropriate values for LBAAS_HOST, LBAAS_TENANT, LBAAS_TIMEOUT, LBAAS_OPEN_TIMEOUT, LBAAS_KEYSTONE_HOST, LBAAS_KEYSTONE_USERNAME, LBAAS_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD, and LBAAS_KEYSTONE_TENANT, to match your LBaaS configuration.

Using nginx

Edit /etc/openshift/routing-daemon.conf to set the appropriate values for NGINX_CONFDIR, NGINX_SERVICE, NGINX_SSL_CERTIFICATE, NGINX_SSL_KEY, HTTP_PORT, and SSL_PORT.

The daemon will automatically create and manage configuration files under the directory specified by NGINX_CONFDIR: a server.conf file with the frontend server configuration for all applications, pool_*.conf files with the backend configuration, alias_*_.conf files for application aliases, and *.key and *.crt files for application aliases and custom SSL certificates. The NGINX_SSL_CERTIFICATE and NGINX_SSL_KEY settings specify default SSL configuration for applications. HTTP_PORT and SSL_PORT specify the nginx listen ports. After each update, the daemon will reload the service specified by NGINX_SERVICE.

Pool and Route Names

By default, new pools will be created with the name pool_ose_{appname}_{namespace}_80 while new routes will be created with the name route_ose_{appname}_{namespace}. You can override these defaults by setting appropriate values for the POOL_NAME and ROUTE_NAME settings, respectively. The values for these settings should contain the following formats so that each application gets its own uniquely named pool and routing rule: %a is expanded to the name of the application, and %n is expanded to the application's namespace.


The F5 and LBaaS backends can add an existing monitor to newly created pools. The following settings control how these monitors are created.

Set the MONITOR_NAME to the name of the monitor you would like to use, and set MONITOR_PATH to the pathname to use for the monitor, or leave either option unspecified to disable the monitor functionality.

Set MONITOR_UP_CODE to the code that indicates that a pool member is up, or leave MONITOR_UP_CODE unset to use the default value of "1".

Set MONITOR_TYPE to either "http-ecv" or "https-ecv", depending on whether you want to use HTTP or HTTPS for the monitor, or leave MONITOR_TYPE unset to use the default value of "http-ecv".

Set MONITOR_INTERVAL to the interval at which the monitor will send requests, or leave MONITOR_INTERVAL unset to use the default value of "10".

Set MONITOR_TIMEOUT to the monitor's timeout for its requests, or leave MONITOR_TIMEOUT unset to use the default value of "5".

As with POOL_NAME and ROUTE_NAME, MONITOR_NAME and MONITOR_PATH both can contain %a and %n formats, which are expanded the same way. Unlike POOL_NAME and ROUTE_NAME, you may or may not want to re-use the same monitor for different applications. The daemon will automatically create a new monitor when MONITOR_NAME expands a string that does not match the name of any existing monitor.

It is expected that for each pool member, the load balancer will send a GET request to the resource identified on that host by the value of MONITOR_PATH for the associated monitor, and that the host will respond with the value of MONITOR_UP_CODE if the host is up, or some other response if the host is not up.

Endpoint Types

By default, the routing daemon adds only proxy gears to pools. Specifically, the routing daemon ignores any gear endpoints that do not have the "load_balancer" type. These "load_balancer" endpoints are the endpoints for HAProxy gears. Thus, requests coming into the external load-balancer (nginx or F5 BIG-IP) will be routed through applications' HAProxy gears to reach the application gears.

Routing requests through HAProxy gears enables the auto-scaling logic to react to changes in load. However, because only scalable applications have HAProxy gears, this approach also means that only scalable applications can be reached through the external load-balancer.

The ENDPOINT_TYPES setting specifies which gear or endpoint types the routing daemon will add to pools. This setting is provided for flexibility, but it is not recommended to change it from the default value of "load_balancer".

##Notice of Export Control Law

This software distribution includes cryptographic software that is subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (the "EAR") and other U.S. and foreign laws and may not be exported, re-exported or transferred (a) to any country listed in Country Group E:1 in Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR (currently, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan & Syria); (b) to any prohibited destination or to any end user who has been prohibited from participating in U.S. export transactions by any federal agency of the U.S. government; or (c) for use in connection with the design, development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, or rocket systems, space launch vehicles, or sounding rockets, or unmanned air vehicle systems.You may not download this software or technical information if you are located in one of these countries or otherwise subject to these restrictions. You may not provide this software or technical information to individuals or entities located in one of these countries or otherwise subject to these restrictions. You are also responsible for compliance with foreign law requirements applicable to the import, export and use of this software and technical information.