openmrs.title=OpenMRS index.title=OpenMRS - Home login.title=OpenMRS - Login forgotPassword.title=OpenMRS - Forgot Password patientDashboard.title=OpenMRS - Patient Dashboard personDashboard.title=OpenMRS - Person Dashboard findPatient.title=OpenMRS - Find Patient optionsForm.title=OpenMRS - User Options dictionary.titlebar=OpenMRS - Dictionary dictionary.title=Concept Dictionary Maintenance admin.titlebar=OpenMRS - Administration person.title=OpenMRS - person encounter.title=OpenMRS - encounter location.title=OpenMRS - location dictionary.header=Concept Dictionary Maintenance CohortBuilder.title=OpenMRS - Cohort Builder admin.header=Administration Navigation.home = Home Navigation.findPatient = Find Patient Navigation.findCreatePatient = Find/Create Patient Navigation.dictionary = Dictionary Navigation.administration = Administration Navigation.options = My Profile Navigation.calendar = Calendar fix.error=Please fix all errors and try again. fix.error.plain=Please fix all errors and try again. error.general=Error while submitting form error.file.upload.expected.text.file=Error while uploading file. Please try again(only text files are allowed). error.null=Cannot be empty or null error.inuse=Value in use by another object error.object.inuse.cannot.purge = This object is being referenced and cannot be deleted forever. error.object.state.inuse.cannot.delete = The state cannot be deleted. It is already assigned to a patient. name error.description=Invalid description error.checkdigit=Invalid checkdigit for error.checkdigits=Invalid checkdigit for {0} error.checkdigits.verbose=The check digit on {0} is invalid. Please double check this patient error.checkdigits.unallowed=The identifier {0} is not allowed for validator {1} error.concept=Invalid concept error.drugAndOrderConcept.mismatch = Mismatches between OrderConcept and DrugConcept error.drug.noConcept = The drug has no concept defined error.character.invalid=Invalid character `{0}` found in non-checkdigit identifier {1} date error.number=Not a valid number error.numberOutsideRange = Number outside acceptable range error.patientSearchNoChars=You must enter search characters error.preferredIdentifier=Select a preferred identifier error.reportObject.type.required=Invalid type error.reportObject.subType.required=Invalid subtype be a date in the future date, please check. error.deathdate.before.birthdate=Death date must be after birth date error.programWorkflow=Invalid Program Workflow error.programWorkflowState=Invalid Program Workflow State error.identifier.formatInvalid=The identifier {0} is invalid, and needs to be of the format: {1} error.beforeDateCreated=Cannot be later than the creation date error.required={0} is required error.trailingSpaces=Extra spaces at the beginning or end are not allowed error.configurationRequired=All configuration parameters must be specified prior to using this module error.dwr.stacktrace=The full stacktrace for this error can usually be found in your server's error logs. error.dwr=A javascript error has occurred: error.dwr.hide=Hide error error.outOfRange.low.obs.valueNumeric=This value is too low to be valid for this question error.outOfRange.high.obs.valueNumeric=This value is too high to be valid for this question error.exceededMaxLengthOfField=This value exceeds the maximum length of {0} permitted for this field. error.failed.validation=Validation errors found errors.patientId.cannotBeNull=Patient Id cannot be null error.foundValidationErrors=Found Validation Errors error.invalid=Invalid error.privilegesRequired=Privileges required: {0} error.extraPrivilegesRequired=Extra privileges required error.insufficientPrivileges=Insufficient Privileges error.aunthenticationRequired=Basic authentication required error.failedToSendRequest=Failed to send request error.description.required=Description is required error.duplicateIdentifierTypes= Patient cannot have more than one identifier for a given identifier type Field Type name already exists, please specify another Identifier Type name already exists, please specify another Location name already exists, please specify another Concept Class name already exists, please specify another duplicate.relationshipType=Relationship Type already exists, please specify another error.patientProgram.enrolledDateShouldBeBeforecompletionDate=Enrolled Date should be before completion Date error.patientProgram.enrolledDateEmpty=Enrolled date is empty, Please select a enrolled date error.patientProgram.enrolledDateDateCannotBeInFuture=Enrolled date can't be in future, Please select a date on or before today error.patientProgram.completionDateCannotBeInFuture=Completed date can't be in future, Please select a date on or before today error.context.null=contextDAO is null Context.DAO.only=This method can only be called from the ContextDAO class, not {0} error.rank.notPositiveInteger=Rank can only be a positive integer =Invalid Email address address is already assigned to another user account error.activationkey.invalid =Invalid user activation Key error.usernameOrEmail.notNullOrBlank =Username Or email cannot be null or blank error.allergyapi.allergy.ReactionNonCoded.cannotBeNumeric=Reaction Non-coded must not be only a number error.allergyapi.allergen.nonCodedAllergen.cannotBeNumeric=Non-coded Allergen must not be only a number general.with=with general.selectOrUnselectAll=Select/Unselect All general.description=Description general.creator=Creator general.createdBy=Created By general.dateCreated=Date Created general.voidInfo=Delete Information general.voided=Deleted general.voidedBy=Deleted By general.voidReason=Reason For Deletion general.voidReason.empty=Reason for deletion cannot be empty general.voidReasonQuestion=Reason to Delete general.dateVoided=Date Deleted general.changedBy=Changed By general.dateChanged=Date Changed general.delete=Delete general.deleteLink=[x] general.deleted=deleted general.cannot.delete=cannot be deleted general.purge=Delete forever general.purged=Deleted forever general.changed=changed general.cannot.change=cannot be changed general.retire=Retire general.retired=Retired general.retiredReason=Retired Reason general.retireReason=Retire Reason general.retiredBy=Retired By general.dateRetired=Date Retired general.retiredReason.empty=Retire reason cannot be empty. general.cannot.retire=cannot be retired general.cannot.unretire=Cannot Unretire general.unretire=Unretire general.add=Add general.addAnother=Add Another general.edit=Edit general.saved=Saved general.saveAs=Save As general.saving=Saving {0} general.startedAt=started at general.completedAt=completed at general.remove=Remove general.view=View general.move_up=Move Up general.move_down=Move Down general.searchButton=Search general.change=Change general.continue=Continue general.previous=Previous general.true=True general.false=False type only the first few letters general.cancel=Cancel general.canceled=Action Canceled general.refresh=Refresh general.preferred=Preferred general.submit=Submit general.answer=Answer general.start=Start general.end=End general.format=Format general.yes=Yes general.choose=Choose general.clear=Clear general.type=Type general.subType=Subtype general.toggle.description=Toggle Description general.toggle.voided=Toggle Deleted general.toggle.verbose=Toggle Verbose general.toggle.retired=Toggle Retired general.or=or general.and=and general.andOr=and/or general.value=Value general.none=None general.instructions=Instructions general.discontinued=Discontinued general.discontinuedBy=Discontinued by general.discontinuedReason=Reason discontinued general.dateStart=Start date general.dateAutoExpire=Auto-expire date general.dateDiscontinued=Discontinued date general.locale=Locale general.locale.defaultNotInAllowedLocalesList="{0}" is not in allowed locales list general.locale.localeListNotIncludingDefaultLocale="{0}" can not be removed from allowed locales list because it is the default locale general.nMore={0} more general.nLess={0} less general.optional=optional general.onDate=on general.hide=Hide general.drop=Drop general.close=Close general.reason=Reason general.void=Delete general.unvoid=Restore general.loading=Loading... general.fromDate=from general.toDate=until general.unknown=Unknown general.readonly=Read Only general.atLocation=at general.byPerson=by general.printedOn=Printed onerror.aunthenticationRequired general.notYetImplemented=Not Yet Implemented general.not.yet.implemented=Not Yet Implemented general.closeWindow=Close Window general.navigateBack=Go Back general.back=Back general.action=Action general.version=Version general.includeVoided=Include Deleted general.dateConstraints=Date range general.since=since general.nWeeks={0} week(s) general.displayingXtoYofZ=Displaying {0} to {1} of {2} general.file=File general.allOptions=Any general.dataEntryError=Data entry error general.showAll=Show all general.parameters=Parameters general.class=Class general.key=Key general.error.nameAlreadyInUse=The name you entered is already in use, please enter a unique name. general.invalid=Invalid general.default=Default general.default.voidReason=Removed from user interface general.voidReasonWithArgument=Deleted because it was edited to: {0} general.default.changeReason=Changed from user interface general.of=of general.yearsOldAbbrev=yo general.noMatchesFound=No matches found for {0} general.noMatchesFoundInLocale=No matches found for {0} in locale {1} general.confirm.purge=Are you sure you want to delete this object? It will be permanently removed from the system. general.default.retireReason=Retired from user interface general.patient=Patient general.done=Done general.restore=Restore general.purge.confirmation=Delete forever Confirmation general.delete.confirmation=Delete Confirmation general.retire.confirmation=Retire Confirmation general.uuid=UUID general.changes.toSave=You have made changes.
Save changes or Revert general.yesterday=Yesterday general.unableToViewPage=Sorry, you are not able to view this page or perform this action. general.accountHasNoPrivilege=Your user account does not have the required privilege(s) to view this page. general.sendAlertToAdminMessage=If you think you should have the privilege(s), we can send a message to your system administrator saying so. general.loginWithAnotherAccountMessage=If you have another user account with more privileges, you can log in with that and try the operation again. general.loginWithAnotherAccount=Log in with another account general.alert.requestPrivilegesForPage=User {0} has requested privilege(s) [{1}], when they were trying to access the page: {2} general.alert.requestUnKnownPrivilegesForPage=User {0} has requested privilege(s), when they were trying to access the page: {1} general.alert.requestPrivileges=User {0} has requested privilege(s) [{1}], when they were trying to access a page general.alert.privilegesForPageOnException={0}, User {1} was missing these or some privileges when they were trying to access the page: {2} general.alertSystemAdmin=Alert System Administrator general.alertSent=Alert Sent general.noresult=No Results general.passwordLength=Password should be {0} characters long general.shouldHave=and should have general.charactersLeft=You only have {0} character(s) remaining ##### SEARCH WIDGET MESSAGES ###### searchWidget.sInfoLabel=Showing {0} to {1} of {2} entries searchWidget.viewingResults=Viewing results for {0} searchWidget.loadingWithPlaceHolder=Loading {0} results searchWidget.minCharRequired=Enter at least {0} characters searchWidget.pagesWithPlaceHolder={0} pages searchWidget.first=First searchWidget.previous=Previous searchWidget.last=Last searchWidget.noMatchesFound=No matching records found searchWidget.OnePage=1 page searchWidget.searchPhraseCannotBeNull=Search phrase cannot be null or blank searchWidget.showVerbose=Show Details searchWidget.viewingAll=Viewing all searchWidget.showNumberOfEntries=Show {0} entries searchWidget.noResultsFoundFor=No results found for: {0}, here are partial matches for: {1} #### JSP page messages ###### admin.title.short=Admin admin.title=Administration admin.password.locked=Admin password is locked and can only be changed via runtime property. auth.logged.out=You are now logged out auth.session.expired=Your session has expired. auth.login=Log In auth.login.tooManyAttempts=You have attempted to log in too many times. Please try again later. auth.password.invalid=Invalid username/password. Please try again. reset your password, input your username and check the box for "I forgot my password" auth.answer.invalid=Invalid username and secret answer combination. Please try again. auth.question.empty=Invalid user or the secret question has not been set. Please contact an administrator for help resetting your password. auth.question.fill=Fill in your answer to the secret question to continue auth.password.reset=Your password had been reset. Please fill in the boxes for your new password. auth.invalid=Invalid session object. Please log in again. auth.forgotPassword.tooManyAttempts=You have attempted to reset your password too many times. Please try again later. in your username (and then subsequently the answer to your secret question) to reset your password forgotPassword.showSecretQuestion=Show Secret Question forgotPassword.resetPassword=Reset Password calendar.patient.lastVisit=Last known visit diagnosis.title=Select a Diagnosis conceptAnswer.title=Choose an Answer conceptAnswer.forConcept= dictionary.title.short=Dictionary dictionary.searchBox=Search Phrase: dictionary.includeRetired=Include retired concepts dictionary.verboseListing=Verbose listing the concept dictionary in CSV format -- (dynamically creates a CSV file containing current dictionary terms/concepts) dictionary.error.needName=You can't specify a short name or a description within a locale unless you also specify the name dictionary.questionsAnswered=Questions Answered dictionary.numobs=Obs for this concept: {0} dictionary.forms=Forms Using This Concept dictionary.drugs=Drugs Using This Concept dictionary.personattributetypes=Person Attribute Types Using This Concept dictionary.programs=Programs Using This Concept dictionary.programworkflows=Program Workflows Using This Concept dictionary.programworkflowstates=Program Workflow States Using This Concept dictionary.resources=Resources dictionary.similarConcepts=Similar Concepts dictionary.merriam=Merriam Webster dictionary.upToDate=UpToDate dictionary.testsOnline=Lab Tests Online dictionary.containedInSets=Contained in Sets feedback.title=Feedback feedback.success=Your feedback has been successfully submitted feedback.error=There was an error submitting feedback. Please try again later Email Address feedback.subject=Subject feedback.message=Message feedback.send=Send Feedback logged in as header.logged.out=Not logged in header.login=Log in header.logout=Log out help.about.text={0}High Level Introduction{1} to OpenMRS help.administrator.text=Administrator's Guide to get in contact with the OpenMRS team? Check out the following outlets. help.developer.text=Developer's Guide Started with OpenMRS help.guides.text=OpenMRS guides help.irc.text=Chat with the OpenMRS team using {0}Internet Relay Chat.{1} help.mailing.text=Join a {0}Mailing List{1} which best fits your use of OpenMRS. help.modules.text=Modules Guide help.overview.text=OpenMRS overviews help.technical.text={0}Technical Overview{1} of OpenMRS help.title=OpenMRS Help help.troubleshoot.text=Troubleshooting Guide help.user.text=User's Guide an issue with OpenMRS? Tap into the extensive, ever growing OpenMRS community {0}Wiki{1} options.title=User Options options.default.legend=Defaults options.default.location=Default Location options.default.locale=Default Locale options.proficient.locales=Proficient Locales options.default.verbose=Verbose Display On options.showRetiredMessage=Show Retired Message? options.login.legend=Change Login Info options.login.username=Username options.login.password.old=Old Password Password options.login.password.confirm=Confirm New Password options.login.secretQuestion.about=You may create or edit your secret question below. The secret question can be used in the event you forget your password. options.login.secretQuestionNew=Secret Question options.login.secretAnswerNew=New Secret Answer options.login.secretAnswerConfirm=Confirm Secret Answer options.login.password.minCharacterCount=Must be at least {0} characters long options.login.password.containUpperCase=contain an uppercase character options.login.password.containNumber=contain at least one number options.login.password.containNonNumber=contain at least one non number options.login.password.cannotMatchUsername=cannot match username options.login.password.null=Password cannot be empty or null options.notify.legend=Notifications options.notify.internalOnly=Within the system only options.notify.internal=Within system, but notify by email for new messages options.notify.internalProtected=Email when possible, within system for protected data by email options.notify.notificationAddress=Send To Options options.saved=Options Saved options.not.saved=Options Not Saved error.options.secretAnswer.match=Answers do not match error.options.secretAnswer.empty=Answer should not be empty error.options.secretQuestion.empty=Question should not be empty error.username.weak=Invalid username. Must be at least 6 characters error.username.invalid=Invalid username. Username must be alphanumeric and cannot start with a number username. Username must be a valid e-mail. error.retired.requireMetadata=Who retired this and why? error.options.notificationAddress.invalid=Invalid notifications email address error.options.notificationAddress.empty=No notifications email address specified changePassword.hint.password.length=Password should have at least {0} characters changePassword.hint.password.bothCasesRequired=both upper and lower case characters changePassword.hint.password.digitRequired=at least one digit changePassword.hint.password.nonDigitRequired=at least one non digit patientDashboard.overview=Overview patientDashboard.summary=Summary patientDashboard.regimens=Regimens patientDashboard.encounters=Encounters patientDashboard.demographics=Demographics patientDashboard.deceased=Deceased patientDashboard.graphs=Graphs patientDashboard.graphs.title=over time patientDashboard.graphs.hide=Hide Graph Graph patientDashboard.formEntry=Form Entry patientDashboard.viewDashboard=View Patient Dashboard patientDashboard.showMoreIdentifers=Show More Identifiers patientDashboard.mostRecentObs=Most Recent Observations PatientDashboard.backToPatientDashboard=Back To Patient Dashboard patientDashboard.visits=Visits patientDashboard.visits.showing.pages=Showing page {0} of {1} patientDashboard.noPatientWithId=There is no patient with id: {0} patientGraphs.addNewGraph=Add New Graph provider.missing=Matata! I was unable to find any providers. Please try again. If this problem persists, then contact that friendly administrator immediately! ID provider.chw.names=Accompagnateur Full Name require.login=You must log in to continue. require.unauthorized=You are not authorized to view this page. require.ip_addr=Invalid session object.{0} is an invalid Date{0} is not a valid integer value{0} is not a valid value. Do not use decimals or characters. welcome=Welcome to {0}. Please login to proceed. welcomeUser=Hello, {0}. Welcome to {1}. # #### Openmrs POJO messages #### # Alert.mark=Mark this Alert as Read Alert.markAsRead=Mark as Read Alert.markAllAsRead=Mark all as Read Alert.markAllAlertsAsRead=Mark all alerts as Read Alert.mark.satisfiedByAny=Marking an alert as Read will hide it for all other users too Alert.unreadAlert=You have 1 unread alert Alert.unreadAlerts=You have {0} unread alerts Alert.assignedTo=Assigned To Alert.assignedTo.recipients={0} recipients Alert.assignedTo.recipient=1 recipient Alert.recipients=Recipients Alert.roles=Roles Alert.text=Alert Text Alert.text.required=Alert Text is required Alert.dateToExpire=Date To Expire Alert.satisfiedByAny=Satisfied By Any Alert.satisfiedByAny.description=Alert will be marked read for all recipients once one recipient does marks it. Alert.manage.titlebar=OpenMRS - Alert Management Alert.manage.title=Alert Management Alert.manage.header=OpenMRS - Alert Management Alert.add=Add Alert Alert.list.title=Alerts Alert.expire=Expire Selected Alerts Alert.includeExpired=Include Expired Alert Alert.recipientRequired=At least one recipient is required Alert.manage=Manage Alerts Alert.expired={0} alert(s) have been successfully expired Alert.addRole=Add Role must select at least one alert. Concept=Concept Concept.header=Concepts Concept.manage=View Concept Dictionary Concept.title=Concept Form internal unique id for this concept Concept.conceptClass=Class Concept.shortName=Short Name Concept.datatype=Datatype Concept.icd10=ICD10 Concept.loinc=LOINC Concept.suggestions=Suggestions Concept.synonym.add=Add Synonym Concept.synonyms=Synonyms Concept.answers=Answers Concept.version=Version optional way for you to keep track of which concepts came before others when changing/updating concepts Concept.conceptSets=Set Members that are considered to be packaged under the current concept Concept.conceptSets.empty=(Empty Set) Concept Concept.saveAndContinue=Save and Continue Concept.cancel=Cancel Concept.delete=Delete Concept Concept.find=Find Concept(s) Concept.retiredMessage=This concept is retired Name least one non-empty name is required text shown in report headers and other places where space is limited data is stored within this concept, this describes what it will look like Concept(s) in case this concept is a question value ranges for complex concept reponses e.g an x-ray image handler Concept.datatype.readonly=Observation data is stored using this concept. The datatype of a concept cannot be changed now. Concept.datatype.invalid=Invalid datatype of the concept to convert, should be Boolean label or name that refers to a primary concept. Concept.synonyms.voidReasonRequired=A reason is required for deleted synonyms Concept.synonyms.textRequired=An empty synonym is not allowed body of text used to fully describe this concept and how it is used. classification of the medical concept Concept.saved=Concept saved successfully save concept Concept.concepts.locked=Concept editing is locked. No editing is allowed. Concept.deleted=Concept deleted successfully Concept.cannot.delete=Cannot delete concept. Database constraints will be violated because this concept is in use by other objects. Concept.resources=Resources Concept.forms=Forms using this concept Concept.add=Add new Concept Id Concept.set=Is Set Concept.checkClassAndDatatype=Please ensure that this concept's class and datatype are correct. (class\=Question should typically not be datatype\=N/A.) a concept by typing in its name or Id: concept name or id Concept.view.title=Viewing Concept: {0} Concept.view.titlebar=OpenMRS - Viewing Concept {0} Concept.edit.titlebar=OpenMRS - Editing Concept {0} Concept.edit.title=Editing Concept: {0} Concept.view.header=Viewing Concept {0} Concept.edit.header=Editing Concept {0} Fully Specified or Preferred name is a duplicate name already has this specified concept name tag Concept.boolean.add.answer=Add Another Answer Concept.boolean.warning.irreversible=This is irreversible Concept.boolean.change.tooltip=Allows you to add other possible answers to a boolean concept Concept.boolean.confirm.add.answer=Are you sure you wish to add another answer? this name is the preferred name in its language and will be returned by default e.g on reports locale for a concept name cannot be null preferred name in the locale if any, otherwise the fully specified name generated unique Id generated unique ID locale in which the concept name belongs the concept is no longer in use this concept is or not a set Concept.error.multiple.non.retired=Multiple non-retired concepts found for mapping {0} from source {1} Concept.error.multipleLocalePreferredNames=Only one preferred name is allowed for each locale Concept.error.multipleFullySpecifiedNames=Only one fully specifies name is allowed for each locale index term cannot be the preferred name Concept.error.multipleShortNames=Only one short name is allowed for each locale fully specified name for this concept specified name must be unique. There is already a concept with this name Concept.error.invalid.locale=You should only use locales listed among allowed locales - No fully specified name found for this concept Concept.not.found=A Concept with name or id '{0}' was not found Concept.indexTerms=Search Terms Concept.indexTerm.add=Add Search Term index term or phrase that might be used to search for this concept but that is not valid for display purposes or storing in the record (e.g., common misspellings or pragmatic mapping term) Concept.indexTerms.voidReasonRequired=A reason is required for deleted search terms Concept.indexTerms.textRequired=An empty search term is not allowed short name cannot be the preferred name deleted concept name can't be the preferred name Concept.error.preferredName.null=Preferred name cannot be null, voided or an index term deleted concept name can't be the Fully Specified name Concept.error.fullySpecifiedName.notUnique=Fully specified name must be unique. There is already a concept with this name Concept.error.fullySpecifiedName.null=Fully Specified name cannot be null or voided Concept.error.shortName.null=Short name cannot be null the concept name is no longer in use name to be used on forms, reports etc. in case no preferred name is set for the locale Concept.fullySpecifiedName=Fully Specified Name Concept.localesWithErrors=Errors found in the following locale(s): should not be empty or white space character(s) only Concept.fullySpecified.textRequired=An empty fully specified name is not allowed Concept.delete.hasNameInUse=Cannot delete a concept that has a name being used by some observation(s) due to change of name while attempting to find concepts Concept.concept.retired.successFully=Concept Retired Successfully Concept.concept.unRetired.successFully=Concept Unretired Successfully Concept.concepts.locked.unRetire=Concept is locked.Unretiring is not allowed. Concept.drugFormulations=Drug Formulations for this Concept Concept.manageDrugFormulary=Manage Drug Formulary cannot have itself as an answer ConceptReferenceTerm.add.null=Cannot add a null concept reference term map Concept.datatype.empty=Concept datatype cannot be empty Concept.conceptClass.empty=Concept class cannot be empty ConceptStopWord.manage=Manage Concept Stop Word ConceptStopWord.title=Concept Stop Word ConceptStopWord.add=Add New Concept Stop Word ConceptStopWord.list.title=Current Concept Stop Words ConceptStopWord.delete=Delete Selected Concept Stop Word(s) Concept Stop Word ConceptStopWord.saved=Concept Stop Word saved ConceptStopWord.duplicated=Concept Stop Word already exists ConceptStopWord.notSaved=Concept Stop Word was not saved ConceptStopWord.error.value.empty=Concept Stop Word cannot be empty ConceptStopWord.error.notfound=Concept Stop Word not found or already deleted ConceptStopWord.error.notSelect=No Concept Stop Word(s) selected Concept.stats.titlebar=OpenMRS - Statistics for Concept {0} Concept.stats.title=Statistics for Concept {0} Concept.stats.header=Statistics for Concept {0} Concept.creatingNewConcept.title=OpenMRS - Creating New Concept Concept.noConceptSelected=No Concepts found - Invalid Concept Id Concept.creatingNewConcept.titlebar=OpenMRS - Creating New Concept Concept.creatingNewConcept=Creating New Concept Concept.confirmDelete=Are you sure you want to delete this ENTIRE CONCEPT? Concept.mapped.illegal=Illegal Mapped Concept Concept.mappings=Mappings mappings from this concept to any number of other concept sources (ICD9, SNOMED, etc) Concept.mapping.add=Add Mapping Concept.mappings.sourceCodeRequired=Source code is required Term is required Map Type is required Concept.mappings.type=Map Type Concept.mappings.relationship=Relationship Concept.mapping.sourceUnavailable=No concept source is available to map Concept.mapping.sourceAdd=Add Source Concept.wikipedia=Wikipedia Concept.newLocale=Specify a new locale to add for this concept. Concept.newLocale.label=Locale specification (example en_GB) Concept.usage=Concept Usage Concept.stats=Stats Concept.stats.numberObsAnsweredByConcept=Obs Answered by Concept Concept.stats.numberObs=Number of Obs Concept.stats.minValue=Min Concept.stats.maxValue=Max Concept.stats.meanValue=Mean Concept.stats.medianValue=Median Concept.stats.histogram=Histogram Concept.stats.timePlot=Time Plot Concept.stats.histogramDomainAxisTitle=Value Concept.stats.histogramRangeAxisTitle=Occurances Concept.stats.lineChartDomainAxisLabel=Time Concept.stats.lineChartRangeAxisLabel=Value Concept.stats.histogramOutliers=Histogram (w/o Outliers) Concept.stats.histogram.showOutliers=Show Outliers Concept.stats.histogram.hideOutliers=Hide Outliers Concept.stats.timeSeriesDomainAxisLabel=Date Concept.stats.timeSeriesRangeAxisLabel=Value Concept.stats.timeSeries=Time Series Concept.stats.notDisplayable=Stats are not available for this concept. Only numeric, coded, and boolean statistics are available currently. Concept.stats.codedPieChart=Coded Answer Pie Chart Concept.stats.booleanPieChart=Boolean Answer Pie Chart ConceptClass.manage=Manage Concept Classes ConceptClass.manage.title=Concept Class Management ConceptClass.title=Concept Class Form Concept Class ConceptClass.add=Add Concept Class ConceptClass.list.title=Current Concept Classes ConceptClass.delete=Delete Selected Concept Classes ConceptClass.saved=Concept Class saved ConceptClass.deleted=Concept Class deleted ConceptClass.cannot.delete=Cannot delete Concept Class. Database constraints will be violated. must select at least one concept class. ConceptDatatype.manage=Manage Concept Datatypes ConceptDatatype.manage.title=Concept Datatype Management ConceptDatatype.title=Concept Datatype Form Concept Datatype ConceptDatatype.add=Add Concept Datatype ConceptDatatype.list.title=Current Concept Datatypes ConceptDatatype.delete=Delete Selected Concept Datatypes ConceptDatatype.saved=Concept Datatype saved ConceptDatatype.deleted=Concept Datatype deleted ConceptDatatype.hl7Abbreviation=HL7 Abbreviation ConceptDrug.manage=Manage Concept Drugs ConceptDrug.manage.title=Concept Drug Management ConceptDrug.title=Concept Drug Form Concept Drug ConceptDrug.add=Add Concept Drug ConceptDrug.saved=Concept Drug saved ConceptDrug.purgeDrug=Permanently Delete Concept Drug ConceptDrug.confirmDelete=Are you sure you want to delete this Concept Drug? It will be permanently removed from the system. ConceptDrug.purgedSuccessfully=Concept Drug deleted successfully ConceptDrug.find=Find Concept Drugs on concept drug name ConceptDrug.concept=Concept ConceptDrug.combination=Combination ConceptDrug.dosageForm=Dosage Form ConceptDrug.doseStrength=Dose Strength ConceptDrug.minimumDailyDose=Minimum Dose ConceptDrug.maximumDailyDose=Maximum Dose ConceptDrug.route=Route ConceptDrug.units=Units ConceptDrug.strength=Strength ConceptDrug.list.empty=Currently, there are no drugs defined ConceptDrug.retiredMessage=This drug is retired by ConceptDrug.retireDrug=Retire this Drug ConceptDrug.unretireDrug=Unretire this Drug ConceptDrug.retire.reason.empty=Retire reason cannot be empty ConceptDrug.retiredSuccessfully=Drug retired successfully ConceptDrug.retired.getting=Getting retired drugs is no longer an options. Use the getAllDrugs() method for that ConceptDrug.unretiredSuccessfully=Drug unretired successfully ConceptDrug.error.conceptRequired=An empty concept is not allowed ConceptDrug.enterName=Enter drug name ConceptDrug.noDrugs=No Drugs ConceptDrug.ingredients=Drug Ingredients ConceptProposal.manage=Manage Proposed Concepts ConceptProposal.manage.title=Proposed Concept Management ConceptProposal.title=Proposed Concept Form ConceptProposal.list.title=Current Proposed Concept ConceptProposal.saved=Proposed concept saved ConceptProposal.encounter=Encounter ConceptProposal.originalText=Original Text ConceptProposal.finalText=Final Text ConceptProposal.comments=Comments ConceptProposal.commentsDescription=These comments will be sent to each proposer ConceptProposal.obs=Observation ConceptProposal.obsConcept=Obs Concept ConceptProposal.mappedConcept=Mapped Concept ConceptProposal.mappedConcept.error=A concept must be chosen if saving as Synonym or Creating Observation ConceptProposal.proposedBy=Proposed By ConceptProposal.includeCompleted=Include Completed new concept? ConceptProposal.proposeWarning=This text will be saved temporarily until an administrator can review it and add it to the list. ConceptProposal.proposeDuplicate=These concepts were proposed and accepted with the same text. ConceptProposal.proposeInfo=Please provide the text that was written on the form. All comments that you additionally provide will be appreciated. ConceptProposal.propose=Submit Concept ConceptProposal.saveAsConcept=Save as Concept ConceptProposal.saveAsSynonym=Save as Synonym ConceptProposal.update=Update Proposed Concept ConceptProposal.state=State ConceptProposal.state.error=Invalid combination for chosen State and the Save Button that was clicked ConceptProposal.state.CONCEPT=Concept ConceptProposal.state.UNMAPPED=Unmapped ConceptProposal.state.REJECT=Reject ConceptProposal.state.SYNONYM=Synonym ConceptProposal.possibleConcepts=Possible Concepts ConceptProposal.occurences=Occurences ConceptProposal.sortOn=Sort On ConceptProposal.sortOrder=Sort Order ConceptProposal.sortOrder.asc=Asc ConceptProposal.sortOrder.desc=Desc ConceptProposal.proposeNewConcept=Propose New Concept ConceptProposal.proposed=Concept has been proposed successfully ConceptProposal.ignore=Ignore Proposal ConceptProposal.alert.mappedTo=Proposed concept "{0}" has been mapped to "{1}". {2} ConceptProposal.alert.ignored=Proposed concept "{0}" has been analyzed. {1} ConceptProposal.update.note=Note: This update will effect {0} other concept proposal ConceptProposal.update.note.plural=s ConceptProposal.saveAsMapped=Save as mapped ConceptProposal.actionToTake=Action to take to save concept proposal, ensure you're not adding a duplicate synonym to the mapped concept ConceptProposal.alert.synonymAdded=The synonym "{0}" has been added to concept "{1}". {2} ConceptNumeric.absoluteHigh=Absolute High ConceptNumeric.absoluteLow=Absolute Low ConceptNumeric.criticalHigh=Critical High ConceptNumeric.criticalLow=Critical Low ConceptNumeric.normalHigh=Normal High ConceptNumeric.normalLow=Normal Low ConceptNumeric.invalid.msg=Invalid value for numeric ConceptNumeric.units=Units ConceptNumeric.allowDecimal=Allow Decimal? ConceptNumeric.displayPrecision=Display Precision ConceptNumeric.inclusive=range values are inclusive ConceptSource.manage=Manage Concept Sources ConceptSource.title=Concept Source Form ConceptSource.sourceIdSetup=Source Id Setup ConceptSource.sourceId=Source Id short descriptive name for this source to display in your installation ConceptSource.hl7Code=HL7 Code 5-20 character code defined for this source by governing bodies. Alternatively, this could be the "Implementation Id" code used by another OpenMRS installation to define its concepts and forms. long text description of your choosing to describe this source to other users. ConceptSource.saved=Concept Source saved ConceptSource.retired=Concept Source retired ConceptSource.restored=Concept Source restored ConceptSource.purged=Concept Source deleted forever Concept Source ConceptSource.isImplementationId=This concept source is defined as the implementation id for this server ConceptSource.add=Add New Concept Source ConceptSource.list.title=Current Concept Sources ConceptSource.cannotBeEdited=Note: A ConceptSource cannot be edited once it is created. If you must, delete this concept source and create a new one. ConceptSource.hl7Code.required=Hl7Code is required for a concept source is required ImplementationId.implementationId=Implementation Id Name descriptive name for this implementation (e.g. AMRS installation in Eldoret, Kenya) ImplementationId.invalidIdorPassphrase=Your implementation id is in use by another installation. Please choose another source key or enter the valid passphrase for this source id. Note\: The server stored description of the given passphrase is\: {0} ImplementationId.validatedId=Your implementation id has been successfully validated. ImplementationId.set=Set Implementation Id ImplementationId.setup=Implementation Id Setup ImplementationId.saved=Implementation Id Saved and Verify Implementation Id ImplementationId.dateValidated=Date Validated is the unique id for this implementation. Used as the HL7_CODE. Must be limited to 20 characters and numbers. The characters "^" and "|" are not allowed. describing this implementation. (e.g. Source for the AMPATH program in Kenya. Created by Paul Biondich) ImplementationId.passphrase=Pass Phrase text is a long text string that is used to validate who uses your implementation id. Multiple installations of openmrs can use the same implmentation id, but they must all know the passphrase. (Note that if an implementation id is shared, it is assumed that those installations are the same implementation). ImplementationId.connectionError=Error while connecting to the implementation id server to verify implementation id {0} implementation name is mandatory ImplementationId.implementationId.empty=The implementation Id cannot be empty ImplementationId.passphrase.empty=The Pass Phrase cannot be empty ImplementationId.description.empty=The Description cannot be empty ImplementationId.implementationId.invalidCharacter=The characters "^" and "|" are not allowed ImplementationId.null=ImplementationId cannot be null ConceptWord.title=Update Concept Index Storage ConceptWord.instructions=Input a concept id for a specific concept, 342-453 for a specific range, or leave blank to update the entire concept index database (may demand considerable cpu time). ConceptWord.manage=Update Concept Index ConceptWord.updated=Concept index updated successfully. ConceptWord.updateInProgress=Concept index update is in progress and could take 5-10 mins. The 'Update Concept Index' scheduled task will be marked as 'stopped' when this has finished. ConceptWord.rangeError=You specific an invalid range. Valid input is either n or n-m ConceptWord.conceptId=Concept Id: ConceptWord.conceptId.optional=(Optional) ConceptComplex.handler=Handler ConceptComplex.handler.manage=Manage Complex Handlers ConceptComplex.handler.manage.title=Manage Complex Handlers ConceptComplex.handler.list.title=Concept Complex Handlers ConceptComplex.handler.title=Concept Complex Handler ConceptComplex.handler.class=Handler Class Complex Handler ConceptComplex.handler.add=Add Complex Handler ConceptComplex.handler.delete=Delete Complex Handler Concept.mappings.termRequired=Mapped Term is required Concept.mappings.selectSource=Please select a concept source ConceptMapType=Concept Map Type ConceptMapType.manage=Manage Concept Map Types ConceptMapType.title=Concept Map Type Management ConceptMapType.form.title=Concept Map Type Form ConceptMapType.saved=Concept map type saved ConceptMapType.add=Add New Concept Map Type ConceptMapType.hidden=Is Hidden this to true will make this concept map type unvailable for usage however, it won't be retired ConceptMapType.retired=Concept map type has been retired ConceptMapType.unretired=Concept map type has been restored ConceptMapType.retiredMessage=Concept map type is retired ConceptMapType.list.title=Concept Map Types ConceptMapType.retire.error=Error while attempting to retire concept map type ConceptMapType.unretire.error=Error while attempting to restore concept map type ConceptMapType.error.nameRequired=Name is required while attempting to save concept map type concept map type name ConceptMapType.purged=Concept map type deleted forever ConceptMapType.purge.error=Error while attempting to delete concept map type permanently ConceptMapType.details=Concept Map Type Details ConceptMapType.hidden.message=Greyed out map types are hidden ConceptMapType.inUse=Concept map type is in use ConceptReferenceTerm=Reference Term ConceptReferenceTerm.manage=Manage Reference Terms ConceptAttributeType.manage.title=Manage Concept Attribute Types ConceptAttributeType.add.title=Add Concept Attribute Type ConceptAttributeType.list.title=Current Concept Attribute Types ConceptAttributeType.edit.title=Edit Concept Attribute Type ConceptAttributeType.retire.title=Retire Concept Attribute Type ConceptAttributeType.unretire.title=Unretire Concept Attribute Type Concept Attribute Type ConceptAttributeType.purge.title=Purge Concept Attribute Type ConceptAttributeType.saved=Saved Concept Attribute Type ConceptAttributeType.retired=Retired Concept Attribute Type ConceptAttributeType.unretired=Unretired Concept Attribute Type ConceptAttributeType.purgedSuccessfully=Deleted Concept Attribute Type Permanently ConceptAttributeType.error.nameAlreadyInUse=Specified Field Type name already exists, please specify another ConceptAttributeType.datatype.readonly=Concept attribute is already stored for this type. The datatype cannot be changed now. ConceptAttributeType.confirm.purge=Are you sure you want to purge this object? It will be permanently removed from the system. ConceptReferenceTerm.title=Reference Term Management ConceptReferenceTerm.form.title=Reference Term Form ConceptReferenceTerm.saved=Reference Term saved ConceptReferenceTerm.code=Code Name ConceptReferenceTerm.relatedTerms=Related Terms ConceptReferenceTerm.source=Source ConceptReferenceTerm.add=Add New Reference Term ConceptReferenceTerm.retired=Reference term has been retired ConceptReferenceTerm.unretired=Reference term has been restored ConceptReferenceTerm.retire.error=Error while attempting to retire reference term ConceptReferenceTerm.unretire.error=Error while attempting to restore reference term ConceptReferenceTerm.retiredMessage=Reference term is retired ConceptReferenceTerm.error.nameRequired=Name is required ConceptReferenceTerm.error.codeRequired=Code is required ConceptReferenceTerm.error.sourceRequired=Concept Source is required while attempting to save reference term reference term name in its concept source ConceptReferenceTerm.duplicate.code=Duplicate reference term code in its concept source ConceptReferenceTerm.find=Find Reference Term(s) Reference Terms By Name Or Code: while attempting to find reference term(s) ConceptReferenceTerm.error.mapTypeRequired=Map type is required ConceptReferenceTerm.source.notInDatabase=Only existing concept reference sources can be used ConceptReferenceTerm.mapType.notInDatabase=Only existing concept map types can be used ConceptReferenceTerm.error.termBRequired=Mapped term is required ConceptReferenceTerm.term.notInDatabase=Only existing reference terms can be mapped map a reference term to itself ConceptReferenceTerm.purged=Reference term deleted forever ConceptReferenceTerm.purge.error=Error while attempting to delete reference term permanently ConceptReferenceTerm.details=Reference Term Details ConceptReferenceTerm.termsWithMappingsToThis=Terms with Mappings To This Term ConceptReferenceTerm.searchAllSources=Search all sources ConceptReferenceTerm.searchBox.placeholder=Enter Code Or Name ConceptReferenceTerm.createNewTerm=Create New Term a new reference term without leaving this page ConceptReferenceTerm.newTermForm=New Reference Term Form ConceptReferenceTerm.term.alreadyMapped=Cannot map a reference term multiple times to the same concept ConceptRefereceTerm.inUse=Reference term is in use ConceptReferenceTerm.termToTerm.alreadyMapped=Cannot map a reference term multiple times to the same reference term ConceptReferenceTerm.foundMultipleTermsWithCodeInSource=Found multiple reference terms with the code: {0} in concept source {1} ConceptReferenceTerm.foundMultipleTermsWithNameInSource=Found multiple reference terms with the name: {0} in concept source {1} Drug.drugReferenceMap.mappedDrug=Drug is required on drug reference map Drug.drugReferenceMap.conceptReferenceTerm=Concept reference term is required on drug reference map Drug.drugReferenceMap.conceptMapType=Concept map type is required on drug reference map Drug.drugReferenceMap.termAlreadyMapped=Cannot map a drug multiple times to the same reference term DrugOrder.dose=Dose DrugOrder.units=Units DrugOrder.frequency=Frequency DrugOrder.prn=PRN DrugOrder.asNeeded=As Needed DrugOrder.complex=Complex DrugOrder.quantity=Quantity DrugOrder.quantityUnits=Unit of Quantity DrugOrder.drug=Drug DrugOrder.brandName=Brand name DrugOrder.regimens.current=Current and Future Regimens DrugOrder.regimens.add=Add Regimen DrugOrder.regimens.addStandard=Add a standard drug regimen DrugOrder.regimens.addCustom=Add your own drug regimen DrugOrder.regimens.completed=Completed Regimens DrugOrder.regimens.addOrChange=Add/Change Regimen DrugOrder.dateStopped=Date Stopped DrugOrder.discontinuedReason=Reason for stopping DrugOrder.autoExpireDate=Auto Expire Date DrugOrder.actualStopDate=Actual Stop Date DrugOrder.scheduledStopDate=Scheduled Stop Date DrugOrder.list.showAll=Show All Drug Orders DrugOrder.frequency.days=days DrugOrder.frequency.week=week DrugOrder.frequency.everyDay=Every day DrugOrder.list.noOrders=No orders DrugOrder.header.otherRegimens=OTHER REGIMENS DrugOrder.regimen.addAndReplace=Add & Replace DrugOrder.regimen.action.choose=Choose an action... DrugOrder.regimen.action.discontinue=Add & Stop current {0} DrugOrder.regimen.action.void=Add & Delete existing {0} DrugOrder.regimen.action.addToCurrent=Add to current regimen DrugOrder.discontinue=Stop DrugOrder.void=Delete DrugOrder.discontinueGroup=Stop this category DrugOrder.voidGroup=Delete this category DrugOrder.discontinue.reason.toxicity=Toxicity DrugOrder.discontinue.reason.failure=Failure DrugOrder.discontinue.reason.pregnancy=Pregnancy DrugOrder.discontinue.reason.interactionTB=Interaction with TB treatment DrugOrder.discontinue.reason.outOfStock=Out of stock DrugOrder.discontinue.reason.patientRefusal=Refusal by patient DrugOrder.discontinue.reason.other=Other DrugOrder.void.reason.dateError=Date error DrugOrder.void.reason.error=Error DrugOrder.void.reason.other=Other DrugOrder.regimen.action.discontinue.allCurrent=Add & Stop all current regimens DrugOrder.regimen.action.void.allCurrent=Add & Delete all current regimens DrugOrder.drugSet.discontinue.error.noDate=You must supply a date on which this regimen or set was discontinued. DrugOrder.add.error.missingDrug=You must choose a valid drug DrugOrder.add.error.missingDose=You must supply a valid dose DrugOrder.add.error.missingUnits=You must supply valid units DrugOrder.add.error.missingFrequency=You must supply a valid daily and/or weekly frequency DrugOrder.add.error.missingStartDate=You must supply a valid start date DrugOrder.add.error.missingFrequency.interactions=Set the {0} global property DrugOrder.error.unitsNotSetWhenDoseOrQuantitySpecified=Units should be set when either dose or quantity is specified DrugOrder.error.notAmongAllowedConcepts=The units concept must be among allowed concepts DrugOrder.error.durationUnitsRequiredWithDuration=Durations units is required when duration is specified DrugOrder.error.quantityUnitsRequiredWithQuantity=Quantity units is required when quantity is specified DrugOrder.error.doseUnitsRequiredWithDose=Dose Units is required when dose is specified DrugOrder.error.numRefillsIsNullForOutPatient=Number of refills is required for out patient drug orders DrugOrder.error.quantityIsNullForOutPatient=Quantity is required for out patient drug orders DrugOrder.error.dosingTypeIsMismatched=Dosing type of drug order is mismatched. Expected: {0} but received: {1} DrugOrder.error.doseIsNullForDosingTypeSimple=Dose is required for simple dosing type DrugOrder.error.doseUnitsIsNullForDosingTypeSimple=Dose units is required for simple dosing type DrugOrder.error.routeIsNullForDosingTypeSimple=Route is required for simple dosing type DrugOrder.error.frequencyIsNullForDosingTypeSimple=Frequency is required for simple dosing type DrugOrder.error.instructionIsNullForDosingTypeFreeText=Instructions is required for free text dosing type DrugOrder.error.dosingInstructionsIsNullForDosingTypeFreeText=Dosing instructions is required if dosing type is FreeText DrugOrder.error.routeNotAmongAllowedConcepts=The route concept must be among allowed concepts as specified by the order.drugRoutesConceptUuid global property DrugOrder.error.drugIsRequired=Drug is required DrugOrder.error.durationUnitsNotMappedToSnomedCtDurationCode=Duration units must be mapped to SNOMED CT duration code with the map type set to SAME-AS TestOrder.error.specimenSourceNotAmongAllowedConcepts=The specimen source concept must be among allowed concepts as specified by the order.testSpecimenSourcesConceptUuid global property ServiceOrder.error.specimenSourceNotAmongAllowedConcepts=The specimen source concept must be among allowed concepts as specified by the order.testSpecimenSourcesConceptUuid global property Duration.error.frequency.null=Frequency can not be null when duration in Recurring Interval Duration.unknown.code=Unknown code {0} for SNOMED CT duration units Encounter.header=Encounters Encounter.manage=Manage Encounters Encounter.manage.title=Encounter Management Encounter.title=Encounter Encounter.patient=Patient Encounter.form=Form Encounter.type=Encounter Type Encounter.type.retired=Retired Encounter.location=Location Encounter.provider=Provider Encounter.providers=Providers Encounter.provider.find=Find Provider Encounter.datetime=Encounter Date Encounter.find=Find Encounter by Encounter Id, Patient Identifier or name: encounter id, patient name or id Encounter.edit=Edit Encounter Encounter.view=View Encounter Encounter Encounter.add=Add Encounter Encounter.list.title=Current Encounters Encounter.delete=Delete Selected Encounters Encounter.saved=Encounter saved Encounter.deleted=Encounter deleted Encounter.observations=Observations Encounter.observations.view=View Observations for this Encounter Encounter.summary=Encounter Summary Encounter.enterer=Enterer Id Previous Encounters Encounter.last.encounters=Last Three Encounters Encounter.last.definedNumberOfEncounters=Last {0} Encounters Encounter.noFormDefined=(No form defined) {0} Encounter.searchPhraseCannotBeNull=Search phrase cannot be null Encounter.noMatchesFound=No matches found for {0} while attempting to find encounter Encounter.visit=Visit Encounter.visit.patients.dontMatch=The encounter and the visit it belongs to must both belong to the same patient Encounter.patientIdCannotBeNull=Patient Id cannot be null Encounter.error.patient.required=Patient is Required Encounter.error.encounterIdCannotBeNull=Encounter Id cannot be null Encounter.error.duplicateProviderEncounterRole=Provider cannot be added more than once for the same encounter role Encounter.error.encounterType.required=Encounter type is Required Encounter.error.privilege.required.edit=Privilege {0} required to edit encounters of this type Encounter.error.privilege.required.purge=Privilege {0} required to purge encounters of this type Encounter.error.privilege.required.unvoid=Privilege {0} required to unvoid encounters of this type Encounter.error.privilege.required.view=Privilege {0} required to view encounters of this type Encounter.error.privilege.required.void=Privilege {0} required to void encounters of this type save the encounter due to validation errors Encounter.datetimeShouldBeInVisitDatesRange=The encounter datetime should be between the visit start and stop dates. Encounter.datetimeShouldBeBeforeCurrent=The encounter datetime should be before the current date. Encounter.visits.enable=Enable Visits Encounter.visits.handler.choose=Choose Encounter Visit Handler which will be used to automatically assign Encounters to Visits Encounter.error.visits.handler.empty=You must choose Encounter Visit Handler Encounter.visits.configuration.savedSuccessfully=Visit Configuration Saved Encounter.provider.failedToAddProvider=Failed to add the provider Encounter.provider.failedToRemoveProvider=Failed to remove the provider Encounter.provider.selectEncounterRole=Please select an encounter role Encounter.provider.selectProvider=Please select a provider Encounter.provider.deleteProviderConfirm=Do you really want to remove the provider: Encounter.noEncounters=No encounters yet Encounter.provider.atleastOneProviderRequired=At least one provider is required Encounter.datetime.required=Encounter Date is required Encounter.transfer=Transfer Encounter.transfer.title=Transfer encounter Encounter.transfer.change=change Encounter.transfer.target_patient=Target patient Encounter.transfer.encounter_patient_changed=Encounter patient has been changed Encounter.transfer.confirm_patient_change=This will move this encounter and all of its data from {0} Encounter.transfer.are_you_sure=are you sure? is Required EncounterRole.saved=Encounter role saved EncounterRole.manage=Manage Encounter Roles EncounterRole.manage.title=Encounter Role Management EncounterRole.create=Create Encounter Role EncounterRole.edit=Edit Encounter Role EncounterRole.title=Encounter Role Encounter Role EncounterRole.add=Add Encounter Role EncounterRole.list.title=Current Encounter Roles EncounterRole.delete=Delete Encounter Role EncounterRole.retireEncounterRole=Retire Encounter Role EncounterRole.retiredSuccessfully=Encounter Role retired successfully EncounterRole.unretire=Unretire Encounter Role EncounterRole.unretired=Encounter Role unretired successfully EncounterRole.purgedSuccessfully=Encounter Role deleted forever successfully EncounterRole.purgeEncounterRole=Delete Encounter Role Forever EncounterRole.error.duplicateEncounterRoleNameSpecified=Encounter Role name already exists, please specify another EncounterType.manage=Manage Encounter Types EncounterType.manage.title=Encounter Type Management EncounterType.title=Encounter Type Encounter Type EncounterType.add=Add Encounter Type EncounterType.list.title=Current Encounter Types EncounterType.delete=Delete Selected Encounter Types EncounterType.saved=Encounter Type saved EncounterType.deleted=Encounter Type deleted EncounterType.cannot.delete=Cannot delete encounter type. Database constraints will be violated. must select at least one encounter type. EncounterType.retireEncounterType=Retire Encounter Type EncounterType.retire=Retire Selected Encounter Types EncounterType.retiredSuccessfully=Encounter Type retired successfully EncounterType.unretireEncounterType=Unretire Encounter Type EncounterType.unretiredSuccessfully=Encounter Type unretired successfully EncounterType.purgedSuccessfully=Encounter Type deleted forever successfully EncounterType.purgeEncounterType=Delete Encounter Type forever EncounterType.viewPrivilege=View Privilege privilege needed by a user to view encounters of this type EncounterType.editPrivilege=Edit privilege privilege needed by a user to edit encounters of this type EncounterType.privilege.disclaimer=You do not have permission to view all encounters data, so some information may not be displayed. EncounterType.encounterTypes.locked=Encounter Types editing is not allowed, encounter types are locked EncounterType.error.duplicateEncounterTypeNameSpecified=Encounter Type name already exists, please specify another Form.header=Forms Form.manage=Manage Forms Form.fieldType=Form Form.nonedeleted=No Forms deleted Form.edit=Edit Form Form.list.title=Forms Form.edit.title=Edit Metadata Form.edit.resources=Form Resources Design Form.add=Add Form Form.delete=Delete Form Form.deleted=Form deleted successfully Form.cannot.delete=Cannot delete form. Database restrictions are preventing it. Form.version=Version Form.version.invalid=Version must start with a number Form Form.create.duplicate=Create Form and Duplicate Schema Form.saved=Form saved Form.not.saved=Form was not saved Form.editProperties=Edit Metadata Form.designSchema=Design Schema Form.retiredMessage=This form is retired. Form.published=Published Form.unpublished=Unpublished Form.duplicate.or=or Duplicate Form Form.duplicate=Duplicate Form.duplicated=Form duplicated successfully Form.cannot.duplicate=Cannot duplicate form schema editing is disabled because this form has been published Form.preview=Preview: (click in form tree to edit) Form.formSchema=Form Schema Form.updateSortOrder=Update Element Sort Order Form.javascriptRequired=Javascript must be enabled to use the schema editor. Form.confirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this entire form AND schema? Form.auditSuccess={0} duplicate fields successfully merged Form.auditError=Duplicate Fields failed to be merged Form.manageResources=Manage Resources Form.resources.title=Form Resources Form.resources.existing=Current Resources Form.resource.value=Resource Value Form.resource.datatype=Datatype Form.resource.add=Add Resource Form.addResource.title=Add a Resource Form.addResource.chooseHandler=Choose a UI Handler for this resource Form.getFields.error={0} must be empty because this is not yet implemented Form.contains.FormField.error=Form contains FormField {0} that already belongs to a different form forms.locked=Forms are locked FormField.add=Add Form Field FormField.fieldNumber= Field \# FormField.fieldPart= Field Part FormField.pageNumber= Page \# FormField.minOccurs= Min FormField.maxOccurs= Max for infinite FormField.parent=Parent FormField.required=Required? FormField.field=Field Field Id FormField.edit=Edit FormField FormField.audit=Click 'Merge Duplicate Fields' button to consolidate duplicate fields found in form fields. Duplicate fields will be deleted and the form will then reference the consolidated field. FormField.auditButton=Merge Duplicate Fields FormField.auditConfirm=This operation cannot be reversed. Field.manage=Manage Fields Name Field.type=Field Type Field.concept=Concept Field.tableName=Table Field.attributeName=Attribute Field.selectMultiple=Select Multi? Field.forms=# Forms: Field.database=Database Field.editForThisForm=Edit for this Form Field.editForAllForms=Edit for all Forms Field.addNewField=Add New Field Field.title=Fields Fields by Name: Field.saved=Field Saved Field.Deleted=The field has been deleted Field.add=Add New Field Field.find=Find Field Elements Field.defaultValue=Default Value Field.editWarning=This field widget is being used on other forms. Editing could cause problems. Field.editWarning.allForms=Edit for all forms Field.editWarning.thisForm=Edit for this form only Field.deleteWarning=Deleting this field will permanently remove this from the database. Continue? Field.formTableTitle=Forms using this field FieldAnswer.manage=Manage FieldAnswers FieldType.manage=Manage Field Types FieldType.fieldType=Field Type FieldType.nonedeleted=No Field Types deleted FieldType.edit=Edit Field Type FieldType.list.title=Field Types FieldType.isSet=Is a Set FieldType.add=Add Field Type FieldType.delete=Delete Selected Field Types Field Type FieldType.saved=Field Type saved FieldType.cannot.delete=Cannot delete Field Type. Database constraints will be violated because this field type is in use by other objects. GlobalProperty.manage=Advanced Settings GlobalProperty.manage.title=Advanced Settings GlobalProperty.list.title=Current properties these properties GlobalProperty.remove=Remove? "{0}" deleted not delete property "{0}" GlobalProperty.add=Add Property required for new global property GlobalProperty.error.privilege.required.edit=Privilege: {0}, required to edit globalProperty: {1} GlobalProperty.error.privilege.required.purge=Privilege: {0}, required to purge globalProperty: {1} GlobalProperty.error.privilege.required.view=Privilege: {0}, required to view globalProperty: {1} GlobalProperty.saved=Global properties saved GlobalProperty.not.saved=Global properties not saved GlobalProperty.toDelete=Tagged for Deletion! GlobalProperty.error.loadVisitType=Global Property: visit.encounterTypeToVisitTypeMapping does not have a mapping for encounter type: {0} GlobalProperty.invalid.value=Invalid value for global property named: {0} GlobalProperty.missing=Missing global property named: {0} ServerLog.view=View Server Log ServerLog.view.title=Server Log SearchIndex.title=Search Index RebuildSearchIndex.title=Rebuild Search Index RebuildSearchIndex.message=Do not rebuild the index during data entry hours since most likely some results will be missing when the operation is in progress and a search is performed by the user. RebuildSearchIndex.inProgress.message=Rebuilding Search Index... RebuildSearchIndex.completed.message=Completed Rebuilding the Search Index RebuildSearchIndex.failure.message=There was a problem rebuilding the search index. Location.header=Locations Location.manage=Manage Locations Location.manage.title=Location Management Location.list.title=Current Locations Location.title=Location Location Location.add=Add Location Location.delete=Delete Locations Location.address1=Address Location.address2=Address 2 Location.cityVillage=City/Village Location.townVillage=Town/Village Location.village=Village Location.stateProvince=State/Province Location.state=State Location.province=Province Location.postalCode=Postal Code Location.latitude=Latitude Location.longitude=Longitude Location.saved=Location saved Location.deleted=Location deleted Location.missing=Matata! I was unable to find any locations. Location.district=District Location.sector=Sector Location.cell=Cell Location.zipCode=Zip Code Location.rwandanNeighborhood=Umudugudu Location.communityCouncil=Community Council Location.location=Location Location.sublocation=Sublocation Location.sectionHomestead=Section/Homestead Location.division=Division Location.township=Township Location.county=County Location.estateNearestCentre=Estate/Nearest Centre Location.ward=Ward Location.villageStreet=Village/Street Location.region=Region Location.neighborhood=Neighborhood Location.traditionalAuthority=Traditional Authority Location.cannot.delete=Cannot delete Location. Database constraints will be violated. location cannot be its own child! must select at least one location. Location.retireLocation=Retire this Location Location.unretireLocation=Unretire this Location Location.retired=Location retired successfully Location.unretired=Location unretired successfully Location.retiredList=Retired Location.parentLocation=Parent Location Location.parentLocation.error=Can't set parent to a child! As this would create a loop in the hierarchy. Location.childLocations=Child Locations Location.tags=Tags while attempting to find locations Location.noLocationsFound=No locations found. Please search again. Location.get.error=Error while attempting to get locations Location.cannot.add.transient.tags=Cannot add transient tags! Save all location tags to the database before saving this location name is required Location.retired.reason.required=Reason is required tag name is required Location.hierarchy=Location Hierarchy Location.hierarchy.view=View Location Hierarchy Location.hierarchy.heading=All Locations Location.hierarchy.chooseWidgetHeader=Location widget to use in the application Location.hierarchy.chooseWidgetStyle=Style Location.hierarchy.widget.default=Simple Location.hierarchy.widget.tree=Tree Location.hierarchy.example=Sample Location.hierarchy.exampleLabel=Choose a location Location.hierarchy.loop=Location hierarchy loop detected! You cannot add: '{0}' to the parent: '{1}' because it is in the parent hierarchy somewhere already and a location cannot be its own parent. LocationTag.manage=Manage Location Tags LocationTag.list.title=Current Location Tags LocationTag.edit.title=Editing Location Tag LocationTag.add=Add Location Tag LocationTag.description=Description LocationTag.saved=Saved LocationTag.purged=Location Tag deleted forever LocationTag.retired=Location Tag retired LocationTag.unretired=Location Tag unretired is required is already a tag with that name LocationTag.purge.allowed=This tag is not used, so you may delete it forever tag is in use, so you cannot delete it forever LocationTag.purgeRetire=Delete Forever/Retire LocationTag.locationsWithTag=Locations with this tag is required LocationAttributeType.manage=Manage Location Attribute Types LocationAttributeType.manage.title=Manage Location Attribute Types LocationAttributeType.add=Add Location Attribute Type LocationAttributeType.list.title=Current Location Attribute Types LocationAttributeType.add.title=Add Location Attribute Type LocationAttributeType.edit.title=Edit Location Attribute Type Location Attribute Type LocationAttributeType.retire=Retire Location Attribute Type LocationAttributeType.purge=Delete Location Attribute Type Forever LocationAttributeType.saved=Saved Location Attribute Type LocationAttributeType.retired=Retired Location Attribute Type LocationAttributeType.unretired=Unretired Location Attribute Type LocationAttributeType.purgedSuccessfully=Deleted Location Attribute Type Permanently LocationAttributeType.error.nameEmpty=Please enter a non empty unique name. LocationAttributeType.error.nameAlreadyInUse=The name you entered is already in use, please enter a unique name. Obs.header=Observations Obs.manage=Manage Observations Obs.manage.title=Observation Management Obs.title=Observation Obs.person=Person Obs.location=Location Obs.datetime=Observation Date Obs.find=Find Observation by Patient Identifier: Observation Obs.add=Add Observation Obs.list.title=Current Observations Obs.delete=Delete Selected Observations Obs.saved=Observation saved Obs.deleted=Observation deleted Obs.encounter=Encounter Obs.concept=Question Concept Obs.numericAnswer=Numeric Answer Obs.complexAnswer=Complex Value Obs.textAnswer=Text Answer Obs.codedAnswer=Answer Concept Obs.booleanAnswer=Boolean Answer Obs.datetimeAnswer=Date and time Answer Obs.timeAnswer=Time Answer Obs.dateAnswer=Date Answer Obs.value=Value Obs.valueDrug=Value Drug Obs.order=Order Obs.accessionNumber=Accession Number Obs.groupId=Obs Group Id Obs.valueGroupId=Value Group Id Obs.valueBoolean=Value Boolean Obs.valueCoded=Value Coded Obs.valueDatetime=Value Datetime Obs.valueNumeric=Value Numeric Obs.valueModifier=Value Modifier Obs.valueText=Value Text Obs.valueComplex.uploadNew=Upload New Value Obs.viewCurrentComplexValue=View current complex value in a new window Obs.downloadCurrentComplexValue=Download current complex value Obs.valueInvalid.description=Invalid Concept Selected! Obs.valueInvalid.didYouMean=Did you mean the concept to be\: Obs.dateStarted=Date Started Obs.dateStopped=Date Stopped Obs.comment=Comment Obs.edit=Edit Observations Obs.edited=This observation has been edited Obs.afterEncounter.created=This observation was added after the original creation of the encounter Obs.edit.description=In order to edit observations, search by Encounter first Obs.edit.reason.empty=Edit Reason cannot be empty Obs.edit.reason=Edit Reason Obs.creator.or.changedBy=Creator/Changed By Obs.form=Form date Obs.encounterDate=Encounter date save complex obs where obsId={0} because its ComplexData.getData() is null. Obs.error.cascading.purge.not.implemented=Cascading purge of obs not yet implemented Obs.error.ChangeMessage.required=ChangeMessage is required when updating an obs in the database save null obs Obs.error.groupContainsItself=Obs group contains itself recursively Obs.error.groupCannotHaveItselfAsAMentor=An obsGroup cannot have itself as a mentor. obsGroup: {0} obsMember attempting to add: {1} Obs.error.inGroupMember=A member of this obs group has an error Obs.error.noValue=Obs has no value Obs.error.setObsGroupId=I don't know what to do here because I don't know what the parent is of the group I'm being put into. This method is deprecated and should not be used. Obs.error.trying.write.complex=Trying to write complex obs to the file system. to convert complex data to a valid {0} and then read it into a buffered image Obs.error.unable.get.handler=Unable to get the handler for obs: {0} because the concept is null Obs.error.unable.get.handler.and.concept=Unable to get the handler for obs: {0} and concept: {1} because the handler is null to purge complex data for obs: {0} observations are no longer allowed to be queried Obs.error.while.trying.get.binary.complex=An error occurred while trying to get binary complex obs. writing binary data complex obs to the file system. Obs.error.precision=Assigning decimal value to numeric concept with "Allowed decimal" property set to false is not allowed. Obs.unvoidObs=Restore this Observation Obs.voidObs=Delete this Observation Obs.voidReason="Reason to Delete" Obs.void.reason.empty=Reason to delete cannot be empty Obs.void.reason=Delete Reason Obs.voidedSuccessfully=Obs deleted successfully Obs.unvoidedSuccessfully=Obs restored successfully Obs.answer.drug=Answer Drug Obs.error.invalidDrug=The answer concept and the concept associated to the drug should match Drug Name Obs.invalidImage=The attached file must be a valid image file Obs.namespaceAndPathTooLong=The combined length of the namespace and path for the form field should not exceed 254 characters Obs.namespaceAndPathNotContainSeparator=The namespace and path for the form field should not contain the charet character Obs.void.reason.default=Replaced with a new one because it was changed OrderType.manage=Manage Order Types OrderType.manage.title=Order Type Management OrderType.title=Order Type Order Type OrderType.add=Add Order Type OrderType.list.title=Current Order Types OrderType.delete=Delete Selected Order Types OrderType.saved=Order Type saved OrderType.deleted=Order Type deleted OrderType.list.empty=Currently, there are no order types defined OrderType.cannot.delete=Cannot delete Order Type. Database constraints will be violated. must select at least one order type.{0} is a duplicate order type name OrderType.duplicate={0} is already associated to another order type: {1} OrderType.parent.amongDescendants=A parent for an order type {0} can't also be its ancestor OrderType.failed.load.class=Failed to load class: {0} Order.header=Orders Order.manage=Manage Orders Order.manage.title=Order Management Order.title=Order Order Order.add=Add Order Order Order.list.title=Current Orders Order.list.empty=Currently, there are no orders Order.list.saved=Orders saved Order.delete=Delete Selected Orders Order.void=Delete Selected Orders Order.voidOrder=Delete this Order Order.unvoidOrder=Restore this Order Order.discontinueOrder=Discontinue this Order Order.undiscontinueOrder=Undiscontinue this Order Order.saved=Order saved Order.voidedSuccessfully=Order deleted successfully Order.unvoidedSuccessfully=Order Restored successfully Order.discontinuedSuccessfully=Order discontinued successfully Order.undiscontinuedSuccessfully=Order undiscontinued successfully Order.deleted=Order deleted Order.concept=Related Concept Order.conceptDrug=Drug Order.patient=Patient Order.encounter=Related Encounter Order.orderable=Orderable Order.orderer=Orderer Order.orderType=Order type Order.item.ordered=Item ordered Order.view.mine=View Orders Order.list.patient=View drug orders/regimen by patient Order.list.patient.choose=Select a patient Order.list.patient.title=Drug orders for Patient #{0} ({1}, {2}) Order.drug.add=Add Drug Order Order.drug.manage=Manage Drug Orders Order.drug.manage.title=Drug Order Management Order.drug.list.title=Current Drug Orders Order.drug.list.empty=Currently, there are no Drug Orders Order.drug.list.saved=Drug Orders saved Order.drug.header=Drug Orders Order.drug.title=Edit Drug Order Drug Order Order.drug.delete=Delete Selected Drug Orders Order.drug.saved=Drug Order saved Order.drug.deleted=Drug Order deleted Order for this Patient Order.error.encounterPatientMismatch=Encounter for this order must belong to Patient for this order Order.error.dateActivatedAfterDiscontinuedDate=Date activated must be before discontinued date Order.error.dateActivatedAfterAutoExpireDate=Date activated must be before auto-expire date orderable Order.error.dateActivatedInFuture=Date activated cannot be in the future Order.error.scheduledDateNullForOnScheduledDateUrgency=Scheduled date is required when urgency is set to on scheduled date Order.error.urgencyNotOnScheduledDate=Scheduled date should not be set when urgency is not set to on scheduled date Order.error.encounterDatetimeAfterDateActivated=Date activated cannot be before that of the associated encounter Order.error.orderTypeClassMismatchesOrderClass=The java type of an order must match that set on associated order type Order.error.invalidDateStoppedAndAutoExpireDate=The order has invalid dateStopped and autoExpireDate values Order.error.cannot.stop.inactive.order=Cannot stop an inactive order Order.action.cannot.discontinue=Cannot discontinue a discontinuation order Order.action.cannot.unvoid=Cannot unvoid a {0} order if the previous order is no longer active Order.cannot.edit.existing=Cannot edit an existing order, you need to revise it instead have more than one active order for the same orderable and care setting at same time determine the care setting of the order care setting does not match that of the previous order Order.class.doesnot.match=The class does not match that of the previous order Order.concept.required=concept is required for an order to set {0} for order: {1} Order.frequency.cannot.delete=This order frequency cannot be deleted because it is already in use Order.frequency.cannot.edit=This order frequency cannot be edited because it is already in use Order.previous.concept=The concept of the previous order and the new one order don't match Order.previous.drug=The drug of the previous order and the new one order don't match Order.previous.required=Previous Order is required for a revised order Order.cannot.discontinue.inactive=Cannot stop an order that is already stopped, expired or voided Order.type.cannot.delete=This order type cannot be deleted because it is already in use Order.type.cannot.determine=Cannot determine the order type of the order, make sure the concept's class is mapped to an order type Order.type.class.does.not.match=The java class specified on the Order type ({0}) does not match that of the order instance ({1}) Order.type.doesnot.match=The order type does not match that of the previous order Order.orderable.doesnot.match=The orderable of the previous order and the new one order don't match Patient.header=Patients Patient.title=Patient Search Patient.searchBox=Patient Identifier or Patient Name: Patient.searchBox.placeholder=Enter patient name or id Patient.find=Find Patient(s) Patient.findBy=Find a patient by name or identifier: Patient.manage=Manage Patients Patient.identifier=Identifier error.identifier=Invalid Identfier Patient.identifiers=Patient Identifiers Patient.edit=Edit this Patient Patient.edit.short=Edit this Patient (Short Form) Patient.create=Create a New Patient Patient.verboseListing=Verbose listing Patient.dashboard.title=Patient Dashboard Patient.patientDeceased=This patient is deceased Patient.gender=Gender Patient.gender.male=Male Patient.gender.female=Female Patient.regimen = Regimen Patient.weight = Weight Patient.height = Height Patient.bmi = BMI Patient.cd4 = CD4 Patient.returnVisit=Return Visit Patient.encounters=Encounters Patient.lastEncounter = Last encounter Patient.addNew=Add New Patient Patient.findOrCreate=Find/Create a Patient Information Regimen History History Count History Alerts Notes Signs and Lab Information Patient.outcome.exitType=Type of exit Patient.outcome.exitFromCare=Exit Patient from Care Patient.outcome.resumeCare=Resume Care Patient.outcome.resumeCareReason.required=Please provide a reason for resuming care Patient.outcome.exitDate=Date of exit Patient.outcome.error.noType=You must supply a valid type of exit to proceed Patient.outcome.error.noDate=You must supply a valid date of exit to proceed Patient.outcome.error.noCauseOfDeath=You must supply a valid cause of death if indicating that a patient has died Patient.outcome.readyToSubmit=You have chosen to end patient care for this patient for the following reason and on the following date - are you sure you want to proceed? Patient.outcome.exit.cancelReason=What is the reason for resuming care? Patient.groups=Patient Groups Patient.addresses=Patient Addresses Patient.names=Patient Names Patient.actions=Patient Actions Patient.information=Patient Information Patient.addNewIdentifier=Add New Identifier Patient.addNewName=Add New Name Patient.addNewAddress=Add New Address Patient.removeThisIdentifier=Remove this identifier Patient.removeThisName=Remove this name Patient.removeThisAddress=Remove this address Name Patient.patientExitedCare=This patient was exited from care Patient.patientCareExitDate=Exit Date Patient.patientCareExitReason=Exit Reason patient.birthdate=Birthdate patient.deathDate=Deathdate error.names.length=Must have 1 or more names defined error.addresses.length=Must have 1 or more addresses defined error.identifiers.length=Must have 1 or more identifiers defined must define the Given Name while attempting to find patients Patient.cannot.merge=Cannot merge patients where the not preferred patient has unvoided orders Patient.cause.null=Cause supplied to method is null date supplied to method is null date supplied to method is null can't be null and the reason should not be an empty string Patient.identifier.null=PatientIdentifier argument or one of its required fields is null or invalid Patient.identifier.retire.reason=A reason is required when retiring an identifier type on voided identifiers is no longer allowed to exit from care an invalid patient. Cannot proceed Patient.invalid.dead=Attempting to set an invalid patient's status to 'dead' Patient.merge.cancelled=Merge operation cancelled: Cannot merge user {0} to self must be at least one attribute supplied to search on supply a valid causeOfDeath (even if 'Unknown') when indicating that a patient has died supply a valid dateExited when indicating that a patient has left care supply a valid dateDied when indicating that a patient has died supply a valid reasonForExit (even if 'Unknown') when indicating that a patient has left care Patient.null=Patient supplied to method is null on voided patients is no longer allowed Patient Patient.saved=Patient saved Patient.delete=Delete Patient Forever Patient.deleted=Patient deleted forever Patient.cannot.delete=This patient cannot be deleted Patient.voided=Patient deleted Patient.error.void.reasonEmpty=Delete reason cannot be empty Patient.unvoided=Patient restored Patient.includeVoided=Include deleted Patient.other.identifiers=Other Identifiers Patient.other.addresses=Other Addresses Patient.other.names=Other Names a Patient Patient.returned=Patients Returned Patient.merge=Merge Patients Patient.merge.tabLabelPrefix=Patient Patient.mergeThis=Merge this patient with another merge failed Patient.merge.find=Find Patients to Merge Patient.merge.search_on=Search on Patient.merge.minimum=Choose a minimum of two attributes Patient.merge.title=Merge Patients two or more patients to continue Patient.merge.warning=Merging patients is something that should not be taken lightly. It is extremely difficult to undo and quite potentially impossible.

Continue only if you are 100% positive these are the same patients. Patient.merge.preferred=Preferred Patient.merge.notPreferred=Not Preferred Patient.merge.includeVoided=Include deleted Patient.merged=Patients merged successfully Patient.merge.patient.NoUnvoidedOrders=Not preferred patient(s) should not have any unvoided orders Patient.merge.cannotHaveSameTypeActiveOrders=Cannot merge patients. Both {0} and {1} patients have active [{2}] orders. Id Patient.voidedMessage=This patient has been deleted. Patient.delete.warningMessage=Are you sure you want to do this?

This will attempt to completely delete this patient from the system. This is usually the wrong thing to do: if you want to "delete" a patient then you should "Delete" them with the checkbox above. Patient.delete.finalWarning=Are you sure you want to delete this ENTIRE PATIENT? Patient.warning.minimalSearchResults=Minimal patients returned. Results for: {0} Patient.warning.inValidIdentifier=WARNING: Identifier has been typed incorrectly! Please double check the identifier. Patient.warning.duplicateIdentifierTypes=WARNING: Multiple identifiers of selected identifier type Patient.message.validIdentifier=This identifier has been entered correctly, but still no patients have been found. Patient.void=Delete Patient Patient.unvoid=Restore Patient PatientForm.default.voidReason=Deleted from patient form PatientIdentifier.title.endUser=ID Number(s) PatientIdentifier.identifier=Identifier PatientIdentifier.location=Location PatientIdentifier.location.identifier=Identifier Location PatientIdentifier.location.null=Identifier Location cannot be null for {0} PatientIdentifier.location.notApplicable = Not applicable PatientIdentifier.identifierType=Identifier Type PatientIdentifier.identifierType.null=Identifier Type cannot be null for {0} PatientIdentifier.add=Add Identifier PatientIdentifier.identifier.invalid=Invalid identifier {0,string} PatientIdentifier.error.null=Patient Identifier cannot be null PatientIdentifier.error.nullOrBlank=Identifier cannot be null or blank PatientIdentifier.validCheckDigit=Valid Check Digit PatientIdentifier.error.formatInvalid=Patient identifier format is invalid PatientIdentifier.error.checkDigit=Patient identifier check digit is invalid PatientIdentifier.error.checkDigitWithParameter=Invalid check digit for identifier: {0} PatientIdentifier.error.notUnique=Patient identifier is already in use by another patient PatientIdentifier.error.notUniqueWithParameter=Identifier {0} already in use by another patient PatientIdentifier.error.duplicate=Patient already has this identifier PatientIdentifier.error.general=Non-specific error with patient identifier PatientIdentifier.error.insufficientIdentifiers=At least one Patient Identifier is required for each patient PatientIdentifier.error.invalidFormat=Identifier \"{0}\" does not match : \"{1}\" PatientIdentifier.error.unallowedIdentifier=Identifier {0} is not appropriate for validation scheme {1} PatientIdentifier.type=Patient Identifier Type PatientIdentifierType.manage=Manage Identifier Types PatientIdentifierType.manage.title=Patient Identifier Type Management PatientIdentifierType.title=Patient Identifier Type Form PatientIdentifierType.format=Regex Format Identifier Type PatientIdentifierType.add=Add Patient Identifier Type PatientIdentifierType.list.title=Current Patient Identifier Types PatientIdentifierType.delete=Delete Selected Identifier Types PatientIdentifierType.saved=Identifier Type saved PatientIdentifierType.deleted=Identifier Type deleted PatientIdentifierType.checkDigit=Has CheckDigit PatientIdentifierType.null=Identifier Type cannot be null PatientIdentifierType.required=Is required PatientIdentifierType.formatDescription=Description of format (to help guide user) PatientIdentifierType.validator=Identifier validator PatientIdentifierType.locationBehavior=Location behavior PatientIdentifierType.locationBehavior.NOT_USED=Not used PatientIdentifierType.locationBehavior.REQUIRED=Required PatientIdentifierType.cannot.delete=Cannot delete Patient Identifier Type. Database constraints will be violated. must select at least one patient identifier type. PatientIdentifierType.retirePatientIdentifierType=Retire Patient Identifier Type PatientIdentifierType.unretirePatientIdentifierType=Unretire Patient Identifier Type PatientIdentifierType.retiredSuccessfully=Patient Identifier Type retired successfully PatientIdentifierType.unretiredSuccessfully=Patient Identifier Type unretired successfully PatientIdentifierType.purgePatientIdentifierType=Delete Patient Identifier Type Forever PatientIdentifierType.purgedSuccessfully=Patient Identifier Type deleted forever successfully PatientIdentifierType.uniquenessBehavior=Uniqueness Behavior PatientIdentifierType.uniquenessBehavior.UNIQUE=Unique PatientIdentifierType.uniquenessBehavior.NON_UNIQUE=Non Unique PatientIdentifierType.uniquenessBehavior.LOCATION=Location PatientIdentifierType.locked=You tried to edit a patient identifier type while patient identifier types are locked PatientSummary.manage=View Patient Summaries Summary.returnVisitDate=Return Visit Date: Summary.start=Start Summary.end=End Summary.andOr=and/or Summary.lastLocation=Last Location Summary.lastLocation.encounter=Patient's last encounter location Summary.identifier=Identifiers Summary.identifier.description=One patient identifier per line Summary.button.submit=Generate Person.title=Person Person.create=Create Person Person.create.user=Create User Person.create.patient=Create Patient Person.find=Find a Person Person.add=Adding a Person Person.add.user=Adding a User Person.add.patient=Adding a Patient Person.age=Age Person.header=Person create a new person, enter the person's name and other information below first to double-check that they don't already have a record in the system. you do not see the person you are looking for in the list above, then create them. (Please make sure to search thoroughly before doing this.) Similar People is a list of people who seem similar to the one you are about to create.
If the person you are in the process of creating already exists, select them from the list below. Otherwise click the button below to continue creating a new person. cannot find the person on the list person name or id name Name Person.includeVoided=Include deleted select a name Person.names=Names Person.names.length=You must define at least one name Person.address=Address Person.addresses=Addresses Person.addresses.length=Persons must have an address Person.information=General Person Information Person.gender=Gender Person.gender.choose=Choose Person.gender.male=Male Person.gender.female=Female Person.gender.required=Please select a gender Person.age.years=yrs Person.age.year=yr Person.age.unknown=Age unknown Person.age.yearsOld={0} year(s) old Person.age.or=or Age Person.age.required=Age is required Person.age.error=Error in age Person.birthdate.required=Please select a valid birthdate or age Person.birthdate=Birthdate Person.birthdateEstimated=Estimated Person.dead=Deceased Person.dead.checkboxInstructions=Check if this person is deceased Person.dead.causeOfDeathAndCauseOfDeathNonCodedNull=Cause of Death or Cause of Death (non coded) is required for people marked as deceased. Person.deathDate=Death Date Person.deathdateEstimated=Estimated Person.causeOfDeath=Cause of Death Person.searchBox=Person Name Person.addNew=Add New Person Person.addNew.msg=If no results are found, add a new person. Person.allObservations=All observations Person.allObservationsForConcept=All observations for {0} Person.findBy=Find a person by name or identifier: while attempting to find people while attempting to save patient Patient.duplicateName={0} is a duplicate name for the same patient Patient.duplicateAddress={0} is a duplicate address for the same patient Person.manage=Manage Persons Person.addNewName=Add New Name Person.addNewAddress=Add New Address Person.removeThisName=Remove this name Person.removeThisAddress=Remove this address Person Person.saved=Person saved Person.delete=Delete Person Forever Person.delete.warningMessage=Are you sure you want to do this?

This will attempt to completely delete this person from the system. This is usually the wrong thing to do: if you want to "delete" a person then you should "Delete" them with the button below. Person.delete.finalWarning=Are you sure you want to purge this ENTIRE PERSON? Person.deleted=Person deleted forever Person.cannot.delete=This person cannot be purged Person.cannot.delete.linkedTo.users=This person cannot be deleted forever, because is linked to Users: Person.cannot.delete.linkedTo.providers=This person cannot be deleted forever, because is linked to Providers: Person.cannot.void.linkedTo.providers=This person cannot be deleted, because is linked to Providers: Person.voided=Person deleted Person.voidedMessage=This person has been deleted. Person.unvoided=Person restored Person.void=Delete Person Person.unvoid=Restore Person Person.shouldHaveAtleastOneNonVoidedName=Person must have at least one non-deleted name Person.notFoundCreate=Not found: create a new Person record Person.cannot.same=Person A and Person B can't be the same Person.invalid.displayType.attribute={0} is an invalid value for 'displayType' attribute Person.invalid.personType.attribute={0} is an invalid value for 'personType' attribute Person.retiring.reason.required=A reason is required when retiring a person attribute type Person.should.consider.voided=You should consider voided people as if they are deleted and they cannot be searched Person.voided.bit=The voided bit was set to true, so a void reason is required at save time for person: {0} PersonForm.default.voidReason=Deleted from person form Person.dead.shouldHaveOnlyOneCauseOfDeathOrCauseOfDeathNonCodedSet=Either cause of death or cause of death non coded should be set. Not both. PersonName.givenName=Given PersonName.middleName=Middle PersonName.firstName=First Name PersonName.secondName=Second Name PersonName.familyNamePrefix=Family Name Prefix PersonName.familyName=Family Name PersonName.familyName1=Family Name 1 PersonName.familyName2=Family Name 2 PersonName.familyNameSuffix=Family Name Suffix PersonName.prefix=Prefix PersonAddress.address1=Address PersonAddress.address2=Address 2 PersonAddress.cityVillage=City/Village PersonAddress.stateProvince=State/Province PersonAddress.postalCode=Postal Code PersonAddress.latitude=Latitude PersonAddress.longitude=Longitude PersonAddress.village=Village PersonAddress.state=State PersonAddress.province=Province PersonAddress.isActive=Is Active PersonAddress.startDate=Start Date personAddress.endDate=End Date PersonAddress.error.endDateBeforeStartDate=The 'end date' for address {0} shouldnot be earlier than the 'start date' PersonAddress.error.startDateInFuture=The 'start date' for address {0} is in the future PersonAddress.error.endDateInFuture=The 'end date' for address {0} is in the future PersonAttributeType.manage=Manage Person Attribute Types PersonAttributeType.manage.title=Person Attribute Management Person Attribute Type PersonAttributeType.saved=Person Attribute Type saved PersonAttributeType.delete=Delete Person Attribute PersonAttributeType.searchable=Searchable this type can be searched on or not PersonAttributeType.format=Format of a Java or OpenMRS class. PersonAttributeType.foreignKey=Foreign Key id of the object specified by 'format' PersonAttributeType.add=Add New Person Attribute Type PersonAttributeType.list.title=Attribute Types PersonAttributeType.title=Person Attribute Type PersonAttributeType.viewingListing.title=Listing and Viewing of Person Attribute Types PersonAttributeType.viewingListing.saved=Listing and viewing person attributes saved separated Person Attribute names PersonAttributeType.patient.listing=Patient Listing Attributes shown when patients are displayed in a list PersonAttributeType.patient.viewing=Patient Viewing Attributes shown when viewing a patient's metadata PersonAttributeType.patient.header=Patient Header Attributes shown in the header of the patient dashboard PersonAttributeType.user.listing=User Listing Attributes shown when users are displayed in a list PersonAttributeType.user.viewing=User Viewing Attributes shown when viewing a user's metadata PersonAttributeType.editPrivilege=Edit privilege privilege needed by a user to edit this person attribute must select at least one person attribute type. PersonAttributeType.error.nameEmpty=Please enter a nonempty unique name. PersonAttributeType.error.formatEmpty=Please select a non empty format PersonAttributeType.error.nameAlreadyInUse=The name you entered is already in use, please enter a unique name. PersonAttributeType.moveup=Move Up PersonAttributeType.movedown=Move Down PersonAttributeType.retirePersonAttributeType=Retire Person Attribute Type PersonAttributeType.retiredSuccessfully=Person Attribute Type retired successfully PersonAttributeType.purgePersonAttributeType=Delete Person Attribute Type Forever PersonAttributeType.purgedSuccessfully=Person Attribute Type deleted forever successfully PersonAttributeType.unretiredSuccessfully=Person Attribute unretired successfully PersonAttributeType.UnretirePersonAttributeType=Unretire Person Attribute Type PersonAttributeType.UnretirePersonAtrributeMessage=Are you sure you want to unretire this object? It will then be restored to the system bug in older versions of OpenMRS allowed you to choose java.util.Date, which caused data to be stored in the user's date format. That means that if someone recorded a date in dd/mm/yyyy and you attempt to view it or edit it in mm/dd/yyyy format then things will break. If you are seeing this message then you have a Person Attribute Type in your database whose format is set to java.util.Date.

You need to manually change all the data stored in the person_attribute table for this type to yyyy-mm-dd format, and then change the format of this Person Attribute Type to be an AttributableDate. PersonAttributeType.locked=You tried to edit a person attribute type while person attribute types are locked PersonAttributeType.Mother'sName=Mother's Name PersonAttributeType.HealthCenter=Health Center PersonAttributeType.Birthplace=Birthplace PersonAttributeType.Citizenship=Citizenship PersonAttributeType.CivilStatus=Civil Status PersonAttributeType.HealthDistrict=Health District PersonAttributeType.Race=Race must have the following privileges in order to assign them: {0} Privilege.manage=Manage Privileges Privilege.manage.titlebar=OpenMRS - Privilege Management Privilege.manage.title=Privilege Management Privilege.title=Privilege Form Privilege.manage.header=Privilege Management Privilege.privilege=Privilege Name error.privilege=Privilege cannot be empty Privilege Privilege.add=Add Privilege Privilege.list.title=Current Privileges Privilege.delete=Delete Selected Privileges Privilege.saved=Privilege saved Privilege.deleted=Privilege deleted Privilege.cannot.delete=Cannot delete Privilege. Database constraints will be violated. Privilege.cannot.delete.core=Cannot delete a core privilege must select at least one privilege. CohortBuilder.header=Cohort Builder Relationship.portlet.title=Relationships Relationship.manage=Manage Relationships Relationship.manage.title=Relationship Management Relationship.title=Relationship Form Relationship.add=Add a new relationship Relationship Relationship.saved=Relationship saved Relationship.list.title=Current Relationships Relationship.void=Delete Selected Relationships Relationship.unvoid=Restore Selected Relationships Relationship.delete=Delete Selected Relationships Relationship.deleted=Relationship deleted Relationship.missing=Relationship is missing a Relationship Relationship.patient=Patient Relationship.user=User Relationship.relationship=Relationship Relationship.relationships=Relationships Relationship.relationshipType=Relationship Type Relationship.relative=Relative Relationship.remove=Remove Relationship Relationship.person=Person Relationship.possessive='s Relationship.patient.providers=Providers the name of an accompagnateur below: the name of an {0} below: Relationship.error.everything=You must specify a person and a relationship type Relationship.error.same=You can't create a relationship between a person and themself Relationship.whatType=What type of relationship? Relationship.startDateQuestion=When did the relationship begin (optional)? Relationship.startDateLong=Relationship Start Date Relationship.endDateLong=Relationship End Date Relationship.startDate=Start Date Relationship.endDate=End Date Relationship.edit=Edit Relationship Relationship.InvalidDate.error=End Date should not be before Start Date Relationship.emptyReason=Reason cannot be empty Relationship.retiring.reason.required=A reason is required when retiring a relationship type relationships should be considered gone and unusable. Don't search for or show them RelationshipType.names=Names RelationshipType.manage=Manage Relationship Types RelationshipType.manage.title=Relationship Type Management RelationshipType.title=Relationship Type Form Relationship Type RelationshipType.add=Add Relationship Type RelationshipType.list.title=Current Relationship Types RelationshipType.delete=Delete Selected Relationship Types RelationshipType.retireRelationshipType=Retire Relationship Type RelationshipType.unretireRelationshipType=Unretire Relationship Type RelationshipType.saved=Relationship type saved RelationshipType.deleted=Relationship type deleted RelationshipType.null=Relationship type cannot be null RelationshipType.aIsToB=A is to B RelationshipType.bIsToA=B is to A RelationshipType.aIsToB.required=A is to B name is required RelationshipType.bIsToA.required=B is to A name is required RelationshipType.description.required=Description is required RelationshipType.views.title=Manage Relationship Type Views RelationshipType.views.order=Display Order listing types, this value is used as the sorting order RelationshipType.views.preferred=Preferred types are the ones that will be shown by default when a user is filling in a person's relationships RelationshipType.views.saved=Views saved for Relationship Types RelationshipType.cannot.delete=Cannot delete Relationship Type. Database constraints will be violated. must select at least one relationship type. RelationshipType.retiredSuccessfully=Relationship Type retired successfully RelationshipType.unretiredSuccessfully=Relationship Type unretired successfully RelationshipType.purgedSuccessfully=Relationship Type deleted forever successfully RelationshipType.purgeRelationshipType=Delete Relationship Type Forever Relationship.InvalidEndDate.error=Please Select valid End Date which after Start Date #temporary: RelationshipType.mother=Mother Role.manage=Manage Roles Role.manage.title=Role Management Role.manage.titlebar=OpenMRS - Role Management Role.manage.header=Role Management Role.title=Role Form Role.role=Role error.role=Role cannot be empty Role Role.add=Add Role Role.inheritedPrivileges.description=Greyed out checkboxes represent privileges inherited from other roles, these cannot be removed individually. Role.inheritedRoles=Inherited Roles Role.inheritedRoles.description=This role inherits privileges from these roles Role.inheritingRoles.description=Roles that contain (inherit privileges from) this role Role.cannot.inherit.descendant=Cannot inherit a descendant role. Role.privileges=Privileges Role.list.title=Current Roles Role.delete=Delete Selected Roles Role.saved=Role saved Role.deleted=Role deleted Role.superuser.hasAllRolesAndPrivileges=[Has all roles and privileges] Role.leaveForm=Changes to this role will not be saved if you leave this form Role.cannot.delete=Cannot delete Role. Database constraints will be violated. Role.cannot.delete.with.child=Cannot delete a role with child role(s). Role.cannot.delete.core=Cannot delete a core role must select at least one role. Settings.title=Settings SystemInfo.title=System Information SystemInfo.description=Access to general system information, global settings, etc. SystemInfo.overview=System Information SystemInfo.value=Value SystemInfo.version=Version SystemInfo.status=Status SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.operatingSystem=Operating System SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.operatingSystemArch=Operating System Architecture SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.operatingSystemVersion=Operating System Version SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.javaVersion=Java Version SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.javaVendor=Java Vendor SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.jvmVersion=JVM Version SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.jvmVendor=JVM Vendor SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.javaRuntimeVersion=Java Runtime Version SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.javaRuntimeName=Java Runtime Name SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.userName=User Name SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.systemLanguage=System Language SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.systemTimezone=System Timezone SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.fileSystemEncoding=Filesystem Encoding SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.tempDirectory=Temp Directory SystemInfo.JavaRuntimeEnv.userDirectory=Java User Home Directory SystemInfo.OpenMRSInstallation.systemDate=System Date SystemInfo.OpenMRSInstallation.systemTime=System Time SystemInfo.OpenMRSInstallation.openmrsVersion=OpenMRS Version SystemInfo.OpenMRSInstallation.serverURL=Server Base URL Schema Name SystemInfo.Database.connectionURL=Database Connection URL SystemInfo.Database.userName=Database User Name SystemInfo.Database.password=Database Password SystemInfo.Database.driver=Database Driver Name SystemInfo.Database.dialect=Database Dialect SystemInfo.Memory.totalMemory=Total Memory SystemInfo.Memory.freeMemory=Free Memory SystemInfo.Memory.maximumHeapSize=Maximum Heap Size SystemInfo.Memory.unusedMemory=Unused Memory SystemInfo.title.openmrsInformation=OpenMRS Information SystemInfo.title.javaRuntimeEnvironmentInformation=Java Runtime Environment Information SystemInfo.title.memoryInformation=Memory Information SystemInfo.title.dataBaseInformation=DataBase Information SystemInfo.title.moduleInformation=Module Information SystemInfo.Module.repositoryPath=Local repository SystemInfo.hostname=Host Name User.header=Users User.manage=Manage Users User.manage.title=User Management User.manage.titlebar=OpenMRS - User Management User.title=Add/Edit User User.manage.header=User Management User.title.add=Add User User.title.edit=Edit User User.needsAPerson=A User account must belong to a Person in the system User.demographicInfo=Demographic Info User.loginInfo=Login Info User.systemId=System Id User.systemId.willBeGenerated=System Id will be generated after saving User.login.manner=User can log in with either Username or System Id User.username=Username error.systemId=Must have a systemId error.username.taken=Username or System Id taken. Please choose a different one. error.username.pattern=Username is invalid. It must be between 2 and 50 characters. Only letters, digits, ".", "-", and "_" are allowed. User.password=Password User.usersPassword=User's Password error.password.match=The provided passwords do not match error.password.weak=Please choose a stronger password error.password.length=Please choose a password that is at least {0} characters long error.password.short=Please choose a longer password error.password.requireMixedCase=Please choose a password that contains both upper- and lower-case letters error.password.requireNumber=Please choose a password that contains at least one number error.password.requireLetter=Please choose a password that contains at least one non digit character error.password.different=Please choose a different password. error.password.incorrect=Incorrect password. error.User.secretAnswer.empty=Secret Answer should not be empty error.User.secretQuestion.empty=Secret Question should not be empty User.confirm=Confirm Password User.confirm.description=Retype the password (for accuracy) User.roles=Roles User.otherRoles=Other Roles User.secretQuestion.prompt=Please answer the following question to reset your password User.secretQuestion=Secret Question User.secretAnswer=Secret Answer User.forceChange=Force Password Change User.forceChange.description=Optionally require that this user change their password on next login User User.add=Add User User.list.title=Current Users User.void=Delete Selected Users User.unvoid=Restore Selected Users User.saved=User Saved User.voided=User deleted User.unvoided=User restored User.find=Find User on Name User.password.change=The administrators have requested that you change your password to increase security. Please change your password below. User.password.forgot=I forgot my password User.goTo=Go to User User.assumeIdentity=Become this user User.assumeIdentity.confirm=Notice! You will be logged out and subsequently logged in as the new user. User.assumeIdentity.success=You are now logged in as {0} User.localeChangeHint=Note: You can set your default locale in My Profile → 'Default Locale' User.showAdvancedOptions=Show Advanced Options User.hideAdvancedOptions=Hide Advanced Options User.delete=Delete User User.retire=Disable Account User.disableReason.empty=Disable reason cannot be empty. User.unRetire=Enable Account User.delete.confirm=Are you sure you want to completely remove this user from the system? (CANNOT BE UNDONE) User.userDeceased=This person this user account belongs to is deceased User.retiredMessage=This user account is disabled and the user cannot log in. User.unRetiredMessage=This user account has been enabled and they can now log in with their username and password. User.userProperties=User Properties User.person=Person User.createNewPerson=Create a new person User.useExisting=Use a person who already exists User.whichPerson=Which person? User.delete.failure=Cannot delete user. There is data attributed to this user User.delete.success=Successfully deleted user. User.noUsersFound=No users found with given search parameters User.creationInfo=Creation Info User.retiredInfo=Disabled Info User.retiredBy=Disabled By User.dateRetired=Date Disabled user name User.creating.password.required=A password is required when creating a user User.creating.already.exists=The user {0} already exists, it could therefore not be created. User.setPersonId=You need to call setPerson(Person) must have privilege '{0}' in order to assign it. must have the role '{0}' in order to assign it. must have the following privileges in order to assign them: {0} Migration.users=Users Migration.usersHeader=Upload Users Migration.locations=Locations Migration.locationsHeader=Upload Locations Migration.hl7Header=Run HL7 Migration.pasteUserXmlHere=Paste XML export of User data here Migration.pasteLocationXmlHere=Paste XML export of Location data here Migration.pasteHl7Here=Paste HL7 to run here Migration.uploadButton=Upload Migration.regimen=Regimens Migration.regimen.csv=Paste CSV here, not including header. Columns should be Migration.relationship=Relationships, etc Migration.relationship.filename=Migration filename: Migration.relationship.autoCreateUser=Automatically create needed users as sources of relationships? Migration.relationship.autoCreateUserRole=Add automatically-created users to Role with the same name as their relationshipType, if it exists? Module.title=Manage Module Module.header=Modules Module.manage=Manage Modules Module.manageProperties=Module Properties Module.add=Add Module Module.upgrade=Upgrade An Existing Module Module.addOrUpgrade=Add or Upgrade Module Module.upload=Upload Module.start=Start Module.stop=Stop Module.unload=Unload Module Module Activity Module from System Module.unloaded=Module {0} has been unloaded Module.started=Module {0} has been started Module.not.started=Error while starting module {0} Module.loaded=Module {0} has been loaded Module.stopped=Module {0} has been stopped Module.dependencyValidationNotice=Attention. Dependent modules detected ! Module.dependencyShutdownNotice=The following modules will be shutdown if you decide to continue with this action. Module.invalid=Invalid module specified {0} Module.notStarted=Not Started Module.loadedAndStarted=Module loaded and started successfully Module.updateAvailable=Upgrade Available! Module.checkForUpdates=Check for Upgrades Module.startAll=Start All Module.noLoadedModules=There are currently no modules loaded. Module.storedIn=Modules stored in module is loaded into OpenMRS by either 1) dropping it into the module repository and restarting the webapp, or 2) uploading via the form above. a module is unloaded, it is first 'stopped', then the omod file is removed from the repository. loaded module can be stopped and started. A stopped module is still loaded, it just doesn't have any effect on the system order to update a module, either click 'Install Update' or: 1) Download the update, 2) upload the new module via the form "Upgrade An Existing Module" form above. and download more modules in the OpenMRS Module Repository Module.unloadWarning=You are about to completely remove this module from the system. Module.allowUploads=Allow Uploads? Module.disallowUploads=Uploads are not allowed from the website at this time. The runtime property {0} must be set to true. Module.disallowAdministration=Web Administration is not allow from the website at this time. The runtime property {0} must be set to true. Help Module.installUpdate=Install the Upgraded Module Module.install=Install Module.findAndDownload=Install from Module Repository ({0}) Module.downloadUpdate=Download the Upgraded Module Module.reload=Reload Module Module.notice=NOTE: Adding, removing, or starting modules will restart OpenMRS, meaning that all scheduled tasks and background processes will be interrupted. Module.locked=Cannot be stopped or unloaded module cannot be modified because either it is marked as a mandatory module, is an openmrs core module, or the module_web_admin runtime property is not set to true Module.UploadAnUpdate=Upload Updated Module Module.requireVersion.outOfBounds=Module requires version matching {0}. Current code version is {1} Module.requireVersion.belowLowerBound=Module requires at least version {0}, Current code version is only {1} Module.error=Error processing Module Module.errorStarting=Error starting Module - {0} Module.errorClickForDetails=Error starting! Click for details Module.error.fileCannotBeNull=Module file cannot be null Module.error.invalidFileExtension=Module file does not have the correct '.omod' file extension Module.error.cannotCreateFile=Can't create module file Module.error.cannotGetJarFile=Unable to get jar file Module.error.noConfigFile=Error loading module, no config.xml file found. Module.error.cannotGetConfigFileStream=Unable to get config file stream Module.error.cannotParseConfigFile=Error parsing module config.xml file Module.error.invalidConfigVersion=Invalid module config version {0}. Valid are {1} Module.error.nameCannotBeEmpty=Name cannot be empty Module.error.idCannotBeEmpty=Module id cannot be empty Module.error.packageCannotBeEmpty=Package cannot be empty Module.error.noMessagePropsFile=No message properties file {0} for language {1} Module.startupError.notification.message=There was an error starting the module: {0} Module.error.moduleCannotBeStarted=Module {0} cannot be started because it requires the following module(s): {1} Please install and start these modules first. Module.error.shouldNotBeHere=Should not be here. All 'core' required modules by the api should be started and their classloaders should be available MRNGenerator.title=Generate List of Medical Record Numbers (MRNs) MRNGenerator.description=It is critically important that patient identifiers be distributed from a central authority. Otherwise, the likelihood of mistakenly assigning the same medical record number (MRN) to more than one person increases. Similarly, a single individual at each clinic should be in charge of assigning new identifiers.

The general format for medical record numbers is 123MT-2, where 123 is a sequential number, MT represents the site-specific suffix, and -2 is the check digit. Below, simply select the site, the starting sequence number, and the number of identifiers you need. A text file containing the medical record numbers (including proper check digits) will be generated and downloaded to your computer.

NOTE: this is merely a service generate the proper check digits in bulk. It is your responsibility to ensure that these numbers are distributed through a controlling central authority ? i.e., identifiers are assigned once and only once to a patient. MRNGenerator.log.view=View log of MRN retrievals MRNGenerator.log.hide=Hide log of MRN retrievals Select a site MRNGenerator.starting.number=2. Enter the starting number MRNGenerator.prefix.number=3. Select a prefix (optional) MRNGenerator.generate.number=4. Specify number of MRNs to generate MRNGenerator.all.required=All values are required MRNGenerator.generate.identifiers=Generate Identifiers Generated MRNGenerator.generator=Generator MRNGenerator.first=First MRNGenerator.count=Count MRNGenerator.prefix=Prefix Maintenance.header=Maintenance QuickReport.manage=View Quick Reports QuickReport.type=Report Type QuickReport.type.returnVisit=Return Visit Date This Week QuickReport.type.attendedClinic=Attended Clinic This Week QuickReport.type.voidedObs=Deleted Obs QuickReport.startDate=Start Date QuickReport.endDate=End Date QuickReport.location=Location QuickReport.location.all=All Locations Date QuickReport.view=Generate Report Scheduler.title=Manage Scheduler Scheduler.header=Scheduler Scheduler.taskList.title=Available Tasks Scheduler.taskList.add=Add Task Scheduler.taskList.delete=Delete Scheduler.taskList.delete.warning=Are you sure you want to delete the selected Task(s)? Scheduler.taskList.start=Start Scheduler.taskList.stop=Stop Scheduler.taskList.deleted=Task(s) {0} deleted
Scheduler.taskList.started=Task {0} has been started
Scheduler.taskList.stopped=Task {0} has been stopped
Scheduler.taskList.deleteNotAllowed=Task {0} must be stopped before it can be deleted.
Scheduler.taskList.refresh=Refresh Tasks Scheduler.taskList.error=Error processing task
Scheduler.taskList.requireTask=You must select a task before clicking an action button Scheduler.taskForm.title=Task Form Scheduler.taskForm.legend=Task Configuration Scheduler.taskForm.cancel=Cancel Scheduler.taskForm.class=Schedulable Class Scheduler.taskForm.edit=Edit Scheduler.taskForm.schedules=Schedule Scheduler.taskForm.saved=Task {0} has been saved Scheduler.list.status=Status Scheduler.list.taskClass=Task / Class Scheduler.list.schedule=Schedule Scheduler.list.lastExecutionTime=Last Execution Time Scheduler.list.startOnStartup=On Startup Scheduler.list.started=Started Scheduler.list.runsAgainIn=Runs again in {0}s Scheduler.list.stopped=Stopped Scheduler.list.runsEvery=Runs every {0} Scheduler.list.from=From {0} Scheduler.list.startingOn=Starting on {0} Scheduler.list.manual=manual Scheduler.list.automatic=automatic Scheduler.timer.task.delete=Started tasks should not be deleted. They should be stopped first, and then deleted. Scheduler.timer.task.only=This method can only be called from the TimerSchedulerTask class, not {0} # Fields Scheduler.taskForm.required={0} is a required field. Scheduler.taskForm.illegalAccessException=Illegal access exception on class [{0}]. Scheduler.taskForm.instantiationException=Error instantiating class [{0}]. Scheduler.taskForm.classNotFoundException=Class [{0}] could not be found. Check war file and/or modules for class [{0}]. Scheduler.taskForm.classDoesNotImplementTask=Class [{0}] does not implement the [{1}] interface. Scheduler.scheduleForm.title=Schedule Form Scheduler.scheduleForm.legend=Schedule Scheduler.scheduleForm.instructions=PLEASE NOTE\: Changes to the schedule below are NOT passed onto task instances that are already running. After saving your changes, you MUST stop/start the desired task on the Task List page in order to pass these schedule changes onto that task. Scheduler.scheduleForm.started=Started Scheduler.scheduleForm.startOnStartup=Start on startup Scheduler.scheduleForm.startTimePattern=Start time pattern Scheduler.scheduleForm.startTime=Start time Scheduler.scheduleForm.lastExecutionTime=Last Execution Time Scheduler.scheduleForm.repeatInterval=Repeat interval Scheduler.scheduleForm.startTime.pattern=MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss Scheduler.scheduleForm.repeatInterval.units.seconds=seconds Scheduler.scheduleForm.repeatInterval.units.minutes=minutes Scheduler.scheduleForm.repeatInterval.units.hours=hours Scheduler.scheduleForm.repeatInterval.units.days=days Scheduler.scheduleForm.add=Add Scheduler.scheduleForm.edit=Edit Scheduler.scheduleForm.delete=Delete Scheduler.scheduleForm.cancel=Cancel Scheduler.propertyForm.title=Properties Scheduler.propertyForm.legend=Properties Scheduler.propertyForm.add=Add Property Scheduler.propertyForm.remove=Remove Program.header=Programs Program.manage=Manage Programs Program.manage.title=Programs Program.addEdit.title=Create/Edit Program Program.add=Add a new program Program.list.title=Current Programs Program.saved=Program saved Program.concept=Concept Program.conceptHint=(I.e. the concept that represents this program. You should already have created this in the concept dictionary.) Program.outcomes=Possible Outcomes Defined By Program.outcome=Outcome Program.outcome.choose=Choose an outcome... Program.workflows=Workflows Program.workflow=Workflow Program.workflows.empty=No available workflows Program.title=Programs Program.notEnrolledInAny=Not enrolled in any programs Program.location=Location Program.location.choose=Choose a location... Program.dateEnrolled=Enrollment Date Program.dateCompleted=Completion Date Program.completed=Completed Program.stillEnrolled=Still enrolled Program.completeButton=Complete Program.enrollIn=Enroll in Program.choose=Choose a program... Program.enrollButton=Enroll = HIV Program Program.tb = TB Program Program.enrolled = Enrolled = Group Program.agent = Accompagnateur Program.error.already = The patient is already enrolled in that program during the time period you specified Program.error.enrollmentDateRequired=Enrollment date is required Program.error.programRequired=Program is required Program.states=States Program.state=State Program.conversion.manage=Manage Triggered State Conversions Program.conversion.saved=Triggered state conversion has been saved Program.conversion.manage.title=Triggered State Conversions Program.conversion.programWorkflow=In this workflow Program.conversion.concept=This concept Program.conversion.programWorkflowState=Triggers conversion to this state Program.conversion.list.title=Current Triggered State Conversions Program.conversion.add=Add new state conversion this state conversion Program.conversion=Triggered State Conversion Program.conversion.nonedeleted=No Triggered State Conversions deleted Program.conversion.deleteSelected=Delete selected Triggered State Conversion(s) Program.error.invalidDate=A completion date cannot be before an enrollment date Program.initialStates=Initial States Program.delete=Delete Selected Program(s) Program.program=Program Program.nonedeleted=No Programs deleted Program.cascade.purging.not.implemented=Cascade purging of Programs is not implemented yet Program.concept.required=Program concept is required Program.error.contains.ProgramWorkflow=This Program contains a ProgramWorkflow whose parent Program is already assigned to {0} PatientProgram.already.assigned=This PatientProgram contains a ProgramWorkflowState whose parent is already assigned to {0} PatientProgram.error.outcomeRequired=Patient outcome is required when completion date is set PatientProgram.cascade.purging.not.implemented=Cascade purging of PatientPrograms is not implemented yet PatientProgram.requires=PatientProgram requires a Patient and a Program ProgramWorkflow.concept.required=ProgramWorkflow concept is required ProgramWorkflow.error.contains.state=This ProgramWorkflow contains a State whose parent ProgramWorkflow is already assigned to {0} ProgramWorkflow.requires.program=ProgramWorkflow requires a Program ProgramWorkflowState.requires=ProgramWorkflowState concept, initial, terminal are required Workflow.saved=Workflow saved State.state=State State.initial=Initial State.terminal=Terminal a state State.list.title=Current State(s) already exists State.retire.confirmation=Are you sure you want to retire this state? State.delete.confirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this state? State.unretire.confirmation=Are you sure you want to unretire this state? State.error.noDate=You cannot change from a non-null state without giving a change date State.error.noState=You must choose a state State.error.invalidChangeState=You cannot change out of a state that has an end date already State.error.invalidDate=You cannot change out of a state before that state started PatientState.error.endDateCannotBeBeforeStartDate=End date can't be before start date for a patient state PatientState.error.duplicatePatientStates=Found duplicate patient states with similar start dates and program work flow states PatientState.error.requiredField={0} is required for a patient state PatientState.requires=PatientState requires a State PatientProgram.error.cannotBeInMultipleStates=A patient can't be in multiple patient states for the same program work flow PatientProgram.error.foundOverlappingStates=The patient state with start date '{0}' over laps another state with end date '{1}' in the same program work flow PatientState.error.invalidPatientState=Found invalid patient state:{0} PatientSet.noPatients=No patients in this set PatientSet.setOfN=Set of {0} patients PatientSet.stillLoading=Still loading PatientSet... PatientSet.yours=Y
PatientSet.drop=x Units.m=m Cohort.manage=Manage Cohorts Cohort.manage.title=Manage Cohorts Cohort.manage.deleteInstructions=To delete cohorts, check the box(es) above, and give a reason: Cohort.title.endUser=Saved Cohort Cohort.title=Cohort Cohort.ageAndGender=Age and Gender Cohort.hivEnrollments=HIV Program Enrollments Cohort.count=Count Cohort.belongs.title=Cohort Membership Cohort.belongsNone=Doesn't belong to any cohorts Cohort.belongsTo=Belongs to Cohort.add=Add Cohort.add.cohort=Add this patient to: Cohort.ofN=Cohort of {0} patients Cohort.summary=Cohort Summary ({0} patients) name is required description is required CohortDefinitionProvider registered for {0} Shortcut.singlePatient=Individual Patients Shortcut.projectManagement=Project Management Shortcut.projectManagement.go=Go PatientSearch.searchOnName=Please search on part of the patient's name. PatientSearch.noneFound=No patients found. ObsSearch.findOrEdit=Find/Edit Observation(s) ObsSearch.noneFound=No observations found. ObsSearch.byPersonAndConcept=by Person and Concept ObsSearch.byEncounter=by Encounter ObsSearch.results=Search Results ObsSearch.patientLabel=Type a person name or patient identifier below to search for a person ObsSearch.conceptLabel=Type a concept name below to search for a concept ObsSearch.encounterLabel=Type a patient name or identifier, or an encounter ID to search for an encounter summary.generateSummaries=Patient Summaries summary.title=Inshuti Mu Buzima Patient Clinical Summary summary.problemList=Problem List summary.currentDrugOrders=Active Drug Orders summary.pastDrugOrders=Past Drug Orders summary.allergies=Allergies summary.labResults=Lab Results summary.vitalSigns=Vital Signs summary.cxrFindings=CXR Findings summary.alerts=Alerts summary.alert.noCd4In6Months=ALERT: This patient has no CD4 result in the last 6 months!
summary.alert.noCxr=ALERT: This patient has no CXR result!
BatchEntry.title=Batch entry Missing.start=The page Missing.end=cannot be found. Check the link and try again. Portlet.addressLayout.error=ERROR! unknown size: {0} in Address portlet Portlet.cohort.male=Male Portlet.cohort.female=Female Portlet.cohort.viewMethod=View method: Portlet.cohort.viewMethod.list=List Portlet.cohort.viewMethod.other=Other methods are not yet implemented Portlet.findPatient.error=ERROR! unknown size: {0} in FindOnePatientWidget Portlet.nameLayout.error=ERROR! unknown size: {0} in Name portlet Portlet.patientEncounter.allEncounter=All Encounters Portlet.patientEncounter.form=Forms PostHl7.error=ERROR {0} PostHl7.missingAuthentication=Both the 'username' and 'password' parameters are required for authentication. PostHl7.sourceAndhl7MessageParametersRequired=Both the 'source' and 'hl7Message' parameters are required to submit messages Hl7Messages.header=HL7 Messages Hl7inError.title=Manage HL7 Errors Hl7inError.header=HL7 Errors Hl7inError.errorList.source.header=Source Data Hl7inError.errorList.error.header=Error Hl7inError.errorList.errorDetails.header=Error Details Hl7inError.errorList.dateCreated.header=Date Created Hl7inError.errorList.title=HL7s in Error Queue Hl7inError.errorList.restore=Resubmit Hl7inError.errorList.restored=Message {0} successfully queued for processing Hl7inError.errorList.error=Error queuing item {0} for processing Hl7inError.errorList.showDetails=View Error Details Hl7inError.error.details.length=error details length of {0} exceeds maximum length of {1} Hl7inQueue.header=HL7 Queue Hl7inQueue.pending.title=Manage Queued Messages Hl7inQueue.held.title=Manage Held Messages Hl7inQueue.queueList.source.header=Source Data Hl7inQueue.queueList.dateCreated=Date Created Hl7inQueue.queueList.pending.title=HL7 Queued Messages Hl7inQueue.queueList.hold=Place on Hold Hl7inQueue.queueList.held=Queue Item {0} held Hl7inQueue.queueList.held.title=HL7 Held Messages Hl7inQueue.queueList.restore=Restore Hl7inQueue.queueList.restored=Queue Item {0} restored Hl7inQueue.queueList.error=Error updating queue item Hl7inQueue.queueList.showMore=more » Hl7inQueue.queueList.hideMore=« less Hl7inQueue.error.running=Error running hl7 error queue task Hl7inQueue.status.0=pending Hl7inQueue.status.1=processing Hl7inQueue.status.2=processed Hl7inQueue.status.3=error Hl7inQueue.status.4=deleted name specified for the proposed concept Hl7InArchive.title=Manage HL7 Archives Hl7InArchive.header=HL7 Archives Hl7InArchive.migrate.title=Migrate HL7 Archives Hl7InArchive.migrate.header=HL7 Archives Migration Hl7InArchive.migrate.alert=Migration required Hl7InArchive.migrate.start=Start Migration Hl7InArchive.migrate.stop=Stop Migration Hl7InArchive.migrate.days.kept=Days to keep Hl7InArchive.migrate.days.kept.error=← positive integer required Hl7InArchive.migrate.warning.message=Clicking the start button will start the transfer of hl7 archives from the database to the file system in the location shown. The hl7_in_archive table is quite large to be in the database. It is recommended that you back up the hl7_in_queue and hl7_in_archive tables before continuing. You can leave and return to this page later as the process runs. Hl7InArchive.migrate.stop.success=Migration Successfully Stopped Hl7InArchive.migrate.complete.all=Completed, all archives successfully transferred Hl7InArchive.migrate.complete.not.all=Completed, but some archives were not transferred Hl7InArchive.migrate.number.transferred.label=Number of Archives transferred Hl7InArchive.migrate.status.label=Migration Status Hl7InArchive.migrate.running=Running to start migration! Hl7InArchive.migrate.error=An error occurred and migration has been stopped, view logs for details session has expired or you don't have sufficient privileges to run this process! Hl7InArchive.migrate.already.running=Someone else is already running this process; please wait ... Hl7InArchive.migrate.stopped=Migration has been stopped Hl7InArchive.migrate.archives.dir=Archives folder location Hl7Service.cannot.fetch.archives=Cannot fetch archives during migration Hl7Service.invalid.messageName=Invalid messageName. The format must be messageType_triggerEvent, e.g: ORU_R01 Hl7Service.malformed.archive.location=Malformed HL7 archive location: {0} Hl7Service.migrate.archive=Could not migrate HL7 archive Hl7Service.migrate.archive.state=Could not migrate HL7 archive not in 'processed' state Hl7Service.migrate.null.archive=Could not migrate a null HL7 archive Hl7Service.unable.convert.archive=Unable to convert HL7 archive file to a string: {0} Hl7Service.write.error=Could not write HL7 archive to the filesystem not write HL7 archive to the filesystem (no error provided) Hl7Source.title=HL7 Source HL7 Source HL7Source.purgeHL7Source=Delete HL7 Source Forever Hl7Source.manage.title=Manage HL7 Sources Hl7Source.add=Add HL7 Source Hl7Source.list.title=Current HL7 Sources Tribe.manage=Manage Tribes Tribe.module.message=The tribe attribute is no longer a part of the core data model. Install the "Tribe Module" to restore functionality.

See to download the module. Tribe.install.module=The {0} method is no longer supported. Install the Tribe module Tribe.object.not.supported=The Tribe object is no longer supported. Install the Tribe module list.empty=List empty DatabaseChangesInfo.title=Database Changes is a list of all database updates that have been run on the database. These are needed with every update to the application. DatabaseChangesInfo.header=All current changes DatabaseChangesInfo.overview=View Database Changes DatabaseChangesInfo.comments=Comments DatabaseChangesInfo.runDate=Run Date DatabaseChangesInfo.runStatus=Run Status DatabaseChangesInfo.filename.title=The warnings and messages generated during database updates are written to the file below: SearchResults.resultsFor=Results for SearchResults.resultsNotDisplayed=more results not displayed SearchResults.viewing=Viewing SearchResults.of=of SearchResults.minCharactersPhrase1=You must have at least SearchResults.minCharactersPhrase2=search characters SearchResults.noWildcards=Please enter a valid patient name without wildcard characters SearchResults.noWildcardsAllowed=Wildcard characters are not allowed in patient searches SearchResults.includeVerbose=Include Verbose SearchResults.includeVoided=Include Deleted SearchResults.includeRetired=Include Retired SearchResults.includeDisabled=Include Disabled FormEntry.fillOutForm=Enter Form FormEntry.noModulesInstalled=Your administrator has not installed an updated form entry module {0} value is too long. The maximum length is {1}. ViewCurrentUsers.list=View Logged In Users ViewCurrentUsers.title=Logged In Users the list of users who are currently logged in to the system. ViewCurrentUsers.users=Users ActiveLists.resolve=Remove ActiveLists.actions=Actions ActiveLists.startDate=Start Date ActiveLists.endDate=End Date ActiveLists.resolvedOn=Removed on ActiveLists.allergy.title=Allergies ActiveLists.allergy.add=Add Allergy ActiveLists.allergy.edit=Edit Allergy ActiveLists.allergy.allergen=Allergen ActiveLists.allergy.type=Type ActiveLists.allergy.severity=Severity ActiveLists.allergy.reaction=Reaction ActiveLists.allergy.resolveTitle=Remove Allergy ActiveLists.allergy.showRemoved=Show Allergy History ActiveLists.allergy.hideRemoved=Hide Allergy History ActiveLists.allergy.removedAllergies=Removed Allergies ActiveLists.allergy.allergenRequired=Allergen required ActiveLists.problem.title=Problem List ActiveLists.problem.add=Add Problem ActiveLists.problem.edit=Edit Problem ActiveLists.problem.problem=Problem ActiveLists.problem.status=Modifier ActiveLists.problem.comments=Comments ActiveLists.problem.resolveTitle=Remove Problem ActiveLists.problem.resolved=Remove as of ActiveLists.problem.showRemoved=Show Problem History ActiveLists.problem.hideRemoved=Hide Problem History ActiveLists.problem.removedProblem=Removed Problems ActiveLists.resolve.error=Data entry error (deletes this entry) ActiveLists.removed.remove=Remove from list (stays in history) ActiveLists.problem.problemRequired=Problem required LocalesAndThemes.view.title=Locales And Themes LocalesAndThemes.titlebar=Locales And Themes LocalesAndThemes.locale=Default Locale is the locale given to users that have not chosen their own locale yet. Should be one of the "allowed locales" and in the form of en, en_GB, or es LocalesAndThemes.theme=Default Theme is the look and feel for users that have not chosen their own theme. OpenMRS provides "orange", "purple", "green", and "legacy" LocalesAndThemes.manage=Manage Locales And Themes LocalesAndThemes.saved=Locale and theme saved successfully LocalesAndThemes.localeError=Locale must be one of the locales in the "allowed locales" setting LocalesAndThemes.locale.isRequired=Locale is required footer.poweredBy=Powered by OpenMRS footer.lastBuild=Last Build footer.version=Version Customizable.error.inAttributes=Error in an attribute Visit.header=Visits Visit.voidedMessage=This Visit was Deleted Visit.error.patient.required=Patient Id is required Visit.error.visitType.required=Visit Type is required Visit.error.startDate.required=Start date is required Visit.failedToAddEncounter=Failed to add the encounter Visit.failedToRemoveEncounter=Failed to remove the encounter Visit.error.endDateBeforeStartDate=Stop date cannot be before start date Visit.void.error=Error while attempting to delete visit Visit.unvoid.error=Error while attempting to restore visit while attempting to save visit Visit.purge.error=Error while attempting to delete visit forever Visit.purged=Visit Deleted Forever Visit.end=End Visit Visit.enterEndDate=Enter the end date of the visit Visit.voided=Visit Deleted Visit.unvoided=Visit Restored Visit.saved=Visit Saved Visit.purge.inUse=Cannot permanently delete a visit that has encounters associated to it Visit.edit=Edit Visit Visit.add=Add Visit Visit.details=Visit Details Visit.encounters=Encounters Visit.addEncounter=Add Encounter Visit.addEncounterToVisit=Choose encounter to add to the active {0} visit: Visit=Visit Visit.start=Start Visit Visit.confirm.purge=Confirmation for deleting visit forever Visit.confirm.purgeMessage=This action is irreversible, are you sure you wish to completely remove this visit? Visit.confirm.addEncounter=Add Encounter Confirmation Visit.confirm.removeEncounter=Remove Encounter Confirmation Visit.confirm.endNow=Are you sure you want to change the end date of this visit to now? this visit will also delete the {0} encounters that belong to it (and the {1} observations that belong to them). Visit.visitType=Visit Type Visit.location=Location Visit.from=from Visit.startDatetime=Start Date and Time Visit.stopDatetime=Stop Date and Time Visit.enterer=Enterer Visit.indication=Indication Visit.none=No Visits Visit.optionalReason=Reason (Optional) Visit Visit.startedOnDatetime=started at Visit.attributes=Visit Attributes Visit.endNow=End Visit Now Visit.ended=Visit {0} Ended Visit.startCannotBeTheSameAsOtherStartDateOfTheSamePatient=Cannot start two different visits at the same time. Visit.startDateCannotFallIntoAnotherVisitOfTheSamePatient=This visit has a start date that falls into another visit of the same patient. Visit.stopDateCannotFallIntoAnotherVisitOfTheSamePatient=This visit has a stop date that falls into another visit of the same patient. Visit.visitCannotContainAnotherVisitOfTheSamePatient=This visit contains another visit of the same patient, i.e. its start date is before the start date of the other visit and its stop date is after the stop date of the other visit. Visit.encountersCannotBeBeforeStartDate=Cannot contain encounters whose dates are before the start of the visit. Visit.encountersCannotBeAfterStopDate=Cannot contain encounters whose dates are after the stop of the visit. Visit.find.encounters.error=An error occurred while fetching encounters or could not connect to server VisitId.cannotBeNull=Visit Id cannot be null Visit.encounters.notAssignedToVisit=Encounters Not Assigned To A Visit Visit.configure=Configure Visits Visit.viewEncounters=View Encounters Visit.hideEncounters=Hide Encounters Visit.clickToViewEncounters=Click to view encounters Visit.clickToHideEncounters=Click to hide encounters Visit.noVisitAssigned=No visit assigned Visit.cannotPurgeVisitWithEncounters=Can't permanently delete a visit that has encounters associated to it encounter id, provider identifier, location, form, encounter type or provider name Visit.type.retired=Retired Visit.configure.startCloseVisitsTask=Start auto close visits task Visit.configure.closeVisitsTask.failedToStart=Failed to start task Visit.configure.closeVisitsTask.failedToStop=Failed to stop task Visit.configure.visitTypesToClose=Visit types to auto close Visit.assignmentHandler.noAssignment=Do not automatically assign encounters to visits visit.assignmentHandler.assignToExistingVisitOnly=Assign to a suitable visit (same location, encounter date during visit) if one exists, but do not create new visits visit.assignmentHandler.assignToExistingVisitOrNew=Assign to a suitable visit (same location, encounter date during visit) if one exists. If no suitable one exists, create a new visit VisitType.manage=Manage Visit Types VisitType.title=Visit Type VisitType.manage.title=Visit Type Management VisitType.list.title=Current Visit Types Visit Type VisitType.add=Add Visit Type VisitType.retireVisitType=Retire Visit Type VisitType.unretireVisitType=Unretire Visit Type VisitType.purgeVisitType=Delete Visit Type Forever VisitType.saved=Visit Type saved VisitType.purgedSuccessfully=Visit Type deleted forever successfully VisitType.retiredSuccessfully=Visit Type retired successfully VisitType.unretiredSuccessfully=Visit Type unretired successfully VisitType.purgeConfirmMessage=Are you sure you want to delete this visit type? It will be permanently removed from the system. while attempting to find visits attribute.error.minOccurs=The attribute {0} must occur at least {1} times attribute.error.maxOccurs=The attribute {0} may occur at most {1} times attribute.error.invalid=Illegal value for "{0}" VisitAttributeType.manage=Manage Visit Attribute Types VisitAttributeType.title=Visit Attribute Type VisitAttributeType.manage.title=Visit Attribute Type Management VisitAttributeType.list.title=Current Visit Attribute Types Visit Attribute Type VisitAttributeType.add=Add Visit Attribute Type VisitAttributeType.retireVisitAttributeType=Retire Visit Attribute Type VisitAttributeType.purgeVisitAttributeType=Delete Visit Attribute Type Forever VisitAttributeType.saved=Visit Attribute Type saved VisitAttributeType.purgedSuccessfully=Visit Attribute Type deleted forever successfully VisitAttributeType.retiredSuccessfully=Visit Attribute Type retired successfully VisitAttributeType.unretiredSuccessfully=Visit Attribute Type unretired successfully VisitAttributeType.purgeConfirmMessage=Are you sure you want to delete this visit attribute type? It will be permanently removed from the system. VisitAttributeType.unretireVisitAttributeType=Unretire Visit Attribute Type ProviderAttributeType.manage=Manage Provider Attribute Types ProviderAttributeType.title=Provider Attribute Type ProviderAttributeType.manage.title=Provider Attribute Type Management ProviderAttributeType.list.title=Current Provider Attribute Types Provider Attribute Type ProviderAttributeType.add=Add Provider Attribute Type ProviderAttributeType.retireProviderAttributeType=Retire Provider Attribute Type ProviderAttributeType.purgeProviderAttributeType=Delete Provider Attribute Type Forever ProviderAttributeType.saved=Provider Attribute Type saved ProviderAttributeType.purgedSuccessfully=Provider Attribute Type deleted forever successfully ProviderAttributeType.retiredSuccessfully=Provider Attribute Type retired successfully ProviderAttributeType.unretiredSuccessfully=Provider Attribute Type unretired successfully ProviderAttributeType.purgeConfirmMessage=Are you sure you want to delete this provider attribute type? It will be permanently removed from the system. ProviderAttributeType.unretireProviderAttributeType=Unretire Provider Attribute Type AttributeType.minOccurs=Min Occurs AttributeType.maxOccurs=Max Occurs AttributeType.datatypeClassname=Datatype AttributeType.datatypeConfig=Datatype Configuration AttributeType.preferredHandlerClassname=Preferred Handler AttributeType.handlerConfig=Handler Configuration AttributeType.preferredHandlerClassname.wrongDatatype=Handler not valid for datatype AttributeType.handlerConfig.invalid=Invalid configuration: {0} AttributeType.minOccursShouldNotBeLessThanZero=Min should not be less than 0 AttributeType.maxOccursShouldNotBeLessThanOne=Max should not be less than 1 AttributeType.maxOccursShouldNotBeLessThanMinOccurs=Max should not be less than Min install.prefer=Which language do you prefer? install.continue=Continue install.back=Back install.choice=Remember this choice install.method=Which type of installation do you want? install.simple=Simple install.simple.content=Install OpenMRS by creating a new database with the demo data. This is suitable to try out the system on your local machine. This option requires a MySQL server running on the local machine listening on the address localhost. You will need to provide the password of the MySQL root account. install.advanced=Advanced install.advanced.content=This option allows you to select the database url, name etc. and customize all the installation settings. Choose this option when you are installing OpenMRS in a production environment. install.testing=Testing install.testing.desc=This option allows you to copy data over from a production database and upgrade/test an OpenMRS version in a safe/separate environment. install.testing.note=NOTE install.testing.list.supportedServer=MySQL is currently the only supported database for running OpenMRS in test mode. install.testing.list.ensureConnection=Ensure that there is an established connection between the test server and the one to copy from data install.testing.remoteUrl=URL to remote system install.testing.remote.url.required=URL to remote System is required install.testing.invalidProductionUrl=Failed to establish a connection to: {0} install.testing.noTestingModule=You need to install the Release Testing Support module on the remote system that you want to fetch data from. This module allows (password-protected) access to your database, so you should stop or uninstall it after you have completed this installation wizard. See the module page for more details. install.testing.testingModuleFound=The remote system is running the Release Testing Support module, which will allow us to fetch data from it for testing. Since this module allows (password-protected) access to your database, please remember to stop or uninstall it after you have completed this installation wizard. See the module page for more details. install.testing.remoteUrl.example=Example: install.testing.enterUserNameAndPassword=Enter the username and password of a superuser on the remote system you want to fetch data from. (These will be used once and not saved.) install.testing.username.required=Username is required install.testing.password.required=Password is required install.testing.remote.username=Username for remote system install.testing.inprogress=Test installation setup is in progress... install.testing.username.remote=OpenMRS username of a superuser on the remote system install.testing.password.remote=OpenMRS password of a superuser on the remote system install.testing.passwordadvice.remote=This will be used once and it will not be saved install.rp.needed=A runtime properties file is needed for OpenMRS to start up consistently. install.rp.unable=OpenMRS is unable to create this file: install.rp.because=Because of this error: install.rp.correct=You must correct this before continuing. install.rp.retry=Retry install.rp.cannot.edit=OpenMRS cannot edit the file: install.simple.caption=Simple Installation install.simple.passwdinfo=Provide the password of the 'root' account of MySQL server running on the localhost. install.simple.empty=(Empty MySQL passwords are not allowed here. If you don't have a MySQL password set for the root user, please set one.) install.simple.passwd=Password install.simple.defpasswd=Default OpenMRS administrator username/password. Change this password after login in.(Remember this password.) install.simple.addDemoData=Do you want to also add demo data to your database required input has been collected and is ready to be processed.
Click the "finish" button to create tables, data, etc.
This could take up to several minutes. When complete you will be taken to the OpenMRS main screen. install.complete.db=Database install.complete.db.connection=Database connection name install.complete.db.create=Create database install.complete.db.userAccount=Create database user account install.complete.db.tables=Create tables install.complete.db.demo=Add demo data install.complete.impl=Implementation information name ID install.complete.impl.pass=Implementation pass phrase install.complete.impl.desc=Implementation description install.complete.rp=Runtime properties install.complete.rp.mod=Enable uploading modules from the web interface install.complete.rp.up=Update the database automatically on start up when a new release is deployed install.complete.rp.path=Runtime properties file path install.complete.test.details=Other Details install.complete.test.settings=Currently installed database server settings install.complete.settings=Test installation settings install.header.caption=OpenMRS Core {0} Installation Wizard install.header.tasks=Tasks completed so far: install.step=Step {0} of {1} install.advanced.dbsetup=Step {0} of {1} install.advanced.dbsetup.capt=Please specify how to connect to your currently installed database server: install.advanced.dbsetup.conn=Database connection: install.advanced.dbsetup.rep=(Advanced use only. @DBNAME@ will automatically be replaced by this wizard with your chosen database name) install.advanced.dbsetup.driver=Database Driver: install.advanced.dbsetup.driver.opt=( Optional* Specify your database driver name) install.advanced.dbsetup.instDb=Do you currently have an OpenMRS database installed that you would like to connect to? yes, what is the name of this database? no, what would you like to name this database? (alphanumeric characters only) install.advanced.dbsetup.instDb.user=A user that has "CREATE DATABASE" privileges must be specified here so that this wizard can create the new database.
(Empty MySQL passwords are not allowed here. If you don't have a MySQL password set for the given user, please set one.) install.advanced.dbsetup.instDb.userName=Username install.advanced.dbtables=Step 2 of 5 you need OpenMRS to automatically create the tables for your current database {0}? install.advanced.dbtables.demo=Do you want to also add demo data to your database - {0}? (This option only available if creating new tables.) install.advanced.dbtables.user=Do you currently have a database user other than root that has read/write access to the {0} database? install.advanced.dbtables.user.login=If yes, specify the log in user name and password for that database user: install.advanced.dbtables.user.create=If no, one will be created for you. However, a user that has "CREATE USER" privileges on the database
must be specified here so that this wizard can create the user. install.advanced.other=Step 3 of 5 install.advanced.other.modules=Do you want to be able to upload modules from the web interface? install.advanced.other.modules.disclaimer=Disclaimer: This could be a security risk if a user with upload permissions is ever compromised.
(The alternative is to drop .omod module files into your application data directory and restart OpenMRS) install.advanced.other.update=Do you want updates to the database to be automatically applied on startup when a new web application is deployed? install.advanced.admin=Step 4 of 5 the default administrator user/pass is admin:test. Please specify a new password for that user install.advanced.admin.password.retype=Retype password install.advanced.admin.password.constraints=Your Password should follow the following constraints install.advanced.admin.password.constraints.min.length=Contains minimum 8 characters install.advanced.admin.password.constraints.cases=Contains both upper and lowercase letters install.advanced.admin.password.constraints.numbers=Contains at least one number install.advanced.admin.password.constraints.username=Should not match the username install.advanced.implid=Step 5 of 5 install.advanced.implid.skip=Optional. Leave ID field blank to skip. descriptive name for this implementation (e.g. AMRS installation in Eldoret, Kenya) is the unique id for this implementation. Used as the HL7_CODE. Must be limited to 20 characters and numbers. The characters "^" and "|" are not allowed. install.advanced.implid.passphrase=This text is a long text string that is used to validate who uses your implementation id. Multiple installations of openmrs can use the same implmentation id, but they must all know the passphrase. (Note that if an implementation id is shared, it is assumed that those installations are the same implementation). install.advanced.implid.desc=Text describing this implementation. (e.g. Source for the AMPATH program in Kenya. Created by Paul Biondich) install.progress.tasks=Tasks to execute output details install.progress.detailes.hide=Hide output details install.progress.actions.number=Number of actions completed so far: install.progress.server.log=Server log file output: install.progress.tasks.create.schema=Create database install.progress.tasks.create.user=Create database user install.progress.tasks.create.tables=Create OpenMRS tables install.progress.tasks.add.coreData=Add OpenMRS core data install.progress.tasks.add.demoData=Add OpenMRS demo data install.progress.tasks.update=Update the database install.progress.tasks.test=Import test data install.progress.message=Installation is currently in progress... install.progress.tasks.addModules=Add Modules install.error.dbPasswd=Database root password is required install.error.dbDriverClass=The given database driver class was not found. Please ensure that the database driver jar file is on the class path (like in the webapp's lib folder) install.error.dbConn=Database connection string is required install.error.dbDriver=Database driver class is required install.error.dbCurrName=Current database name is required install.error.dbNewName=New database name is required install.error.dbUserName=A user that has 'CREATE DATABASE' privileges is required install.error.dbUserPswd=Password for user with 'CREATE DATABASE' privileges is required install.error.dbCurUserName=Current user account is required install.error.dbCurUserPswd=Current user account password is required install.error.adminPswdMatch=Admin passwords don't match install.error.adminPswdEmpty=An admin password is required install.error.adminPswdWeak=The password is not long enough, does not contain both uppercase characters and a number, or matches the username. install.error.implID=Implementation ID cannot contain '^' or '|' install.error.connVerify=User account {0} does not work. {1} See the error log for more details install.error.execSql=Error executing sql: {0} - {1} install.error.unableCreateDb=Unable to create the database. The password might be incorrect or the database is not started. install.error.unableCreateDbUser=Unable to create a database user install.error.unableGranPrivileges=Unable to grant privileges on openmrs database to user install.error.unableConnect=Unable to connect to database install.error.unableCreateTablesOrAddDemoData={0} See the error log for more details install.error.unableUpdateToLatest={0} Error while trying to update to the latest database version install.error.unableUpdate={0} There was an error while running the database update file: {1} install.error.inputRequired=Unable to continue because user input is required for the db updates and we cannot do anything about that right now install.error.mandatoryModuleRequired=A mandatory module failed to start. {0} install.error.coreModuleRequired=A core module failed to start. {0} install.error.unableSetImplId={0} Implementation ID could not be set. install.error.unableCompleteStartup={0} Unable to complete the startup. install.error.unableCopyData=Failed to export data to the test server, see logs for details install.error.unableCreateDump=Failed to create a sql dump file, see logs for details install.error.unableCreateEnvironment=Failed to create a testing environment, please see logs for details install.error.unableCreateRtPropFile=Error! install.error.unableCreateRtPropFileNeeded=A runtime properties file is needed for OpenMRS to start up consistently. install.error.unableCreateRtPropFileName=OpenMRS is unable to create this file : {0} install.error.unableCreateRtPropFileCause=Because of this error : {0} install.error.correct=You must correct this before continuing. install.error.retry=Retry install.error.unableEditRtPropFile=OpenMRS cannot edit the file: {0} install.progress.warn=Installation is currently in progress ... install.error.failedToAddModules=Failed to add modules install.error.remoteServer=An error occurred on the remote server while fetching test data install.error.unableImportTestData=An error occurred while fetching data from the remote server install.error.failedToFetchModules=Failed to fetch modules from remote server update.header.title=The OpenMRS {0} server is currently in maintenance mode. update.maintenance.login=Log in as a User that has the {0} role to continue. update.maintenance.username=OpenMRS Username of Update update.warn=The following warnings were generated by the database updater,
Please fix any issues related to the warnings and save this page for future reference. update.warn.saved=The warnings and messages have been saved to the file below: update.warn.alert=Record this issue and fix it if necessary. update.warn.anotherUser=Another User is already running database updates! update.warn.updatesRequired=The following database updates are required: update.warn.updatesExecuted=The following database updates are being executed: update.error.unableCompleteStartup=Unable to complete the startup. See the server error log for the complete stacktrace. {0} update.error.inpuNotImplemented=Input during database updates is not yet implemented. {0} update.error.unableUpdate=Unable to update the database. See server error logs for the full stacktrace. update.error.unableAuthenticate=Unable to authenticate as a User with the System Developer role. Invalid username or password search for attributes with custom datatype: {0} CustomDatatype.error.missingDatatype=[[ Error! Missing datatype: {0} ]] CustomDatatype.error.missingValue=[[ Error! Reference to missing value ]] org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.BooleanDatatype.description=Configuration is not used org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.FloatDatatype.description=Configuration is not used org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.DateDatatype.description=Configuration is not used Text org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.FreeTextDatatype.description=Configuration is not used Text org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.RegexValidatedTextDatatype.description=Configuration should be a regex in Java format Free Text org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.LongFreeTextDatatype.description=Configuration is not used org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.LongFreeTextDatatype.placeholderValue=[Long Free Text] Options org.openmrs.customdatatype.datatype.SpecifiedTextOptionsDatatype.description=Configuration is not used radios org.openmrs.web.attribute.handler.BooleanFieldGenDatatypeHandler.description=Configuration is not used Popup org.openmrs.web.attribute.handler.DateFieldGenDatatypeHandler.description=Configuration is not used (for long text fields) org.openmrs.web.attribute.handler.LongFreeTextTextareaHandler.description=Can configure "rows" and "cols" upload (for long text fields) org.openmrs.web.attribute.handler.LongFreeTextFileUploadHandler.description=Configuration is not used Down org.openmrs.web.attribute.handler.SpecifiedTextOptionsDropdownHandler.description=Drop down items separated by commas AddressTemplate.Manage=Manage Address Template AddressTemplate.saved=Saved"See example layouts on the documentation
page Address Template AddressTemplate.error.empty= No Address Template found. AddressTemplate.error= Address Template is invalid. AddressTemplate.error.requiredAddressFieldIsBlank=Required address field {0} is blank. AddressTemplate.error.fieldNotDeclaredInTemplate=Field {0} is not declared in template. AddressTemplate.error.elementInvalid=The element type "{0}" must be terminated by the matching end-tag, in line {1}. AddressTemplate.error.nameOrValueInvalid=Name or Value of the property is missing in "{0}". AddressTemplate.error.wrongFieldName=Field name "{0}" is wrong. Provider.header=Providers Provider.manage=Manage Providers by name or ID name or ID Provider.add=Add Provider Provider.find=Find Provider Provider.title=Provider Provider.noMatchesFound=No matches found for {0} Provider.identifier=Identifier Provider.providerName=provider while attempting to find provider Name Provider.create=Create Provider Provider.edit=Edit Provider Provider.person=Person Provider.retire=Retire Provider.unretire=Un Retire Provider.purge=Delete forever Provider.manage.title=Provider Management Provider.saved=Provider saved Provider.retired=Provider retired Provider.unretired=Provider unretired Provider.purged=Provider deleted forever successfully Provider.error.personOrName.required=Provider Name or Person required Provider.error.personAndName.provided=Provider Name or Person required, but not both Provider.error.retireReason.required= Retired Reason Required Provider.error.identifier.required=Identifier is required Provider.attributes=Provider Attributes Provider.linkedToPerson=Provider linked to person Provider.notLinkedToPerson=Provider not linked to person Provider.linkToPerson=Link to person Provider.unLinkFromPerson=Unlink from person Provider.error.duplicateIdentifier=Another provider already has the identifier {0} Provider.confirmDelete=Are you sure you want to delete this provider? It will be permanently removed from the system. ORUR01.error.invalidMessage=Invalid message sent to ORU_R01 handler ORUR01.error.invalidMessageType=Invalid message type for handler. Error casting {0} ORUR01.error.WhileProcessing=Error while processing ORU_R01 message ORUR01.errorInvalidOBR=Check to ensure that the form's OBS section is a concept field. Invalid OBR in hl7 message with uid:{0} ORUR01.error.improperlyFormattedOBX=Improperly formatted OBX: {0} ORUR01.error.relationshipCoding= Relationship coding system {0} unknown in NK1 segment. ORUR01.error.relationshipType=Relationship type {0} improperly formed in NK1 segment ORUR01.error.relationshipTypeNotFound=Relationship type {0} in NK1 segment not found ORUR01.error.relativeNotCreated=could not create a new relative from NK1 segment ORUR01.error.notnumericConcept=numeric (NM) value {0} is not numeric for concept # {1} ({2}) in message {3} ORUR01.error.invalidAnswer={0} is not a valid answer for obs with uuid {1} ORUR01.error.CannotSetBoolean=Can't set boolean concept answer for concept with id {0} ORUR01.error.InvalidConceptId=Invalid concept ID {0} for OBX-5 value {1} ORUR01.error.UpsupportedObsType=Unsupported observation datatype {0} ORUR01.error.hl7ConceptId=Invalid concept ID {0} in hl7 message with uid: {1} ORUR01.error.UnresolvedPatient=Could not resolve patient ORUR01.error.UnresolvedLocation=Could not resolve location ORUR01.error.parseFormId=Error parsing form id from message ORUR01.error.UnresolvedEnterer=Could not resolve enterer cohortBuilder.yearOld=a\u00f1os reporting.noDrugOrders=No drug orders reporting.taking=Taking reporting.missingDrug=MISSING DRUG reporting.or=or {0} reporting.anyDrugOrder=Any Drug Order reporting.patientCurrently=Patients currently reporting.patients=Patients reporting.takingAnyDrugs=taking any drugs reporting.takingNoDrugs=taking no drugs reporting.whoNeverTakeDrug=who never took any drugs reporting.notTaking=not taking reporting.of=of reporting.everTakingAnyDrugs=ever taking any drugs reporting.withinTheLast=within the last reporting.withinTheLastMonths=within the last {0} month(s) reporting.withinTheLastDays=within the last {0} day(s) reporting.withinLast=within last reporting.withinLastMonths=within last {0} month(s) reporting.withinLastDays=within last {0} day(s) reporting.untilMonthsAgo=until {0} month(s) ago reporting.untilDaysAgo=until {0} day(s) ago reporting.since=since {0} reporting.until=until {0} reporting.patientsIn=Patients in reporting.anytimeAfter=anytime after {0} reporting.anytimeBefore=anytime before {0} reporting.patientsWith=Patients with reporting.obsWithValue=obs with value reporting.qtnNValNull=question and value are both null reporting.concept=CONCEPT reporting.anyAttribute=any attribute reporting.equalTo=equal to reporting.patientsWhoStopOrChanged=Patients who stopped or changed reporting.anyOf=any of reporting.anyFormOf=any form of reporting.anyDrug=any drug reporting.nameNotDefined=name not defined reporting.becauseOf=because of {0} reporting.becauseOfAnyOf=because of any of reporting.with=with reporting.on=on {0} reporting.onOrAfter=on or after {0} reporting.onOrBefore=on or before {0} reporting.any=any reporting.atLeast=at least {0} reporting.atMost=at most {0} reporting.atLeastYearsOld=at least {0} year(s) old reporting.atMostYearsOld=at most {0} year(s) old reporting.encounters=encounters reporting.fromThe=from the {0} form reporting.form=form reporting.not=not reporting.patientsWhoBelongTo=Patients who belong to reporting.null=null reporting.byMethod=by method reporting.allPatients=All Patients reporting.female=Female reporting.male=Male reporting.bornAfter=born after reporting.bornBefore=born before reporting.bornBetween=born between reporting.and=and reporting.yearsOld=years old reporting.whoAreEither=who are either {0} or {1} of reporting.whoAre=who are {0} to {1} reporting.withAnyRelationshipTo=with any relationship to reporting.anyone=anyone reporting.upto=up to {0} year(s) old reporting.betweenTheAgesOf=between the ages of {0} and {1} reporting.whoAreDead=who are dead reporting.whoAreAlive=who are alive reporting.patientsInProgram=Patients in program reportingcompatibility.CohortBuilder.sqlQuery.note.message2=Please note that your query should only return patient_id(i.e. it should start with something like select o.patient_id from) assignment.handler.should.implement.EncounterVisitHandler=The registered visit assignment handler should implement the EncounterVisitHandler interface call.stack.depth.error=Call stack depth cannot be less than 0 {0} cannot be empty don't think we want to cascade here {0} is not annotated as a Handler. ConceptStateConversion.requires=ConceptStateConversion requires a Concept, ProgramWorkflow, and ProgramWorkflowState context is currently null. Please try reloading the site. convert.state.invalid.patient=Attempting to convert state of an invalid patient date for converting patient state convert.state.patient.without.valid.trigger=Attempting to convert state for a patient without a valid trigger concept could.not.decrypt.text=Could not decrypt text could.not.encrypt.text=Could not encrypt text could.not.generate.cipher.key=Could not generate cipher key DataSetProvider.not.found=No DataSetProvider found for ({0}) {1} does.not.have.string.constructor={0} does not have a string constructor editing.fields.not.allowed=Editing the fields {0} on {1} is not allowed error.occurred.on.remote.server=An error occurred on the remote server to change property value from empty string to null for {0} failed.instantiate.assignment.handler=Failed to instantiate assignment handler object for class: {0} GenerateDataExportTask.error.running=Error running generate data export queue task handler.type.not.found=No {0} is found that is able to handle a {1} handler.type.multiple=There are at least 2 handlers of type {0} for {1} and neither is more preferred than the other{0} is not able to be instantiated with value: {1} no.authenticated.user.found=No Authenticated user found is no concept defined with concept id: {0} You should correctly define the default obs group concept id with the global property {1} no.encryption.initialization.vector.found=No encryption initialization vector found no.encryption.secret.key.found=No encryption secret key found the hashed password or the password to hash cannot be null ReportSchema.null.or.empty=The current serialized ReportSchema string named 'xml' is null or empty serializer.default.not.found=A default serializer was not found. Cannot proceed without at least one installed serializer serializer.not.found=OpenmrsSerializer of class <{0}> not found. service.error.during.getting.component=Error during getting registered component. service.unable.create.proxy.factory=Unable to create proxy factory for: {0} service.unable.find=Unable to find classString or classInstance in params service.unable.set=Unable to set module service: {0}'{0}' should be a directory but it is not system.cannot.find.encoding=System cannot find {0} encoding system.cannot.find.encryption.algorithm=System cannot find SHA1 encryption algorithm system.cannot.find.password.encryption.algorithm=System cannot find password encryption algorithm unable.generate.export=Unable to generate export: {0} because it contains a reference to an outdated 'tribe' column. You must install the 'Tribe Module' into OpenMRS to continue to reference tribes in OpenMRS. unable.get.field=Unable to get field: {0} on {1} unable.getter.method=Unable to {0} getter method: {1} for field: {2} on {3} unable.load.and.instantiate.handler=Unable to load and instantiate handler unable.load.and.instantiate.renderer=Unable to load and instantiate renderer to parse the given string: '{0}' as a date object unknown.handler=Unknown handler for: {0} unknown.modifier=Unknown modifier: {0} unsupported.mime.type=Unsupported MIME type upgrade.settings.file.invalid.mapping=Your order entry upgrade settings file contains invalid mapping from {0} to concept ID {1}. ID must be an integer or null. Please refer to upgrade instructions for more details. upgrade.settings.file.not.have.mapping=Your order entry upgrade settings file does not have mapping for {0}. Please refer to upgrade instructions for more details. upgrade.settings.unable.find.file=Unable to find file containing order entry upgrade settings in your application data directory: {0}. Please refer to upgrade instructions for more details. uuid.cannot.null=UUID cannot be null voided.bit.was.set.true=The voided bit was set to true, so a void reason is required at save time for object: {0} of class: {1} are not authorized to change {0}'s properties you.should.not.included.voideds=You should not include voideds in the search. user.must.exist=User must exist. null.old.password.privilege.required=Old password is empty therefore the Edit User Passwords privilege is required. old.password.not.correct=Old password is not correct. password is the same as old password. secret.answer.not.correct=Secret answer is not correct. activation.key.not.correct=Invalid or expired activation key. uncaughtException.title=An Internal Error has Occurred uncaughtException.possibleCause=Possible cause uncaughtException.programmerError=: A programmer has made an error and forgotten to include a @Transaction(readOnly=true) annotation on a method. the document. your friendly neighborhood administrator if it cannot be resolved. uncaughtException.showStackTrace=Show Stack Trace uncaughtException.hideStackTrace=Hide Stack Trace uncaughtException.stackTrace=Stack Trace uncaughtException.logged.out=You must be logged in to view the stack trace uncaughtException.noErrorInfo=No error information available uncaughtException.bugFound=Found a bug? Please fill out and submit the form below - help us make OpenMRS better software -- Thanks! uncaughtException.subject=Subject: uncaughtException.subject.mandatory=Subject is Mandatory. Name: uncaughtException.doing=Please describe what you were doing when this error occurred: uncaughtException.additionalInfo=The following data will also be submitted with the report to enable the team to resolve the problem. uncaughtException.additionalInfo.msg=The error message and stack trace uncaughtException.additionalInfo.version=OpenMRS version uncaughtException.additionalInfo.appNameAndVersion=Application server name and version uncaughtException.additionalInfo.username=Username of the user currently logged in uncaughtException.additionalInfo.implementationId=The implementation id of this installation (if defined) uncaughtException.additionalInfo.modules=Names and versions of all installed modules OrderFrequency.concept.shouldBeClassFrequency=Concept should be of class Frequency OrderFrequency.concept.shouldNotBeShared=Only one OrderFrequency should be mapped to a particular concept Module.error.cyclicDependencies=Could not start some modules because they depend on others which are not started. Please first start them or use the "Start All" button on the "Manage Modules" page: {0} Condition.conditionShouldNotBeNull=Condition is required Condition.clinicalStatusShouldNotBeNull=Clinical status is required mail.passwordreset.subject=Password Reset mail.passwordreset.content=Hi {name} \n You recently requested a password reset for your OpenMRS account. To complete the process, click the link below.\n {link} \n Please disregard this email if you didn't innitiate the password reset process. \n This link will automatically expire after a period of {time} minutes.