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How to use gdb

Copy either .gbdinit or .gdbinit-print-opencog to ~/.gbdinit That is, to your home directory.

How to use Valgrind suppressions

Using valgrind with opencog can be tricky, because many spurious messages are created. These can be suppressed with suppression files, like so:

valgrind --suppressions=../scripts/valgrind.guile.suppressions      \
         --suppressions=../scripts/valgrind.python.suppressions     \
         --suppressions=../scripts/valgrind.boost.suppressions      \
         --suppressions=../scripts/valgrind.logger.suppressions     \
         --suppressions=../scripts/  \

where <program_to_debug> is probably opencog/server/cogserver

Memory leaks: valgrind --leak-check=full

Memory non-leaks: valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all

Memory profile: valgrind --tool=massif

CPU profile: valgrind --tool=callgrind

then: callgrind_annotate callgrind.out.nnnn