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Contributing a Pull Request

Justin Miranda edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 3 revisions

  • Create a fork of the openboxes/openboxes repository
  • Clone fork to your local machine
git clone [email protected]:<username>/openboxes.git
  • Add openboxes repo as upstream (one-time only)
git remote add upstream git:

Before you begin development on a new ticket

  • Fetch changes from upstream
git fetch upstream
  • Sync master
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
  • Sync develop
git checkout develop
git pull upstream develop

Working on a new feature branch

All bug fixes / improvements should be created as branches off the develop branch

  • Checkout develop branch
git checkout -b feature/<ticket-number-and-description>

e.g. feature/1084-make-uploads-directory-configurable

  • Do all development in branch
git add
git commit -m "Made a change to source file"
  • Push all changes to branch in your forked repository
git push

Getting Started

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