# AMD openSIL: Proof-of-Concept (POC) ## About the project: The AMD open Silicon Initialization Library (openSIL) is a collection of C libraries which can be integrated into an x86 host firmware, by directly compiling source or by linking with static libraries. AMD openSIL consists of three statically linked libraries; xSIM (x86 Silicon Initialization Libraries), xPRF (x86 Platform Reference Library), and xUSL (x86 Utilities & Services Library). These libraries can be statically linked to a host firmware during compile/link time. Source for the libraries resides under [xSIM](xSIM), [xPRF](xPRF), and [xUSL](xUSL). Formal documentation is in final review and will be uploaded to the [GitHub project page](https://github.com/openSIL/openSIL/tree/master/Documentation) when available.
The AMD blog "[Empowering The Industry with Open System Firmware - AMD openSIL](https://community.amd.com/t5/business/empowering-the-industry-with-open-system-firmware-amd-opensil/ba-p/599644)" provides a starting point to grasp the openSIL design goals.

## AMD openSIL open-source projected roadmap: ### Evaluation Only Phases (no support for production implementations): 1. Phase I - Internal POC (complete). 2. Phase II - AMD openSIL POC open-sourced for evaluation on AMD 4th Gen EPYC™ based CRB (complete: this source). 3. Phase III - POC openSIL POC open-sourced, trending Q4 2024. ### Production Phase: 4. Phase IV: - AMD openSIL POR with UEFI Host FW trending 2026.

## Getting Started: 1. Clone Repository: 1. Establish your GitHub user account and your SSH keys (details are beyond this doc) 2. Open a command/terminal window 3. Run git to obtain the project: ```> git clone git@github.com:openSIL/openSIL.git```

2. Establish the project environment variables. * You will find a shell/cmd file (SetSilEnv) in the 'util' directory for this purpose.

3. Configure your project * This release of the AMD openSIL libraries supports AMD 4th Gen EPYC™ on the Onyx CRB only. * The openSIL project uses the python version of the Kconfig tool for this purpose. (See GitHub Kconfiglib). * Run the interactive configuration UI: ```> python %PYTHONPATH%\menuconfig.py Kconfig```

4. Build openSIL Libraries: * The AMD openSIL library build is performed using 'Meson build', an open source python tool (see GitHub). Several targets allow a focused build for xUSL, xSIM, xPRF or openSIL(xUSL + xSIM + XPRF) static libraries. AMD openSIL specific Meson build documentation is not yet available. * The project can be built for 32bit and/or 64bit compilation and static libraries. * The project supports both the GNU/GCC or LLVM/clang tool chain and the Microsoft Visual C tool chain. Generally it is recommended to use the latest versions of these tool chains.
Specific versions being used today (June 2023) are: * GCC - v10.2.0 * llvm/clang - v10.0 * MSVC v19.00.24210 (Visual Studio 2019)
5. Integrate with Host Firmware: * AMD has a separate repository ("opensil-uefi-interface" ) for helping customers integrate openSIL with previous UEFI-AGESA installations. Please contact your AMD representative for more information.

6. Test Host Firmware on reference platform * All AMD openSIL testing has been performed on an AMD reference platform (Onyx CRB). * Present list of supported reference platforms is shown in the following table. | Market
Segment | AMD Processor
Family Model | Firmware | Reference Platform
Name | | ------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------- | | Server | F19M10 | UEFI | Onyx | ## Forthcoming items: * Formal documentation to be published to this repository. * Continuous integration (CI) tools will be implemented as a pre-requisite to merging pull requests. ## License: The MIT License (MIT): https://opensource.org/license/mit/