/* * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ package io.opentelemetry.javaagent.muzzle.matcher /** * Entry point for the muzzle gradle plugin. * *

In order to understand this class and its weirdness, one has to remember that there are three * different independent class loaders at play here. * *

First, Gradle class loader that has loaded the muzzle-check plugin that calls this class. This * one has a lot of Gradle specific stuff and we don't want it to be available during muzzle checks. * *

Second, there is agent or instrumentation class loader, which contains all * InstrumentationModules and helper classes. The actual muzzle check process happens "inside" that * class loader. This means that we load {@code * io.opentelemetry.javaagent.tooling.muzzle.ClassLoaderMatcher} from it and we allow it to find all * InstrumentationModules from agent class loader. * *

Finally, there is user class loader. It contains the specific version of the instrumented * library that we want to muzzle-check: "does this version provide all the expected hooks and * classes and methods that our instrumentations expect". */ // TODO the next line is not true anymore. Switch from System.err to Gradle logger. // Runs in special classloader so tedious to provide access to the Gradle logger. class MuzzleGradlePluginUtil { companion object { /** * Verifies that all instrumentations present in the {@code agentClassLoader} can be safely * applied to the passed {@code userClassLoader}. * *

This method throws whenever one of the following step fails (and {@code assertPass} is * true): * *

  1. {@code userClassLoader} is not matched by the {@code * InstrumentationModule#classLoaderMatcher()} method *
  2. {@code ReferenceMatcher} of any instrumentation module finds any mismatch *
  3. any helper class defined in {@code InstrumentationModule#getMuzzleHelperClassNames()} * fails to be injected into {@code userClassLoader} *
* *

When {@code assertPass = false} this method behaves in an opposite way: failure in any of * the first two steps is expected (helper classes are not injected at all). * *

This method is repeatedly called by the {@code :muzzle} gradle task - each tested dependency * version passes different {@code userClassLoader}. */ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun assertInstrumentationMuzzled(agentClassLoader: ClassLoader, userClassLoader: ClassLoader, assertPass: Boolean) { val matcherClass = agentClassLoader.loadClass("io.opentelemetry.javaagent.tooling.muzzle.ClassLoaderMatcher") // We cannot reference Mismatch class directly here, because we are loaded from a differen // classloader. // We cannot reference Mismatch class directly here, because we are loaded from a differen // classloader. val allMismatches = matcherClass .getMethod("matchesAll", ClassLoader::class.java, Boolean::class.javaPrimitiveType) .invoke(null, userClassLoader, assertPass) as Map> allMismatches.forEach { moduleName, mismatches -> val passed = mismatches.isEmpty() if (passed && !assertPass) { System.err.println("MUZZLE PASSED $moduleName BUT FAILURE WAS EXPECTED") throw IllegalStateException("Instrumentation unexpectedly passed Muzzle validation") } else if (!passed && assertPass) { System.err.println("FAILED MUZZLE VALIDATION: $moduleName mismatches:") for (mismatch in mismatches) { System.err.println("-- $mismatch") } throw IllegalStateException("Instrumentation failed Muzzle validation") } } val validatedModulesCount = allMismatches.size if (validatedModulesCount == 0) { val errorMessage = "Did not found any InstrumentationModule to validate!" System.err.println(errorMessage) throw IllegalStateException(errorMessage) } } /** * Prints all references from all instrumentation modules present in the passed {@code * instrumentationClassLoader}. * *

Called by the {@code printMuzzleReferences} gradle task. */ fun printMuzzleReferences(instrumentationClassLoader: ClassLoader) { val matcherClass = instrumentationClassLoader.loadClass( "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.tooling.muzzle.ReferencesPrinter") matcherClass.getMethod("printMuzzleReferences").invoke(null) } } }