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Azure Monitor Receiver

Stability development: metrics
Distributions contrib
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @nslaughter, @codeboten

This receiver scrapes Azure Monitor API for resources metrics.


The following settings are required:

  • subscription_id

The following settings are optional:

  • auth (default = service_principal): Specifies the used authentication method. Supported values are service_principal, workload_identity.
  • resource_groups (default = none): Filter metrics for specific resource groups, not setting a value will scrape metrics for all resources in the subscription.
  • services (default = none): Filter metrics for specific services, not setting a value will scrape metrics for all services integrated with Azure Monitor.
  • cache_resources (default = 86400): List of resources will be cached for the provided amount of time in seconds.
  • cache_resources_definitions (default = 86400): List of metrics definitions will be cached for the provided amount of time in seconds.
  • maximum_number_of_metrics_in_a_call (default = 20): Maximum number of metrics to fetch in per API call, current limit in Azure is 20 (as of 03/27/2023).
  • initial_delay (default = 1s): defines how long this receiver waits before starting.
  • cloud (default = AzureCloud): defines which Azure cloud to use. Either AzureCloud or AzureUSGovernment

Authenticating using service principal requires following additional settings:

  • tenant_id
  • client_id
  • client_secret

Authenticating using workload identities requires following additional settings:

  • tenant_id
  • client_id
  • federate_token_file

Example Configurations

Using Service Principal for authentication:

    subscription_id: "${subscription_id}"
    tenant_id: "${tenant_id}"
    client_id: "${client_id}"
    client_secret: "${env:CLIENT_SECRET}"
    cloud: AzureUSGovernment
      - "${resource_group1}"
      - "${resource_group2}"
      - "${service1}"
      - "${service2}"
    collection_interval: 60s
    initial_delay: 1s

Using Azure Workload Identity for authentication:

    subscription_id: "${subscription_id}"
    auth: "workload_identity"
    tenant_id: "${env:AZURE_TENANT_ID}"
    client_id: "${env:AZURE_CLIENT_ID}"
    federated_token_file: "${env:AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE}"


Details about the metrics scraped by this receiver can be found in Supported metrics with Azure Monitor. This receiver adds the prefix "azure_" to all scraped metrics.