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E2E Example

This is a simple example that demonstrates how to use the OpenTelemetry collector with DataSetExporter.

How To Use It

  1. Modify otel-config.yaml
    1. Update dataset_url with the URL to your dataset server
    2. Update api_key with your API key
  2. Run docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit

What It Does

It starts three containers docker-compose.yaml:

  1. otel-collector-dataset - collector that accepts logs and traces
  2. telemetrygen-logs-dataset - telemetry generator that generates logs for 10 minutes
  3. telemetrygen-traces-dataset - telemetry generator that generates traces for 10 minutes


This collector is based with components specified in otelcol-builder.yaml. It contains several processors and extensions that you may find useful.

When it's running following configuration is used - otel-config.yaml.

Dataset exporter is defined twice:

  1. dataset/log to export logs
  2. dataset/traces to export traces. This configuration is keeping buffers around longer to increase chance that full trace will so that aggregated numbers will be correct.