# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import math import torch import torch.distributed as dist import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule from mmseg.registry import MODELS from .decode_head import BaseDecodeHead def reduce_mean(tensor): """Reduce mean when distributed training.""" if not (dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized()): return tensor tensor = tensor.clone() dist.all_reduce(tensor.div_(dist.get_world_size()), op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) return tensor class EMAModule(nn.Module): """Expectation Maximization Attention Module used in EMANet. Args: channels (int): Channels of the whole module. num_bases (int): Number of bases. num_stages (int): Number of the EM iterations. """ def __init__(self, channels, num_bases, num_stages, momentum): super().__init__() assert num_stages >= 1, 'num_stages must be at least 1!' self.num_bases = num_bases self.num_stages = num_stages self.momentum = momentum bases = torch.zeros(1, channels, self.num_bases) bases.normal_(0, math.sqrt(2. / self.num_bases)) # [1, channels, num_bases] bases = F.normalize(bases, dim=1, p=2) self.register_buffer('bases', bases) def forward(self, feats): """Forward function.""" batch_size, channels, height, width = feats.size() # [batch_size, channels, height*width] feats = feats.view(batch_size, channels, height * width) # [batch_size, channels, num_bases] bases = self.bases.repeat(batch_size, 1, 1) with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(self.num_stages): # [batch_size, height*width, num_bases] attention = torch.einsum('bcn,bck->bnk', feats, bases) attention = F.softmax(attention, dim=2) # l1 norm attention_normed = F.normalize(attention, dim=1, p=1) # [batch_size, channels, num_bases] bases = torch.einsum('bcn,bnk->bck', feats, attention_normed) # l2 norm bases = F.normalize(bases, dim=1, p=2) feats_recon = torch.einsum('bck,bnk->bcn', bases, attention) feats_recon = feats_recon.view(batch_size, channels, height, width) if self.training: bases = bases.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) bases = reduce_mean(bases) # l2 norm bases = F.normalize(bases, dim=1, p=2) self.bases = (1 - self.momentum) * self.bases + self.momentum * bases return feats_recon @MODELS.register_module() class EMAHead(BaseDecodeHead): """Expectation Maximization Attention Networks for Semantic Segmentation. This head is the implementation of `EMANet `_. Args: ema_channels (int): EMA module channels num_bases (int): Number of bases. num_stages (int): Number of the EM iterations. concat_input (bool): Whether concat the input and output of convs before classification layer. Default: True momentum (float): Momentum to update the base. Default: 0.1. """ def __init__(self, ema_channels, num_bases, num_stages, concat_input=True, momentum=0.1, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ema_channels = ema_channels self.num_bases = num_bases self.num_stages = num_stages self.concat_input = concat_input self.momentum = momentum self.ema_module = EMAModule(self.ema_channels, self.num_bases, self.num_stages, self.momentum) self.ema_in_conv = ConvModule( self.in_channels, self.ema_channels, 3, padding=1, conv_cfg=self.conv_cfg, norm_cfg=self.norm_cfg, act_cfg=self.act_cfg) # project (0, inf) -> (-inf, inf) self.ema_mid_conv = ConvModule( self.ema_channels, self.ema_channels, 1, conv_cfg=self.conv_cfg, norm_cfg=None, act_cfg=None) for param in self.ema_mid_conv.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.ema_out_conv = ConvModule( self.ema_channels, self.ema_channels, 1, conv_cfg=self.conv_cfg, norm_cfg=self.norm_cfg, act_cfg=None) self.bottleneck = ConvModule( self.ema_channels, self.channels, 3, padding=1, conv_cfg=self.conv_cfg, norm_cfg=self.norm_cfg, act_cfg=self.act_cfg) if self.concat_input: self.conv_cat = ConvModule( self.in_channels + self.channels, self.channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1, conv_cfg=self.conv_cfg, norm_cfg=self.norm_cfg, act_cfg=self.act_cfg) def forward(self, inputs): """Forward function.""" x = self._transform_inputs(inputs) feats = self.ema_in_conv(x) identity = feats feats = self.ema_mid_conv(feats) recon = self.ema_module(feats) recon = F.relu(recon, inplace=True) recon = self.ema_out_conv(recon) output = F.relu(identity + recon, inplace=True) output = self.bottleneck(output) if self.concat_input: output = self.conv_cat(torch.cat([x, output], dim=1)) output = self.cls_seg(output) return output