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Insights: open-mmlab/mmdetection

Dependency graph

Package: mmdet

Repositories that depend on mmdet

2,650 Repositories 47 Packages
These counts are approximate and may not exactly match the dependents shown below.
Filter by owner
@ghost mvanet
@bitdessin bitdessin / JustDeepIt justdeepit
6 1
@ghost yolo-world-open
@ghost mmrotate-dev
@ghost cfm-task-models
@quic quic / ai-hub-models qai-hub-models
339 45
@ghost mlcvzoo-mmrotate
@ghost flatpack
@bcmi bcmi / libcom
246 15
@ghost azureml-metrics
@ghost tetra-model-zoo
@ghost facechain
@gsoykan gsoykan / comics_ocr comics-ocr
4 0
@0ssamaak0 0ssamaak0 / DLTA-AI dlta-ai
301 38
@ghost mmenot
@ghost geolibs
@open-mmlab open-mmlab / mmagic
6,725 1,037
@TencentARC TencentARC / T2I-Adapter t2iadapter
3,297 196
@TencentARC TencentARC / T2I-Adapter t2i-adapter
3,297 196
@jcollie jcollie / otx
0 0
@open-mmlab open-mmlab / mmdeploy otxdeploy
2,612 603
@Westlake-AI Westlake-AI / OpenBioSeq openbioseq
18 1
@eora-ai eora-ai / torchok
54 6
@modelscope modelscope / modelscope
6,463 673
@open-mmlab open-mmlab / mmsegmentation
7,699 2,526
@IceClear IceClear / CLIP-IQA mmedit
284 17
@open-mmlab open-mmlab / mmyolo
2,831 523
@open-mmlab open-mmlab / mmtracking mmtrack
3,441 580