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Before running the evaluation script, you need to configure the VLMs and set the model_paths properly.

After that, you can use a single script to inference and evaluate multiple VLMs and benchmarks at a same time.

Step0. Installation

git clone
cd VLMEvalKit
pip install -e .

Step1. Configuration

VLM Configuration: All VLMs are configured in vlmeval/, for some VLMs, you need to configure the code root (MiniGPT-4, PandaGPT, etc.) or the model_weight root (LLaVA-v1-7B, etc.) before conducting the evaluation. During evaluation, you should use the model name specified in supported_VLM in vlmeval/ to select the VLM. For MiniGPT-4 and InstructBLIP, you also need to modify the config files in vlmeval/vlm/misc to configure LLM path and ckpt path.

Following VLMs require the configuration step:

Code Preparation & Installation: InstructBLIP (LAVIS), LLaVA (LLaVA), MiniGPT-4 (MiniGPT-4), mPLUG-Owl2 (mPLUG-Owl2), OpenFlamingo-v2 (OpenFlamingo), PandaGPT-13B (PandaGPT), TransCore-M (TransCore-M).

Manual Weight Preparation & Configuration: InstructBLIP, LLaVA-v1-7B, MiniGPT-4, PandaGPT-13B

Step2. Evaluation

We use for evaluation. To use the script, you can use $VLMEvalKit/ or create a soft-link of the script (to use the script anywhere):


  • --data (list[str]): Set the dataset names that are supported in VLMEvalKit (defined in vlmeval/utils/
  • --model (list[str]): Set the VLM names that are supported in VLMEvalKit (defined in supported_VLM in vlmeval/
  • --mode (str, default to 'all', choices are ['all', 'infer']): When mode set to "all", will perform both inference and evaluation; when set to "infer", will only perform the inference.
  • --nproc (int, default to 4): The number of threads for OpenAI API calling.


You can run the script with python or torchrun:

# When running with `python`, only one VLM instance is instantiated, and it might use multiple GPUs (depending on its default behavior).
# That is recommended for evaluating very large VLMs (like IDEFICS-80B-Instruct).

# IDEFICS-80B-Instruct on MMBench_DEV_EN, MME, and SEEDBench_IMG, Inference and Evalution
python --data MMBench_DEV_EN MME SEEDBench_IMG --model idefics_80b_instruct --verbose
# IDEFICS-80B-Instruct on MMBench_DEV_EN, MME, and SEEDBench_IMG, Inference only
python --data MMBench_DEV_EN MME SEEDBench_IMG --model idefics_80b_instruct --verbose --mode infer

# When running with `torchrun`, one VLM instance is instantiated on each GPU. It can speed up the inference.
# However, that is only suitable for VLMs that consume small amounts of GPU memory.

# IDEFICS-9B-Instruct, Qwen-VL-Chat, mPLUG-Owl2 on MMBench_DEV_EN, MME, and SEEDBench_IMG. On a node with 8 GPU. Inference and Evaluation.
torchrun --nproc-per-node=8 --data MMBench_DEV_EN MME SEEDBench_IMG --model idefics_80b_instruct qwen_chat mPLUG-Owl2 --verbose
# Qwen-VL-Chat on MME. On a node with 2 GPU. Inference and Evaluation.
torchrun --nproc-per-node=2 --data MME --model qwen_chat --verbose

The evaluation results will be printed as logs, besides. Result Files will also be generated in the directory $YOUR_WORKING_DIRECTORY/{model_name}. Files ending with .csv contain the evaluated metrics.