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So you've decided to actively join the development of EaseProbe!!! First let us Welcome you and Thank You for your interest.

The following document will try to provide some general guidelines and information about the development processes to help your on-boarding experience.

This document is constantly under change with new things been added as the project grows.

General guidelines

The following are some guidelines that will help in getting your code contributions easier accepted.

  • For the Coding Standard, we follow Uber Go Style Guide.
  • Write a small description for your PR, this makes it much easier for the reviewer
  • Make sure to address any linting or test failures your PR introduces
  • If you contribute a new feature
    • update or create appropriate tests for it
    • update the README accordingly
  • If you introduced new files make sure to include the license on top of each new .go file. Simply run the resources/scripts/ script to help in adding the open source license.

How EaseProbe Works

Basically, the EaseProbe have the following major code organization.

1) Probe

  • Probe Interface. Every Probe must implement the Probe interface, which is defined in probe/probe.go
  • Base Probe. The probe/base/base.go helps to implement most Probe interface methods, like a Probe framework.
  • Concrete Probe. Every concrete probe must do the following works
    • Config() - provide probe's kind, tag and other information.
    • DoProbe() - implement the actual code that does the probing.
  • Probe Configuration. The probe configuration need to be added in the Conf struct ( conf/conf.go ).
  • Probe Result The probe result and the relevant statistics are stored in a Result object, this is defined in probe/result.go

2) Notify

  • Notify Interface. Every Notify must implement the Notify interface, which is defined in notify/notify.go.
  • Base Notify. The notify/base/base.go help to implement most Notify interface methods, like a Notify framework.
  • Concrete Notify. Every concrete notifier must do the following works
    • Config() - provide notify's kind, report format, send function and other information.
    • SendXXXNotification(title, message) - provide the implementation of how the notifier will perform the notification.
  • Formation. The formatting of the notification message, such as HTML, Markdown, JSON, Text or use a completely custom formatter. These formations are defined in report/result.go

3) Channel

The Channel is used for connect the Probe and Notify. The channel package organizes the Probe and Notify associations.

  • Probe. All of the prober will be run by runProbers() function in cmd/easeprobe/probe.go
  • Notify. The Notify would watch the Probe's Result in channel.WatchAllEvents() which in channel/manager.go.

4) SLA Report

The SLA Report contains the results of all Probers which include:

  • SLA Data. SLA data (in probe/data.go) that are (optionally) persistent in a file.
  • Web Server. the Web server for SLA report is in web package, it includes the HTML web page and the Restful API. This uses of Chi framework.
  • Report Format. there are serveral formations for SLA report, the code is in report/sla.go
  • Scheduler. takes care of the SLA report scheduling requirements (such as Daily/Weekly/Monthly) and can be found in cmd/easeprobe/report.go

5) Metrics (Prometheus)

EaseProbe supports exporting of probe metrics to prometheus. The package metric/prometheus.go help to create and register the metric.

  • Base Metrics. We implement some common metrics for all of Probers probe/base/metrics.go - Total Probe Times(Counter), Probe Duration(Gauge), Status(Gauge), and SLA(Gauge).
  • Customize Metrics. If we need to deal with the Prober specific metrics, we can do the following works
    • Define Metrics. just create the metrics.go in probe which define the metrics struct and how to create it.
    • Initialize Metrics. initialize the metrics in Probe.Config()function
    • Export Metrics. create a new Probe.ExportMetrics() function and call it in Probe.DoProbe() function.


  • Host Probe metrics: probe/host/metrics.go
  • HTTP Probe metrics: probe/http/metrics.go

Source Code Files

  • cmd/easeprobe This is the main package for the EaseProbe main function.
    • main.go - main() function to do everything.
    • probe.go - Initialize and configure the Probers and start up all of probers
    • notify.go - Initialize and configure the Notifiers.
    • channel.go - Initialize and configure the Channels.
    • report.go - SLA report.
  • conf. This package is for EaseProbe configuration and Log file.
    • conf.go - EaseProbe configuration file processing.
    • log.go - EaseProbe application log and access log.
  • daemon. This package is about EaseProbe daemon operations, such as: create the pid file.
    • daemon.go - General operations for all platforms
    • daemon_windows.go - For Windows platform
    • daemon_linux.go - For Linux Platform
    • daemon_unix.go - For all non-Windows and non-Linux platform such as: macOS & OpenBSD
  • global. This package defines the Global variables, structures and functions.
    • global.go - Default Value, Retry, TLS structure, Working Directory...
    • easeprobe.go - Holds the EaseProbe Name, Icon, Version, Host information.
    • probe.go - The common configuration for all Probers.
    • notify.go - The common configuration for all Notifiers.
  • metric. This package is for external metric report, like prometheus.
    • prometheus.go - The wrapper of prometheus metrics export.
  • channel. Channel object and management
    • channel.go - The channel object.
    • manager.go - manage all of channels
  • notify. All of notifiers
    • notify.go - The notify interface definition.
    • base/ - The notify framework for all notify.
  • probe. All of probers.
    • probe.go - the probe interface definition.
    • base/ - The probe framework for all notification
    • result.go - The probe result object, includes all of the probe result, like status, start probe time, round trip time, statistics, etc.
    • data.go - The probe result persistent.
    • status.go - The probe status definition: StatusUp, StatusDown, StatusUnknown, ... etc.
  • report. SLA Report formation.
    • types.go - The format of report
    • sla.go - SLA report for all of format.
    • result.go- Probe Result for all of format.
  • web. This package is the web server for EaseProbe SLA report and API
    • server.go - Web Server
    • log.go - Access Log ​


The project provides a Makefile with the following targets

  • build: compile the project and produce the EaseProbe binary
  • test: runs go test
  • docker: builds the docker images for EaseProbe (using resources/Dockerfile)
  • clean: cleans up files created during build ​ ​

Github Actions

The project currently has 2 Github Workflows that are responsible for checking the code and assisting in releases of new versions.

  • ci.yaml would do license checking, code lint, and unit test.
  • release.yaml would do release work, build the binaries and docker images.

Note: goreleaser configuration file is .goreleaser.yaml, and it would use the resources/Dockerfile.goreleaser for docker image to build the release.

CI (.github/workflows/ci.yaml)

The workflow has two jobs lint & test ​ The lint job runs the following

  • Spelling Check with Reviewdog
  • Linting through Revive
  • Check formatting with gofmt ​ The test job runs the following
  • go test -cover -race