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  • Query Language


  • Technologies used to allow different services to communicate together
Example Of HTTP verbs to obtain resources aka 727225 resources
  • http GET /posts
  • http PUT /posts/1
  • http DELETE /posts/1
  • http POST /posts/1/comments
Gmail And Google Maps
  • Such applications used this technology to perform certain tasks without a page refresh
FB used it too
  • The ability to have >1,000,000,000 users on their platform without affecting the bandwidth
Iphone(Best Phone Ever) launch in 2007
  • Brought the introduction of hybrid apps(web and mobile) and the concept of BORA
  • Used to allow for communication to take place between one backend or multiple backends
Beauty of A QL
  • uses a single document to obtain the data you requested
  • responds in JSON format

How To Create A Query in GraphQL

query ListThePascalCategories{

How To Create A Query With Data Passed In Thanks to Mutation format: name operationType

mutation EditPascCategory($id: ID!){
	editCategory(id: $id, title: "..."){

How To Subscribe to An Event In The Backend

subscription OnCategoryUpdate($id: ID!){
	onCategoryUpdate(id: $id){

How the API Gateway works in GraphQL

One API Gateway that talks to multiple graphql apis and then it does the API
calls for me.
For example, I have user microservices and a post microservices, and I make a 
request for the user the post microservices will query both. 
On the FE however, this is transparent. If you work with FE there are clients
who deal with GraphQL 

GraphQL does the three steps on the go without having to worry

  • data fetching
  • data normalization
  • storage in a temporary store

Now All I have to do is:

  • display on the FE

Data Class

  • Built in class Decorator that is a data container aka a class that only holds data
class CharacterisOfPascFB:
	favLang: string
	favOS: int
	likesToWriteLLC: bool

How To Pass Data to GraphQL in Python thanks to Decorator

class Query:
	def categories(self, info, max_categories: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> typing.List[Categories]
		max_categories = max_categories or 10
		return db.fetch_categories(limit=max_categories)

GraphQL supports:

  • Asynchronous Tasks
  • Unions
  • Queries
  • Mutations
  • Subscriptions
  • Debug Server