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GraalVM Micronaut Todo webapp


The Todo web application is an example application built with Micronaut and GraalVM in the form of a microservice architecture.

The purpouse of the application is to demonstrate GraalVM and Native Image speed ups in comparison with vanilla jvm.

Project Structure

The application is currently broken into 3 pieces. The frontend, todo-service and loadTest project. Aditionally the api project contains classes shared amongst the frontend and the todo-service


A minimalistic service side rendering web application that renders data from the todo-service. The frontend comunincates to the backend service via a http client. It sole purpouse(for now) is to render data.


A backend webservice that exposes RESTful CRUD operations on Todo items. This service is currently backed by a in-memory data structure, however new implementations can be easily added.


Common classes shared by both the frontend and the Todo-service

Load tests

A project containing jmeter load tests. Currently the load test apply traffic on the todo-service only



  • Gradle
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • GraalVM (if run without docker)
  • JMeter (for running load tests, if run without docker)

There are generally two ways build and run the project


To build all the services

./gradlew assemble

If you want to build an specific service

./gradlew frontend:assemble //for the frontend
./gradlew todo-service:assemble //for the todo-service

To execute the services

./gradlew todo-service:run //for the todo-service
./gradlew frontend:run //for the frontend

The above will start the frontend service in http:https://localhost:8081/todos and the todo-service in https://localhost:8443/api/todos

To run load tests you can execute the below. If your are running without docker make sure you have jmeter install and it is in your PATH

cd loadTests && ./

Open loadTests/out/index.html to see the results


To build and run all the service including load tests via docker:

  • ./gradlew assemble
  • ./deployments/local/ [|graalvm|hotspot] Builds a docker compose file with different docker images running on either: native-image, graalvm or hotspot
  • docker-compose up --build


To build and run all the service including load tests via kubernetes:

  • ./gradlew assemble
  • ./deployments/k8/ [|graalvm|hotspot] Builds Docker images, if they don't exist, and creates a kubernetes config files in k8 folder.
  • [Optional] for cluster deployment the created images must be pushed into Docker registry used by the cluster and imagePullSecrets may be required.
  • kubectl create -f k8