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A client and integration layer for the Sentry error reporting API.


We test on Ruby MRI 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3 and 2.0.0. Other versions/VMs are untested but we will accept pull requests to support them.


gem "sentry-raven", :require => 'raven', :github => "getsentry/raven-ruby"


You'll want to set your SENTRY_DSN environment variable to the URL on your project's API Keys setting page (e.g. https://secret:[email protected]/9999). For more information, see Configuration.

Rails 3

In Rails 3, Sentry will "just work".

Rails 2

No support for Rails 2 yet, but it is being worked on.


Add use Raven::Rack to your (or other rackup file).


Like any other Rack middleware, add use Raven::Rack to your Sinatra app.

Capturing Events

Many implementations will automatically capture uncaught exceptions (such as Rails, Sidekiq or by using the Rack middleware). Sometimes you may want to catch those exceptions, but still report on them.

Several helpers are available to assist with this.

Capture Exceptions in a Block

Raven.capture do
  # capture any exceptions which happen during execution of this block
  1 / 0

Capture an Exception by Value

  1 / 0
rescue ZeroDivisionError => exception

Additional Context

Additional context can be passed to the capture methods.

Raven.capture_message("My event", {
  :logger => 'logger',
  :extra => {
    'my_custom_variable' => 'value'
  :tags => {
    'environment' => 'production',

The following attributes are available:

  • logger: the logger name to record this event under
  • level: a string representing the level of this event (fatal, error, warning, info, debug)
  • server_name: the hostname of the server
  • tags: a mapping of tags describing this event
  • extra: a mapping of arbitrary context


$ bundle install
$ rake spec



After you complete setting up a project, you'll be given a value which we call a DSN, or Data Source Name. It looks a lot like a standard URL, but it's actually just a representation of the configuration required by Raven (the Sentry client). It consists of a few pieces, including the protocol, public and secret keys, the server address, and the project identifier.

With Raven, you may either set the SENTRY_DSN environment variable (recommended), or set your DSN manually in a config block:

Raven.configure do |config|
  config.dsn = 'https://public:[email protected]/project-id'


By default events will be sent to Sentry in all environments except 'test'.

You can configure Raven to run only in certain environments by configuring the environments whitelist:

Raven.configure do |config|
  config.environments = %w[ production ]

Sentry automatically sets the current environment to RAILS_ENV, or if it is not present, RACK_ENV. If you are using Sentry outside of Rack or Rails, you'll need to set the current environment yourself:

Raven.configure do |config|
  config.current_environment = 'my_cool_environment'

Excluding Exceptions

If you never wish to be notified of certain exceptions, specify 'excluded_exceptions' in your config file.

In the example below, the exceptions Rails uses to generate 404 responses will be suppressed.

Raven.configure do |config|
  config.excluded_exceptions = ['ActionController::RoutingError', 'ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound']

Sanitizing Data (Processors)

If you need to sanitize or pre-process (before its sent to the server) data, you can do so using the Processors implementation. By default, a single processor is installed (Raven::Processor::SanitizeData), which will attempt to sanitize keys that match various patterns (e.g. password) and values that resemble credit card numbers.

To specify your own (or to remove the defaults), simply pass them with your configuration:

Raven.configure do |config|
  config.processors = [Raven::Processor::SanitizeData]

Command Line Interface

Raven includes a basic CLI for testing your DSN:

ruby -Ilib ./bin/raven test <DSN>



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  • Ruby 99.7%
  • Makefile 0.3%