Hello, I'm writing on behalf of the [OpenAddresses Project](http://openaddresses.io/) -- an open-source, volunteer initiative working to collect and standardize address data for the world. We believe that data is important and should be available to everyone through projects like [OpenStreetMap](http://osm.org). I found your contact information from {SOURCE OF CONTACT INFORMATION} and am looking for help adding {COUNTRY/REGION/CITY}'s to openaddresses.io. Is {COUNTRY/REGION/CITY}'s address data available for inclusion in OpenAddresses? I would greatly appreciate any information you have about the availability of this data, even if it's just a referral. Are you aware of any open data initiatives that might affect the data's availability? Pointing me in the direction of someone with information would be very helpful as well! Thanks very much for your time. And if you have any questions about the project, I'd be glad to answer them. {NAME}