openapi: 3.0.0 servers: - url: /b2b/v2 info: version: 2.0.0 title: 'NextGen B2B API' description: 'New & secure JSON-based API for our enterprise customers. (Deprecates previously offered XML-based endpoints)' license: name: MIT url: '' tags: - name: Order description: 'API for customer orders' paths: /orders: post: tags: [Order] description: 'Create new customer order' responses: { '200': { description: 'New customer order is created', content: { application/json: { schema: { $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderConfirmation' } } } } } requestBody: { content: { application/json: { schema: { $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' } } }, description: 'Customer order to be placed' } components: securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT schemas: Order: required: [cid] properties: { cid: { type: string, uniqueItems: true, example: JS0815DE }, orderLines: { $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderLines' }, orderLinesData: { $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderLinesData' } } OrderConfirmation: required: [cid, orderNo, paymentDue] properties: { cid: { type: string, uniqueItems: true, example: JS0815DE }, orderNo: { type: string, uniqueItems: true, example: 3d06ac5e1bdf39d26392f8100f124742 }, paymentDue: { description: 'All payments are due 14 days after order placement', type: string, format: date, example: '2018-01-19T07:02:06.800Z' } } OrderLine: description: 'Order line in default JSON format' required: [productId, quantity] properties: { productId: { type: integer, example: 8 }, quantity: { type: integer, minimum: 1, example: 500 }, customerReference: { type: string, example: PO0000001 } } OrderLines: type: array items: { $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderLine' } OrderLinesData: description: 'Order line(s) in customer specific JSON format' type: string example: '[{"productId": 12,"quantity": 10000,"customerReference": ["PO0000001.2", "SM20180105|042"],"couponCode": "pes[Bh.u*t"},{"productId": 13,"quantity": 2000,"customerReference": "PO0000003.4"}]' security: - bearerAuth: []