import path from 'path'; import { defineUserConfig } from '@vuepress/cli'; import { gitPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-git'; import { feedPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-feed'; import { viteBundler } from '@vuepress/bundler-vite'; import { shikiPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-shiki'; import { defaultTheme } from '@vuepress/theme-default'; import { sitemapPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-sitemap'; import { copyCodePlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-copy-code'; import { docsearchPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-docsearch'; import { backToTopPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-back-to-top'; import { mediumZoomPlugin } from '@vuepress/plugin-medium-zoom'; import { navbarDe, navbarEn, navbarEs, navbarJa, navbarPtBR, navbarRU, navbarZhCN, sidebarDe, sidebarEn, sidebarEs, sidebarJa, sidebarPtBR, sidebarRU, sidebarZhCN, } from './configs/index.js'; const compareDate = (dateA, dateB) => { if (!dateA || !(dateA instanceof Date)) return 1; if (!dateB || !(dateB instanceof Date)) return -1; return dateB.getTime() - dateA.getTime(); }; // default env from the deploy GitHub action // e.g. ciUser = nushell and ciRepo = // both default to undefined if the env is undefined const [ciUser, ciRepo] = process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY?.split('/') ?? []; export default defineUserConfig({ // set the base URL to ciRepo dir if it's a fork // keep the default root if not base: ciRepo && ciUser !== 'nushell' ? `/${ciRepo}/` : '/', bundler: viteBundler(), locales: { '/': { lang: 'en-US', title: 'Nushell', description: 'A new type of shell.', }, '/zh-CN/': { lang: 'zh-CN', title: 'Nushell', description: '一种新型的Shell', }, '/de/': { lang: 'de-DE', title: 'Nushell', description: 'Eine neue Art von Shell.', }, '/es/': { lang: 'es-ES', title: 'Nushell', description: 'Un nuevo tipo de shell.', }, '/ja/': { lang: 'ja-JP', title: 'Nushell', description: '新しいタイプのシェル', }, '/pt-BR/': { lang: 'pt-BR', title: 'Nushell', description: 'Um novo tipo de shell.', }, '/ru/': { lang: 'ru-RU', title: 'Nushell', description: 'Новый тип оболочки.', }, }, head: [ ['meta', { name: 'theme-color', content: '#3eaf7c' }], ['meta', { name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable', content: 'yes' }], [ 'meta', { name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style', content: 'black' }, ], ['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/icon.png' }], ], markdown: { code: { lineNumbers: false, }, importCode: { handleImportPath: (str) => str.replace(/^@snippets/, path.resolve(__dirname, '../snippets')), }, }, // without this, we attempt to prefetch the whole site 😬 shouldPrefetch: false, colorMode: 'auto', theme: defaultTheme({ repo: 'nushell/nushell', repoLabel: 'GitHub', editLinks: true, docsRepo: 'nushell/', docsBranch: 'main', lastUpdated: false, locales: { '/': { selectText: 'Languages', selectLanguageName: 'English', editLinkText: 'Edit this page on GitHub', navbar: navbarEn, sidebar: sidebarEn, }, '/de/': { selectText: 'Sprachen', selectLanguageName: 'Deutsch', editLinkText: 'Diese Seite auf GitHub bearbeiten', navbar: navbarDe, sidebar: sidebarDe, }, '/es/': { selectText: 'Idiomas', selectLanguageName: 'Español', editLinkText: 'Edita esta página en GitHub', navbar: navbarEs, sidebar: sidebarEs, }, '/ja/': { selectText: '言語', selectLanguageName: '日本語', editLinkText: 'GitHubでこのページを編集する', navbar: navbarJa, sidebar: sidebarJa, }, '/pt-BR/': { selectText: 'Línguas', selectLanguageName: 'Português do Brasil', editLinkText: 'Edite esta página no GitHub', navbar: navbarPtBR, sidebar: sidebarPtBR, }, '/ru/': { selectText: 'Языки', selectLanguageName: 'Русский язык', editLinkText: 'Отредактируйте эту страницу на GitHub', navbar: navbarRU, sidebar: sidebarRU, }, '/zh-CN/': { selectText: '语言', selectLanguageName: '中文', editLinkText: '在GitHub上编辑此页面', navbar: navbarZhCN, sidebar: sidebarZhCN, }, }, }), plugins: [ gitPlugin(), backToTopPlugin(), mediumZoomPlugin(), copyCodePlugin({ locales: { '/': { copy: 'Copy Codes from code block', }, }, }), shikiPlugin({ theme: 'dark-plus', langs: [ 'nushell', 'rust', 'bash', 'shell', 'sh', 'toml', 'json', 'javascript', 'python', 'cpp', 'powershell', ], }), docsearchPlugin({ appId: 'GHCTOYCW6T', indexName: 'nushell', apiKey: 'dd6a8f770a42efaed5befa429d167232', }), feedPlugin({ rss: true, json: true, atom: true, count: 30, hostname: '', filter: ({ frontmatter, filePathRelative }) => { return ( frontmatter.feed === true || filePathRelative?.indexOf('blog/') >= 0 ); }, sorter: (a, b) => { return compareDate( ? new Date( :, ? new Date( :, ); }, }), sitemapPlugin({ hostname: '', }), ], onPrepared: async (app) => { await app.writeTemp( 'pages.js', `export default ${JSON.stringify({ data }) => data))}`, ); }, });