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145 lines (115 loc) · 3.28 KB

File metadata and controls

145 lines (115 loc) · 3.28 KB


This specification serves as a starting point to document how nufmt should work when formatting nushell scripts. It's meant to be very basic at this point, gradually covering more of the language features.

Supported Features

Indentation size

There should be an --indent parameter to allow one to specify the number of spaces to use for indentation.


There should be a CRLF and indentation after open braces (){). (TBD - Does this apply to other symbols like [, (, |, etc?)

Limit the characters per line

There should be a --limit parameter to limit to the number of characters per line.

Number of empty lines before/after custom command

There should be a --lines-before and --lines-after parameter to set the number of empty lines before and after a custom command.

Config file

As rustfmt does it with a TOML file, nufmt could have a config file, alongside the command line flags above to set options in stone. We have identified the NUON format as a suitable data format for this project: after it's THE data format for nushell!

With the values above, it could look something like:

    CRLF: false,
    indent: 4,
    limit: 100,
    lines: {
        after: 1,
        before: 1

Sensible (?) default and features

  • 1️⃣ do not always add newlines when it can help understand the central point of a command call
http get ({
    scheme: https,
    path: /users/nushell/repos,
    params: {
        sort: updated,
        per_page: 100
        page: 1
} | url join)

to put the emphasis on the url structure

the ({ ... } | url join)

  • 2️⃣ put | at the start of the lines for readability, creating a "wall of pipes"
def "apply to" [
    file: path
    modification: closure
] {
    | path expand
    | open --raw
    | from toml
    | do $modification
    | save --force $file
  • 3️⃣ ternary-like conditions when conditions and the two branches are short
let sign = if $value < 0 { -1 } else { 1 }

instead of

let sign = (
    if $value < 0 {
    } else {
  • 4️⃣ a newline before a block of comments
some command

# a comment to explain
another comment

# a block
# of comment
# for this
last command

5️⃣ two spaces before and one space after a comment on the same line as a command

my-command  # and some explaination

or in command arguments as well

def foo [
    a: int  # my integer argument
    b: string  # my string integer
] {}
  • 6️⃣ 4 spaces as the default indentation

  • 7️⃣ remove trailing whitespaces

  • 8️⃣ single quotes for single characters and double quotes for strings => that behaviour might change with string interpolation and paths.

one should use single quotes (') or backticks (`) to quote paths on Windows

Supported Commands

This is the list of the supported commands and their idiomatic formatting. Indentation will be covered by the --indent flag but for these examples, 2 spaces will be used.


if condition {
  # some thing
} else if {
  # some other thing
} else {
  # else the last thing


for var in 0..100 {
  # do something here