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Wazuh Package Builder Script

This script automates the process of building Wazuh packages (manager or agent) for various architectures within a Docker container.


  • Supports building packages for different targets (manager/agent).
  • Selectable architectures (amd64, i386, *ppc64le, arm64, armhf).
  • Optional debug builds.
  • Generates checksums for built packages.
  • Builds legacy packages for CentOS 5 (RPM only).
  • Uses local source code or downloads from GitHub.
  • Builds future test packages (x.30.0).

*Note: Support for ppc64le, arm64, and armhf architectures is not currently available in the workflow.


  • Docker installed and running.


wazuh# cd packages


Option Description Default
-b, --branch Git branch to use (optional) master
-t, --target Target package to build (required): manager or agent -
-a, --architecture Target architecture (optional): amd64, i386, etc. -
-j, --jobs Number of parallel jobs (optional) 2
-r, --revision Package revision (optional) 0
-s, --store Destination path for the package (optional) (output folder created)
-p, --path Installation path for the package (optional) /var/ossec
-d, --debug Build binaries with debug symbols (optional) no
-c, --checksum Generate checksum on the same directory (optional) no
-l, --legacy Build package for CentOS 5 (RPM only) (optional) no
--dont-build-docker Use a locally built Docker image (optional) no
--tag Tag to use with the Docker image (optional) -
*--sources Path containing local Wazuh source code (optional) script path
**--is_stage Use release name in package (optional) no
--src Generate the source package (optional) no
--system Package format to build (optional): rpm, deb (default) deb
-h, --help Show this help message -

*Note1: If we don't use this flag, will the script use the current directory where is located.

**Note 2: If the package is not a release package, a short hash commit based on the git command git rev-parse --short HEAD will be appended to the end of the name. The default length of the short hash is determined by the Git command git rev-parse --short[=length].

Example Usage:

  1. Build a manager package for amd64 architecture: ./ -t manager -a amd64 -s /tmp --system rpm

  2. Build a debug agent package for i386 architecture with checksum generation: ./ -t agent -a i386 -s /tmp -d -c --system rpm

  3. Build a legacy RPM package for CentOS 5 (agent): ./ -t agent -l -s /tmp --system rpm

  4. Build a package using local Wazuh source code: ./ -t manager -a amd64 --sources /path/to/wazuh/source --system rpm


  • For --dont-build-docker to work effectively, ensure a Docker image with the necessary build environment is already available.
  • For RPM packages, we use the following architecture equivalences:
    • amd64 -> x86_64
    • arm64 -> aarch64
    • armhf -> armv7hl


Generate and push builder images to GH

curl -L -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $GH_WORKFLOW_TOKEN" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" --data-binary "@$(pwd)/wazuh-agent-test-amd64-rpm.json" ""

Where the JSON looks like this:

# cat wazuh-agent-test-amd64-rpm.json

Generate packages

curl -L -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $GH_WORKFLOW_TOKEN" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" --data-binary "@$(pwd)/wazuh-agent-test-amd64-rpm.json" ""

Where the JSON looks like this:

# cat wazuh-agent-test-amd64-rpm.json