import time, random import sys from twython import Twython, TwythonError import KEYS import pickle PICKLE_FILE = "social_trends.pickle" social_cache = pickle.load(open(PICKLE_FILE, "rb")) class SocialTrends: def __init__(self, authors, title, urls): self.authors = authors self.title = title self.urls = urls # hackathon hack! if not len(authors): self.authors = [""] if not len(urls): self.urls = ["NOT_APPLICABLE_90125738943705"] if (authors[0], title) in social_cache: self.twitter_results = social_cache[(authors[0], title, urls[0])]['twitter'] return social_cache[(self.authors[0], self.title, self.urls[0])] = {} (APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) = KEYS.keys() = Twython(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) self.twitter_results = "" self.reddit_results = "" def paper_tweets(self): if self.twitter_results: return self.twitter_results #allnames = author.split() # possible author names #lastname = allnames[len(allnames)-1] tweets = [] trend_score = 0 # possible urls for url in self.urls: url = url.lstrip("http://").lstrip("https://").lstrip("www.") results =, count=50) if results['statuses']: (new_tweets, rt_counts) = zip(*[(status['id'], status['retweet_count']) for status in results['statuses']]) tweets += new_tweets trend_score += sum(rt_counts) # search title + author #TODO count retweets and use in ranking for author in self.authors: results ="\"" + self.title + "\" " + author, count=50) if results['statuses']: (new_tweets, rt_counts) = zip(*[(status['id'], status['retweet_count']) for status in results['statuses']]) tweets += new_tweets trend_score += sum(rt_counts) #TODO see if there are any new urls to check in results? #TODO search author + title fragments #TODO better scoring system please trend_score += len(tweets) #TODO ID top tweets top_tweets = [(t, for t in tweets[:30]] self.twitter_results = (trend_score, top_tweets) social_cache[(self.authors[0], self.title, self.urls[0])]['twitter'] = self.twitter_results pickle.dump(social_cache, open(PICKLE_FILE,'wb')) return self.twitter_results