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Build Debian Packages Release

edgesec defines a new architecture and toolset for edge based routers addressing fundamental security weaknesses that impact current IP and IoT router implementations.

For more information, please see the edgesec website:


On Debian/Ubuntu, build dependencies are listed in the debian/control file.

You can use mk-build-deps to automatically install these build-dependencies.

sudo apt install devscripts # install mk-build-depends
sudo mk-build-deps --install debian/control

Compile & Build

Compiling edgesec is done with CMake.

If you have CMake v3.22+, you can use the following cmake-presets to compile edgesec:

cmake --preset linux # configure edgesec for Linux
cmake --build --preset linux -j4 # build edgesec for Linux using 4 threads
ctest --preset linux # test edgesec for Linux

A useful one-liner is the following, which given a preset, automatically configures, compiles (using all cores, but nice -n19 for lower CPU priority), tests (if a test config exists), then installs into the ./tmp folder.

export PRESET=linux; cmake --preset "$PRESET" && nice -n19 cmake --build --preset "$PRESET" -j=$(nproc) && ( ctest --list-presets | grep "\"$PRESET\"" ) && ctest --preset "$PRESET"; cmake --install "./build/$PRESET" --prefix "./tmp/$PRESET"

For older versions of CMake, or for manual configuration, please see the next headings for more details.


Configure cmake in the build/ directory by running the following:

# or for old versions of cmake, do: mkdir build/ && cd build/ && cmake ..
cmake -S . -B build

The configure stage will download some of the edgesec dependencies, so this may take a while.


To build, you can then run:

# or for old versions of cmake, do: cd build/ && make
cmake --build build/

or to built on multiple core run:

cmake --build build/ -j4

-j4 means 4 jobs/threads, replace 4 with the amount of cores you want to use, equivalent to make -j4.

After succesful compilation the binary will be located in ./build/src folder.


To run edgesec tool with the configuration file dev-config.ini located in ./build folder use:

./build/src/edgesec -c ./build/dev-config.ini

To enable verbose debug mode use:

./build/src/edgesec -c ./build/dev-config.ini -ddddd


To compile the tests use:

cmake -B build/ -S . # configure CMAKE
cmake --build build/ -j4 # or make -j4
cmake --build build/ --target test -j4 # or 'make test'

To run each test individually, the test binaries can be located in ./build/tests folder.

Developer Documentation

To compile the docs from ./build folder:

make doxydocs

See ./docs for how to build the developer doxygen documentation website.