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DEVONthink Note

DEVONthink Note Workflow for Alfred v2

This workflow, which makes use of the Alfred.framework project, adds a quick note to DEVONthink Pro. Enter dtn to dispaly a list of databases. Select one, then begin entering a query. While the query fuzzily matches any of your database's top-level groups, they'll be displayed and you can select one; once there are no more matches, the workflow kicks into note mode for the current database or group. Enter a note, either using a colon to separate the title and subtitle or letting the workflow choose a title and date stamp for you, then press Return to create it.

Source Documentation

DEVONthink Note ably demonstrates several of the features of Alfred.framework. In particular, it makes extensive use of the feedback and fuzzy-searching systems. Both use cases demonstrate how powerful these features can be without significantly adding to complexity. For example, coming up with a key block for a fuzzy search is a breeze, despite the size and complexity of our data set (the array containing a group's or database's children). Since we're just trying to get a searchable string, we can do this:

AWWorkflow *aw = [[AWWorkflow alloc] init];
NSArray *res = [aw fuzzySearchFor:self.query in:children withKeyBlock:^NSString *(id o) {
    DEVONthinkRecord *obj = (DEVONthinkRecord *)o;
    return [obj name];
return res;

The returned results array will contain every child record that provided a matching response to - name.

The feedback behavior is probably even more transparent. We create a mutable array called outObjects early in the program (so it doesn't get stuck in a local namespace), then add an AWFeedbackItem to it whenever we need to. Then, just when we're ready to terminate the program, we call AWWorkflow's -flush:(BOOL) feedbackArray:(NSArray *) with it.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Alfred/Alfred.h>
// [...]

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    NSMutableArray *outObjects = [NSMutableArray new];      // We declare it in our outermost level of nesting...
    // [...]
    if (argc == 1 || [argv1 isEqualToString:@"")
        for(NSString *n in dbNames)
            NSString *acp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", n];
            NSString *st = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Select a group in \"%@\"", n];
            AWFeedbackItem *i = [AWFeedbackItem itemWithObjectsAndKeys:@NO, @"valid", acp, @"autocomplete", n, @"title", st, @"subtitle", dbIcon, @"icon", nil];
            // that this works, even from deep down here.

            [outObjects addObject:i];


Framework code by Daniel Shannon ([email protected]), 2013. This license may not be removed or altered. Alfred.framework is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. This means that you may share and redistribute the package, but only for non-commercial purposes, only so long as you credit the original author---moi---and only if your derivative work is similarly licensed.

To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.