from sparse_vae import * from datasets import concatenate_datasets import sys def main(args): model_str, model_name = args[1:] model = load_checkpoint_for_name(model_str, model_name) model.freeze() model.eval() dm = TextDataModule(TextDataModuleHparams()) dm.prepare_data() dataset, tokenizer = dm.dataset, dm.tokenizer dataset = concatenate_datasets([dataset['train'], dataset['test']]) titles = {title: idx for idx, title in enumerate(dataset['title'])} gpu_idx = select_best_gpu(min_free_memory=4.0) model = print("Type the title of an article to get a reconstruction. Type q to quit.\nType i to switch to interpolation mode.") while True: query = input("Article: ") if query == 'q': return article_idx = titles.get(query) if article_idx is None: print("No article found with that title. Try again.") else: text = dataset[article_idx]['text'] latent = model.predict({'token_ids': torch.tensor([text], device=gpu_idx)}, 0).loc reconstruction = model.sample(1024, 1, z=latent, temperature=0.7) reconstruction = tokenizer.decode(reconstruction.squeeze().tolist()) print("Reconstruction:\n\n" + reconstruction) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)