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1.What is myawr

Myawr is a tool for collecting and analyzing performance data for MySQL database (including os info ,mysql status info and Slow Query Log  all of details). 
The idea comes from Oracle awr. Myawr periodic collect data and save to the database as snapshots.
Myawr was designed as CS architecture.Myawr depends on (but not necessary) performance schema of MySQL database.

Myawr consists of three parts: perl script for collecting mysql performance data perl script for analyzing mysql performance data perl script for analyzing mysql peak time data

Myawr relies on the Percona Toolkit to do the slow query log collection.
Specifically you can run pt-query-digest. To parse your slow logs and insert them into your server database for reporting and analyzing. 

Thanks to ([email protected]).

Here is myawr architecture: myawr_archit1 myawr_archit2

2.Myawr Data Model

myawr db include tables list:
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_myawr                                          |
| myawr_active_session                                     |
| myawr_cpu_info                                           |
| myawr_engine_innodb_status                               |
| myawr_host                                               |
| myawr_innodb_info                                        |
| myawr_innodb_lock_waits                                  |
| myawr_innodb_locks                                       |
| myawr_innodb_trx                                         |
| myawr_io_info                                            |
| myawr_isam_info                                          |
| myawr_load_info                                          |
| myawr_mysql_info                                         |
| myawr_query_review                                       |
| myawr_query_review_history                               |
| myawr_snapshot                                           |
| myawr_snapshot_events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name |
| myawr_snapshot_file_summary_by_event_name                |
| myawr_swap_net_disk_info                                 |
18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

some key tables: myawr_host-- mysql instance config table myawr_snapshot -- snapshot table,exec a time as a shapshot myawr_query_review_history -- The table in which to store historical values for review trend analysis about slow log.

myawr data model: myawr_snapshot.host_id reference; myawr_query_review_history.hostid_max reference; myawr_innodb_info.(host_id,snap_id) reference myawr_snapshot.(host_id,snap_id); myawr1

3. Quickstart

If you are interesting to use this tool, here's what you need:
  1. A MySQL database to store snapshot data and slow log analysis data .
  2. pt-query-digest by percona
  3. A MySQL server(version 5.5) with perl-DBD-mysql
  4. slow query logs named like slow_20130521.log,you can switch slow logs every day.

3.1 install db(where you store shapshot data,perl-DBD-MySQL is required) Connect to the MySQL database where store the performance data and issue the following command in myawr.sql: grant all on myawr.* to 'myuser'@'localhost' identified by "111111"; grant all on myawr.* to 'myuser'@'%' identified by "111111"; then create tables.

3.2 initialize myawr_host(where you store shapshot data) Insert a config record about your mysql instacne,just like: INSERT INTO myawr_host(id,host_name,ip_addr,port,db_role,version, running_thread_threshold,times_per_hour) VALUES (6, 'db2.11', '', 3306, 'master', '5.5.27',10000,0);

Running_thread_threshold and times_per_hour control whether collect peak time information or not. Running_thread_threshold is a trigger for status Threads_running. Times_per_hour control the times of collection in lasted a hour. If you want to collect peak time infomation ,They have to : running_thread_threshold<=now_running_threads and times_saved<times_per_hour

3.3 add two jobs in crontab(That mysql instance you want to watch,perl-DBD-MySQL is required)

grant all on . to 'superuser'@'localhost' identified by "111111";

          • perl /data/mysql/sh/ -u user -p 111111 -lh -P 3306 -tu user -tp 111111 -TP 3306 -th -n eth0 -d sdb1 -I 6 >> /data/mysql/sh/myawr_pl.log 2>&1

15 14 * * * /data/mysql/sh/pt-query-digest --user=user --password=111111 --review h=,D=myawr,t=myawr_query_review --review-history h=,D=myawr,t=myawr_query_review_history --no-report --limit=100% --filter="$event->{add_column} = length($event->{arg}) and $event->{hostid}=6" /data/mysql/sh/slow_date -d "-1 day" +"\%Y\%m\%d".log >> /data/mysql/sh/pt-query_run.log 2>&1 Parameters: -h,--help Print Help Info. -i,--interval Time(second) Interval(default 1).
-d,--disk Disk Info(can't be null,default sda1). -n,--net Net Info(default eth0). -P,--port Port number to use for local mysql connection(default 3306). -u,--user user name for local mysql(default user). -p,--pswd user password for local mysql(can't be null). -lh,--lhost localhost(ip) for mysql where info is got(can't be null). -TP,--tport Port number to use formysql where info is saved (default 3306) -tu,--tuser user name for mysql where info is saved(default user). -tp,--pswd user password for mysql where info is saved(can't be null). -th,--thost host(ip) for mysql where info is saved(can't be null). -I,--tid db instance register id(can't be null,Reference

pt-query-digest Parameters: --user user name for mysql where info is saved --password user password for mysql where info is saved --review Store a sample of each class of query in this DSN h host(ip) for mysql where info is saved D database t table name --review-history The table in which to store historical values for review trend analysis. h host(ip) for mysql where info is saved D database t table name $event->{hostid}=6 db instance register id(Reference

The pt-query-digest only support mechanism for switching a slow log file every day just now, named like slow_20130521.log(slow_date -d "-1 day" +"%Y%m%d".log)

4. Dependencies

you can install it two way:
yum install perl-DBD-MySQL
or install manually like :
mkdir /tmp/mysqldbd-install 
  cp /usr/lib64/mysql/*.a  /tmp/mysqldbd-install
  perl Makefile.PL --libs="-L/tmp/mysqldbd-install -lmysqlclient" 
  make test 
  make install 

5. Mysql WorkLoad Report

We can use to generate mysql workload report.You can execute the script on MySQL database machine  where store the performance data,but perl-DBD-MySQL is required.We also can execute the script in any linux machine with perl-DBD-MySQL installed.

You can execute it for help Info: perl -h

Info : Created By noodba ( References: Oracle awr Usage : Command line options :

-h,--help Print Help Info.

-P,--port Port number to use for local mysql connection(default 3306). -u,--user user name for local mysql(default user). -p,--pswd user password for local mysql(can't be null). -lh,--lhost localhost(ip) for mysql where info is got(can't be null).

 -I,--tid         db instance register id(can't be null,Ref

Sample : shell> perl -p 111111 -lh -I 11

Let use to generate mysql (db2.11,instance id = 6) workload report: perl -u user -p 111111 -P 3306 -lh -I 6

| Welcome to use the myawrrpt tool !
| Date: 2013-05-22 | | Hostname is: db2.11 | Ip addr is: | Port is: 3306 | Db role is: master |Server version is: 5.5.27 | Uptime is: 0y 2m 2d 7h 55mi 33s | | Min snap_id is: 1 | Min snap_time is: 2013-05-21 14:12:02 | Max snap_id is: 1147 | Max snap_time is: 2013-05-22 09:29:02 | snap interval is: 60s

Listing the last 2 days Snapshots

snap_id: 19 snap_time : 2013-05-21 14:30:02 snap_id: 38 snap_time : 2013-05-21 14:49:02 snap_id: 57 snap_time : 2013-05-21 15:08:02 snap_id: 76 snap_time : 2013-05-21 15:27:02 snap_id: 95 snap_time : 2013-05-21 15:46:02


snap_id: 1102 snap_time : 2013-05-22 08:44:02 snap_id: 1121 snap_time : 2013-05-22 09:03:02 snap_id: 1140 snap_time : 2013-05-22 09:22:02 snap_id: 1147 snap_time : 2013-05-22 09:29:02

Pls select Start and End Snapshot Id

Enter value for start_snap:1 Start Snapshot Id Is:1

Enter value for end_snap:589 End Snapshot Id Is:589

Set the Report Name

Enter value for report_name:myawr.html

Using the report name :myawr.html

Generating the mysql report for this analysis ... Generate the mysql report Successfully.

[mysql@test2 myawr]$ ls -al total 976 drwxrwxr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 May 22 09:30 . drwx------ 19 mysql mysql 4096 May 13 10:42 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 mysql mysql 73074 May 22 09:30 myawr.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 mysql mysql 53621 May 11 16:23

Mysql WorkLoad Report

Ok,let me show some pictures which come from my test db report:

myawr2 myawr3

For detail report ,pls click myawr.html

6. Mysql Snapshot Report

We can use to generate mysql snapshot report. You can execute the script on MySQL database machine  where store the performance data,but perl-DBD-MySQL is required.We also can execute the script in any linux machine with perl-DBD-MySQL installed.

You can execute it for help Info: [root@oel58 myawr2.0]# perl

========================================================================================== Info : Created By noodba (

Usage : Command line options :

-h,--help Print Help Info.

-P,--port Port number to use for local mysql connection(default 3306). -u,--user user name for local mysql(default user). -p,--pswd user password for local mysql(can't be null). -lh,--lhost localhost(ip) for mysql where info is got(can't be null). -n,--rname file name for snapshot report(default "snaprpt_" + "hostid" + "_" + "snapid" + ".html"). -s,--snapid snap id(can't be null).

-I,--tid db instance register id(can't be null).

Sample : shell> perl -p 111111 -lh -I 11 -s 26

Let use to generate mysql (db2.11,instance id = 6) snapshot report:

[root@oel58 myawr2.0]# perl -p 123456 -lh -u qwsh -P 3306 -I 6 -s 27

| Welcome to use the myawrrpt tool !
| Date: 2013-06-18 | | Hostname is: db2.11 | Ip addr is: | Port is: 3306 | Db role is: master |Server version is: 5.5.27 | Uptime is: 0y 0m 1d 1h 10mi 12s

Generating the mysql report for this analysis ... Generate the mysql report Successfully.

For detail report ,pls click myawr_snapshot.html

7. Contact me

Any questions,pls contact me freely.

EMAIL: [email protected] Q Q : 570182914 Phone: (+86)13817963180 weibo: blog:


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