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Cluster Setup

This documentation is intended to provide instructions on how to run Flink in a fully distributed fashion on a static (but possibly heterogeneous) cluster.

This involves two steps. First, installing and configuring Flink and second installing and configuring the Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS).

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Preparing the Cluster

Software Requirements

Flink runs on all UNIX-like environments, e.g. Linux, Mac OS X, and Cygwin (for Windows) and expects the cluster to consist of one master node and one or more worker nodes. Before you start to setup the system, make sure you have the following software installed on each node:

  • Java 1.7.x or higher,
  • ssh (sshd must be running to use the Flink scripts that manage remote components)

If your cluster does not fulfill these software requirements you will need to install/upgrade it.

For example, on Ubuntu Linux, type in the following commands to install Java and ssh:

sudo apt-get install ssh 
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

You can check the correct installation of Java by issuing the following command:

java -version

The command should output something comparable to the following on every node of your cluster (depending on your Java version, there may be small differences):

java version "1.7.0_55"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_55-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.55-b03, mixed mode)

To make sure the ssh daemon is running properly, you can use the command

ps aux | grep sshd

Something comparable to the following line should appear in the output of the command on every host of your cluster:

root       894  0.0  0.0  49260   320 ?        Ss   Jan09   0:13 /usr/sbin/sshd

Configuring Remote Access with ssh

In order to start/stop the remote processes, the master node requires access via ssh to the worker nodes. It is most convenient to use ssh's public key authentication for this. To setup public key authentication, log on to the master as the user who will later execute all the Flink components. The same user (i.e. a user with the same user name) must also exist on all worker nodes. For the remainder of this instruction we will refer to this user as flink. Using the super user root is highly discouraged for security reasons.

Once you logged in to the master node as the desired user, you must generate a new public/private key pair. The following command will create a new public/private key pair into the .ssh directory inside the home directory of the user flink. See the ssh-keygen man page for more details. Note that the private key is not protected by a passphrase.

ssh-keygen -b 2048 -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next, copy/append the content of the file .ssh/ to your authorized_keys file. The content of the authorized_keys file defines which public keys are considered trustworthy during the public key authentication process. On most systems the appropriate command is

cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys

On some Linux systems, the authorized keys file may also be expected by the ssh daemon under .ssh/authorized_keys2. In either case, you should make sure the file only contains those public keys which you consider trustworthy for each node of cluster.

Finally, the authorized keys file must be copied to every worker node of your cluster. You can do this by repeatedly typing in

scp .ssh/authorized_keys <worker>:~/.ssh/

and replacing <worker> with the host name of the respective worker node. After having finished the copy process, you should be able to log on to each worker node from your master node via ssh without a password.

Setting JAVA_HOME on each Node

Flink requires the JAVA_HOME environment variable to be set on the master and all worker nodes and point to the directory of your Java installation.

You can set this variable in conf/flink-conf.yaml via the key.

Alternatively, add the following line to your shell profile. If you use the bash shell (probably the most common shell), the shell profile is located in ~/.bashrc:

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java_home/

If your ssh daemon supports user environments, you can also add JAVA_HOME to .~/.ssh/environment. As super user root you can enable ssh user environments with the following commands:

echo "PermitUserEnvironment yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
/etc/init.d/ssh restart

# on some system you might need to replace the above line with
/etc/init.d/sshd restart

Flink Setup

Go to the downloads page and get the ready to run package. Make sure to pick the Flink package matching your Hadoop version.

After downloading the latest release, copy the archive to your master node and extract it:

tar xzf flink-*.tgz
cd flink-*

Configuring the Cluster

After having extracted the system files, you need to configure Flink for the cluster by editing conf/flink-conf.yaml.

Set the jobmanager.rpc.address key to point to your master node. Furthermode define the maximum amount of main memory the JVM is allowed to allocate on each node by setting the jobmanager.heap.mb and taskmanager.heap.mb keys.

The value is given in MB. If some worker nodes have more main memory which you want to allocate to the Flink system you can overwrite the default value by setting an environment variable FLINK_TM_HEAP on the respective node.

Finally you must provide a list of all nodes in your cluster which shall be used as worker nodes. Therefore, similar to the HDFS configuration, edit the file conf/slaves and enter the IP/host name of each worker node. Each worker node will later run a TaskManager.

Each entry must be separated by a new line, as in the following example:

The Flink directory must be available on every worker under the same path. Similarly as for HDFS, you can use a shared NSF directory, or copy the entire Flink directory to every worker node.

Please see the configuration page for details and additional configuration options.

In particular,

  • the amount of available memory per TaskManager (taskmanager.heap.mb),
  • the number of available CPUs per machine (taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots),
  • the total number of CPUs in the cluster (parallelism.default) and
  • the temporary directories (taskmanager.tmp.dirs)

are very important configuration values.

Starting Flink

The following script starts a JobManager on the local node and connects via SSH to all worker nodes listed in the slaves file to start the TaskManager on each node. Now your Flink system is up and running. The JobManager running on the local node will now accept jobs at the configured RPC port.

Assuming that you are on the master node and inside the Flink directory:


To stop Flink, there is also a script.

Starting Flink in the streaming mode


The streaming mode changes the startup behavior of Flink: The system is not bringing up the managed memory services with preallocated memory at the beginning. Flink streaming is not using the managed memory employed by the batch operators. By not starting these services with preallocated memory, streaming jobs can benefit from more heap space being available.

Note that you can still start batch jobs in the streaming mode. The memory manager will then allocate memory segments from the Java heap as needed.

Optional: Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS) Setup

NOTE Flink does not require HDFS to run; HDFS is simply a typical choice of a distributed data store to read data from (in parallel) and write results to. If HDFS is already available on the cluster, or Flink is used purely with different storage techniques (e.g., Apache Kafka, JDBC, Rabbit MQ, or other storage or message queues), this setup step is not needed.

The following instructions are a general overview of usual required settings. Please consult one of the many installation guides available online for more detailed instructions.

Note that the following instructions are based on Hadoop 1.2 and might differ for Hadoop 2.

Downloading, Installing, and Configuring HDFS

Similar to the Flink system HDFS runs in a distributed fashion. HDFS consists of a NameNode which manages the distributed file system's meta data. The actual data is stored by one or more DataNodes. For the remainder of this instruction we assume the HDFS's NameNode component runs on the master node while all the worker nodes run an HDFS DataNode.

To start, log on to your master node and download Hadoop (which includes HDFS) from the Apache Hadoop Releases page.

Next, extract the Hadoop archive.

After having extracted the Hadoop archive, change into the Hadoop directory and edit the Hadoop environment configuration file:

cd hadoop-*
vi conf/

Uncomment and modify the following line in the file according to the path of your Java installation.

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java_home/

Save the changes and open the HDFS configuration file conf/hdfs-site.xml. HDFS offers multiple configuration parameters which affect the behavior of the distributed file system in various ways. The following excerpt shows a minimal configuration which is required to make HDFS work. More information on how to configure HDFS can be found in the HDFS User Guide guide.


Replace MASTER with the IP/host name of your master node which runs the NameNode. DATAPATH must be replaced with path to the directory in which the actual HDFS data shall be stored on each worker node. Make sure that the flink user has sufficient permissions to read and write in that directory.

After having saved the HDFS configuration file, open the file conf/slaves and enter the IP/host name of those worker nodes which shall act as DataNodes. Each entry must be separated by a line break.

<worker 1>
<worker 2>
<worker n>

Initialize the HDFS by typing in the following command. Note that the command will delete all data which has been previously stored in the HDFS. However, since we have just installed a fresh HDFS, it should be safe to answer the confirmation with yes.

bin/hadoop namenode -format

Finally, we need to make sure that the Hadoop directory is available to all worker nodes which are intended to act as DataNodes and that all nodes find the directory under the same path. We recommend to use a shared network directory (e.g. an NFS share) for that. Alternatively, one can copy the directory to all nodes (with the disadvantage that all configuration and code updates need to be synced to all nodes).

Starting HDFS

To start the HDFS log on to the master and type in the following commands

cd hadoop-*

If your HDFS setup is correct, you should be able to open the HDFS status website at https://MASTER:50070. In a matter of a seconds, all DataNodes should appear as live nodes. For troubleshooting we would like to point you to the Hadoop Quick Start guide.