List of NuGet Packages and their Purpose in .NET Core, so that you can choose the right package for your project.
Purpose | Package Name |
Logging | Serilog |
NLog | |
Dependency Injection | Autofac |
NInject | |
SimpleInjector | |
StructureMap | |
Unity | |
DryIoc | |
Castle Windsor | |
Scrutor | |
Lamar | |
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection | |
Testing | xUnit |
NUnit | |
MSTest | |
SpecFlow | |
Shouldly | |
FluentAssertions | |
AutoFixture | |
GenFu | |
Encryption | BouncyCastle |
DotNetCore.Encrypt | |
Effortless | |
Mocking | Moq |
Fake it Easy | |
Background Jobs | Quartz |
Hangfire | |
Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting | |
Serialization | Newtonsoft.Json |
System.Text.Json | |
Date and Time | NodaTime |
Humanizer | |
Mapping | AutoMapper |
Mapster | |
Mapperly | |
TinyMapper | |
ExpressMapper | |
AgileMapper | |
Network | DotNetty |
Network | |
Fake Data | Bogus |
Authentication | JWT |
IdentityServer4 | |
Validation | FluentValidation |
Guard Clauses | Ardalis.GuardClauses |
Caching | Redis |
ORM | EntityFrameworkCore |
Dapper | |
NHibernate | |
Simple.Data | |
LinqConnect | |
Massive | |
API Gateway | Ocelot |
Kong.Net | |
API Calls | Refit |
RestSharp | |
Flurl | |
RestEase | |
HttpClientFactory | |
Polly | |
Feature Flags | FeatureToggle |
NFeature | |
FeatureSwitcher | |
FeatureFlags | |
Messaging | MassTransit |
RabbitMQ.Client | |
Nats.Client | |
EasyNetQ | |
Real-Time Communication | SignalR |
API Documentation | Swashbuckle.AspNetCore |
NSwag.AspNetCore | |
Fault Handling | Polly |
CQRS | MediatR |