{ "_id": "vcFMNQf9vg7r11ca", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/npc.svg", "items": [ { "_id": "CAI4Mth4W18hZyag", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/melee.svg", "name": "Spectral Hand", "sort": 100000, "system": { "attack": { "value": "" }, "attackEffects": { "custom": "", "value": [ "drain-memory" ] }, "bonus": { "value": 17 }, "damageRolls": { "3r3ubjxrnuendptxwblx": { "damage": "2d8+7", "damageType": "void" } }, "description": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "Note", "outcome": [ "criticalSuccess" ], "selector": "{item|_id}-damage", "text": "When the manifestation critically hits a creature with its spectral hand Strike, the creature's malevolence condition value increases by 1.", "title": "Haunting Touch", "visibility": "gm" } ], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "finesse" ] }, "weaponType": { "value": "melee" } }, "type": "melee" }, { "_id": "1NEYm5Xcmcypev16", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.qCCLZhnp2HhP3Ex6" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Darkvision", "sort": 200000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "darkvision", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "cWM3q0yWZ3nV2UKw", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Drain Memory", "sort": 300000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "

When the manifestation damages a living creature with its spectral hand Strike, the manifestation gains 5 temporary Hit Points, and the target must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:23|basic:true] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Stupefied]{Stupefied 1}. Each time it deals damage to a creature, that creature's stupefied condition increases by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of stupefied 4.

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "necromancy", "occult" ] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "erB7z23ENjwroBai", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.sebk9XseMCRkDqRg" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Lifesense 60 feet", "sort": 400000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "lifesense", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "0AEJAJ3AgrV5j4kM", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Manor Bound", "sort": 500000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "

The manifestation can't leave Xarwin Manor or the dungeons below.

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "AOPfqLyhf0Xvpueq", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "+1 Status Bonus on Saves vs. Positive", "sort": 600000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "FlatModifier", "predicate": [ "vitality" ], "selector": "saving-throw", "type": "status", "value": 1 } ], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "zjasConlgzOqCTnt", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.TTCw5NusiSSkJU1x" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Negative Healing", "sort": 700000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "ActiveEffectLike", "mode": "override", "path": "system.attributes.hp.negativeHealing", "value": true } ], "slug": "negative-healing", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary 2" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "3f4ySQfrmtsGbvjo", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Recoil", "sort": 800000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "

If a character forcefully presents Fulvia's ring to Xarwin's manifestation as an action with the manipulate trait, he must attempt a @Check[type:will|dc:26|traits:damaging-effect] save.


Critical Success Xarwin's manifestation is unaffected.


Success Xarwin's manifestation takes @Damage[4d6[mental]] damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Frightened]{Frightened 1}.


Failure Xarwin' manifestation takes @Damage[8d6[mental]] damage, is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Frightened]{Frightened 2}, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Fleeing]{Flees} as long as he remains frightened.


Critical Failure Xarwin's manifestation is destroyed.

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "yB0f6FaPo2u5bqwy", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Haunting Touch", "sort": 900000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "offensive", "description": { "value": "

When the manifestation critically hits a creature with its spectral hand Strike, the creature's malevolence condition value increases by 1.

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "ZciKdKTzQpJ95gGs", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Acrobatics", "sort": 1000000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 14 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "j6Ygrl14T5VWjGDN", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Intimidation", "sort": 1100000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 17 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "wq4pgsdf10qD2VDc", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Stealth", "sort": 1200000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 16 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" } ], "name": "Xarwin's Manifestation", "system": { "abilities": { "cha": { "mod": 4 }, "con": { "mod": 0 }, "dex": { "mod": 3 }, "int": { "mod": 6 }, "str": { "mod": -5 }, "wis": { "mod": 3 } }, "attributes": { "ac": { "details": "", "value": 24 }, "allSaves": { "value": "+1 status to all saves vs. positive" }, "hp": { "details": "", "max": 90, "temp": 0, "value": 90 }, "immunities": [ { "type": "paralyzed" }, { "type": "unconscious" }, { "type": "poison" }, { "type": "precision" }, { "type": "death-effects" }, { "type": "disease" } ], "initiative": { "statistic": "perception" }, "perception": { "value": 14 }, "resistances": [ { "doubleVs": [ "non-magical" ], "exceptions": [ "ghost-touch", "vitality" ], "type": "all-damage", "value": 5 } ], "speed": { "otherSpeeds": [ { "type": "fly", "value": 40 } ], "value": 0 } }, "details": { "alignment": { "value": "CE" }, "blurb": "", "creatureType": "", "level": { "value": 7 }, "privateNotes": "", "publicNotes": "", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Adventure: Malevolence" } }, "resources": {}, "saves": { "fortitude": { "saveDetail": "", "value": 11 }, "reflex": { "saveDetail": "", "value": 14 }, "will": { "saveDetail": "", "value": 16 } }, "traits": { "languages": { "custom": "", "selected": [], "value": [ "aklo", "common", "infernal" ] }, "rarity": "unique", "senses": { "value": "darkvision, lifesense 60 feet" }, "size": { "value": "med" }, "value": [ "incorporeal", "undead", "wraith" ] } }, "type": "npc" }