{ "_id": "To0MLA0arpkiE6Cz", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/npc.svg", "items": [ { "_id": "xxK8rXRDWK5Rwj9i", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/spellcastingEntry.svg", "name": "Divine Innate Spells", "sort": 100000, "system": { "autoHeightenLevel": { "value": null }, "description": { "value": "" }, "displayLevels": {}, "prepared": { "flexible": false, "value": "innate" }, "proficiency": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "showSlotlessLevels": { "value": false }, "showUnpreparedSpells": { "value": true }, "slots": { "slot0": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot1": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot10": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot11": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot2": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot3": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot4": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot5": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot6": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot7": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot8": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot9": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 } }, "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "spelldc": { "dc": 23, "mod": 0, "value": 18 }, "tradition": { "value": "divine" } }, "type": "spellcastingEntry" }, { "_id": "ofhb2Xpvv2O62InP", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zfn5RqAdF63neqpP" } }, "img": "icons/magic/fire/explosion-flame-blue.webp", "name": "Control Water", "sort": 200000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

By imposing your will upon the water, you can raise or lower the level of water in the chosen area by 10 feet. Water creatures in the area are subjected to the effects of @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Slow].


Area 50 ft long by 50 ft wide

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 5 }, "location": { "heightenedLevel": 5, "value": "xxK8rXRDWK5Rwj9i" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "500 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "control-water", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "water", "evocation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "D0vga6qR9JJs237o", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/dimension-door.webp", "name": "Dimension Door", "sort": 300000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

Opening a door that bypasses normal space, you instantly transport yourself and any items you're wearing and holding from your current space to a clear space within range you can see. If this would bring another creature with you-even if you're carrying it in an extradimensional container-the spell is lost.


Heightened (5th) The range increases to 1 mile. You don't need to be able to see your destination, as long as you have been there in the past and know its relative location and distance from you. You are temporarily immune for 1 hour.

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "heightening": { "levels": { "5": { "range": { "value": "1 mile" } } }, "type": "fixed" }, "level": { "value": 4 }, "location": { "heightenedLevel": 5, "value": "xxK8rXRDWK5Rwj9i" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "120 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "dimension-door", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "occult" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "teleportation", "conjuration" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "mxpkzQTw0tzSwaUL", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/dimension-door.webp", "name": "Dimension Door (At Will)", "sort": 400000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

Opening a door that bypasses normal space, you instantly transport yourself and any items you're wearing and holding from your current space to a clear space within range you can see. If this would bring another creature with you-even if you're carrying it in an extradimensional container-the spell is lost.


Heightened (5th) The range increases to 1 mile. You don't need to be able to see your destination, as long as you have been there in the past and know its relative location and distance from you. You are temporarily immune for 1 hour.

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "heightening": { "levels": { "5": { "range": { "value": "1 mile" } } }, "type": "fixed" }, "level": { "value": 4 }, "location": { "heightenedLevel": 4, "value": "xxK8rXRDWK5Rwj9i" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "120 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "dimension-door", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "occult" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "teleportation", "conjuration" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "f6wcd2reTGcarw33", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aqRYNoSvxsVfqglH" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/freedom-of-movement.webp", "name": "Freedom of Movement", "sort": 500000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You repel effects that would hinder a creature or slow its movement. While under this spell's effect, the target ignores effects that would give them a circumstance penalty to Speed. When they attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Escape] an effect that has them @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Immobilized], @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Grabbed], or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Restrained], they automatically succeed unless the effect is magical and of a higher level than the freedom of movement spell.

" }, "duration": { "value": "10 minutes" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 4 }, "location": { "heightenedLevel": 4, "value": "xxK8rXRDWK5Rwj9i" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "touch" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "freedom-of-movement", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 creature touched" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "divine", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "abjuration" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "Vah9RFP70HLmi2n5", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Y3G6Y6EDgCY0s3fq" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/hydraulic-torrent.webp", "name": "Hydraulic Torrent", "sort": 600000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": { "type": "line", "value": 60 }, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": { "0": { "applyMod": false, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "", "value": "bludgeoning" }, "value": "8d6" } } }, "description": { "value": "

A swirling torrent of water manifests along a straight line, battering creatures and unattended objects in its path and possibly pushing them away from you. The torrent deals 8d6 bludgeoning damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a basic Fortitude save; unattended objects automatically fail. Creatures that fail the save are also knocked back 5 feet (10 feet on a critical failure).


Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "heightening": { "damage": { "0": "2d6" }, "interval": 1, "type": "interval" }, "level": { "value": 4 }, "location": { "heightenedLevel": 4, "value": "xxK8rXRDWK5Rwj9i" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "basic", "value": "fortitude" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "hydraulic-torrent", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "save" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "water", "evocation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "oIJY4ycXpaF4IjIM", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jwK43yKsHTkJQvQ9" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/see-invisibility.webp", "name": "See Invisibility (Constant)", "sort": 700000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You can see @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Invisible] creatures and objects. They appear to you as translucent shapes, and they are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Concealed] to you.


Heightened (5th) The spell has a duration of 8 hours.


@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spell-effects.Item.Spell Effect: See the Unseen]

" }, "duration": { "value": "10 minutes" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 2 }, "location": { "heightenedLevel": 2, "value": "xxK8rXRDWK5Rwj9i" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "see-invisibility", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "divine", "occult" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "revelation", "divination" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "H2wGlqKKN7W5qqTm", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.30BBep9U4BDV0EgQ" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/infernal-pact.webp", "name": "Infernal Pact", "sort": 800000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "ritual" }, "components": {}, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You make an appeal to a powerful devil, asking it to bind some of its subordinates to your service. If you succeed, the devil sends you its choice of one devil whose level is no more than double infernal pact's level, two devils whose levels are each at least 2 less than double the spell level, or three devils whose levels are each at least 3 less than double the spell level.


Critical Success The devils are sent to you and serve you for [[/r 1d4 #weeks]]{1d4 weeks}.


Success The devils are sent to you and serve you for [[/r 1d4 #days]]{1d4 days}.


Failure Your request is denied.


Critical Failure Not only is your request denied, but the powerful devil sends word of its displeasure to your master.

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 1 }, "location": { "value": null }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "Religion (expert; you must be a devil)" }, "range": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "infernal-pact", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "1 day" }, "traditions": { "value": [] }, "traits": { "rarity": "uncommon", "value": [ "conjuration" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "JCCJdKRetmUpfNFn", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/equipment/worn-items/other-worn-items/aluum-charm.webp", "name": "Fragment of Urevian's Pendant", "sort": 900000, "system": { "baseItem": null, "containerId": "null", "description": { "value": "" }, "equipped": { "carryType": "worn", "handsHeld": 0, "invested": null }, "equippedBulk": { "value": "" }, "hardness": 0, "hp": { "max": 0, "value": 0 }, "level": { "value": 0 }, "material": { "grade": null, "type": null }, "negateBulk": { "value": "0" }, "price": { "value": {} }, "quantity": 1, "rules": [], "size": "med", "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "stackGroup": null, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "usage": { "value": "held-in-one-hand" }, "weight": { "value": "-" } }, "type": "equipment" }, { "_id": "LbkW4zjvlyreuGX1", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/melee.svg", "name": "Fangs", "sort": 1000000, "system": { "attack": { "value": "" }, "attackEffects": { "custom": "", "value": [] }, "bonus": { "value": 20 }, "damageRolls": { "589ofmp1gxuypvnb4x7i": { "damage": "2d12+9", "damageType": "piercing" }, "unhztp8iu335uhghi4gr": { "damage": "1d6", "damageType": "evil" } }, "description": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "evil", "magical" ] }, "weaponType": { "value": "melee" } }, "type": "melee" }, { "_id": "TfHuj8LvtfwsXfXQ", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/melee.svg", "name": "Tentacle Arm", "sort": 1100000, "system": { "attack": { "value": "" }, "attackEffects": { "custom": "", "value": [ "sarglagon-venom" ] }, "bonus": { "value": 20 }, "damageRolls": { "pjlrdhtwociy4agitatv": { "damage": "2d8+9", "damageType": "bludgeoning" }, "pjr2qdzqzhjjivvrtu2e": { "damage": "1d6", "damageType": "evil" } }, "description": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "agile", "evil", "magical" ] }, "weaponType": { "value": "melee" } }, "type": "melee" }, { "_id": "BMv1jkvT4dSbEL8X", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.4Ho2xMPEC05aSxzr" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Greater Darkvision", "sort": 1200000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "greater-darkvision", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "7NjsgQKMg0FvxDmJ", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.kdhbPaBMK1d1fpbA" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Telepathy 100 feet", "sort": 1300000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "telepathy", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "aura", "divination", "magical" ] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "kUtQvCE4ePTqjluS", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.2YRDYVnC1eljaXKK" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "At-Will Spells", "sort": 1400000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "at-will-spells", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "tIvtO7TbZgSNlr3F", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.kakyXBG5WA8c6Zfd" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Constant Spells", "sort": 1500000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "constant-spells", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "GoYV1mj4XKxDiBOM", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.kquBnQ0kObZztnBc" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "+1 Status to All Saves vs. Magic", "sort": 1600000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "FlatModifier", "predicate": [ { "or": [ "magical", "arcane", "divine", "primal", "occult" ] } ], "selector": "saving-throw", "type": "status", "value": 1 } ], "slug": "1-status-to-all-saves-vs-magic", "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "tqSmdxFVDmY2CLns", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Heavy Aura", "sort": 1700000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "

@Template[type:emanation|distance:10]{10 feet} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.Aura]


A creature that enters the heavy aura must attempt a @Check[type:will|dc:23] save. It is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.


Success The creature is unaffected.


Failure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Encumbered] while it remains in the area. If the creature is already encumbered, it is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Immobilized] while it remains within the aura.


Critical Failure As failure, but the effect persists for 3 rounds after leaving the aura.

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "Aura", "radius": 10, "slug": "heavy-aura", "traits": [ "aura", "divine", "incapacitation", "transmutation" ] } ], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "aura", "divine", "incapacitation", "transmutation" ] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "myXt3SwrT2L8VMW4", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Reaction.webp", "name": "Stygian Guardian", "sort": 1800000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "reaction" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "

Trigger A creature or object within the sarglagon's reach is targeted by an attack


Effect The sarglagon interposes themself, giving the creature or object @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.other-effects.Item.Effect: Cover]{Standard Cover} against the attack (+2 circumstance bonus to AC), or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.other-effects.Item.Effect: Cover]{Greater Cover} (+4 circumstance bonus to AC) if the sarglagon was already granting it lesser cover.

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "nBbFutvNlcdf1cgZ", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/TwoActions.webp", "name": "Drown", "sort": 1900000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "action" }, "actions": { "value": 2 }, "category": "offensive", "description": { "value": "

The sarglagon conjures murky water to fill the lungs of a creature that can't breathe water within 30 feet. The target must attempt a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:26] save.


Critical Success The target is unaffected.


Success The target coughs up water and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Sickened]{Sickened 1}.


Failure The target is holding its breath. The only action it can take is to attempt a Fortitude save against Drown to expel the water, which is a single action.


Critical Failure The target falls @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Unconscious] and begins suffocating. If the target succeeds at its Fortitude save while suffocating, it coughs up the water and can breathe again.

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "conjuration", "divine", "incapacitation" ] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "5Vw9VTB3I1sie1g1", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Sarglagon Venom", "sort": 2000000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "offensive", "description": { "value": "

Saving Throw @Check[type:fortitude|dc:26]


Maximum Duration 6 rounds


Stage 1@Damage[2d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Clumsy]{Clumsy 1} (1 round)


Stage 2@Damage[3d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Clumsy]{Clumsy 2} (1 round)

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "sarglagon-venom", "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "poison" ] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "cziWyGkXTKOzxWfA", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Arcana", "sort": 2100000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 14 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "FrvH9Qjm4Ddo8J4J", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Athletics", "sort": 2200000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 18 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "dmFxBvhl0Mwqt8u5", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Deception", "sort": 2300000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 15 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "x75GI6dZABMCrzl8", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Diplomacy", "sort": 2400000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 15 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "O2Iy6hHlVcoWCJFF", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Intimidation", "sort": 2500000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 17 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "AqkCZNXs44e7j33l", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Stealth", "sort": 2600000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 15 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" } ], "name": "Deep End Sarglagon", "prototypeToken": { "name": "Sarglagon" }, "system": { "abilities": { "cha": { "mod": 3 }, "con": { "mod": 4 }, "dex": { "mod": 3 }, "int": { "mod": 2 }, "str": { "mod": 6 }, "wis": { "mod": 4 } }, "attributes": { "ac": { "details": "", "value": 27 }, "allSaves": { "value": "+1 status to all saves vs. magic" }, "hp": { "details": "", "max": 120, "temp": 0, "value": 120 }, "immunities": [ { "type": "fire" } ], "initiative": { "statistic": "perception" }, "perception": { "value": 18 }, "resistances": [ { "exceptions": [ "silver" ], "type": "physical", "value": 5 }, { "type": "poison", "value": 10 } ], "speed": { "otherSpeeds": [ { "type": "fly", "value": 25 }, { "type": "swim", "value": 30 } ], "value": 25 }, "weaknesses": [ { "type": "good", "value": 5 } ] }, "details": { "alignment": { "value": "LE" }, "blurb": "", "creatureType": "Fiend", "level": { "value": 8 }, "privateNotes": "", "publicNotes": "

Sarglagons dwell in Hell's myriad waterways, lakes, and oceans. They serve as guardians of the Academy of Lies-the repository of secrets in Stygia, the fifth layer of Hell. Sarglagons breathe water and air with equal ease, and can move through water, land, and even air with uncanny swiftness. Few fiends travel the waterways of the multiverse, but where a river crosses the planes, odds are sarglagons have traveled it to further their infernal machinations. The only body of water they avoid is the River Styx, as the fiends have yet to develop any defense against that waterway's memory-sapping qualities. Mortal spellcasters sometimes bind sarglagons as guardians of precious secrets or treasures, particularly in aquatic areas. Most strangely, sarglagons sometimes act as unnerving caretakers to mortals who have no idea what they did to earn their unwanted protectors' attention. The constant uninvited vigilance of these devils is often disturbing and stifling to their wards.


Each type of devil plays a particular role in Hell's bureaucracies and hierarchies, though some have far more specialized functions than others.

", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder #164: Hands of the Devil" } }, "resources": { "focus": { "max": 1, "value": 1 } }, "saves": { "fortitude": { "saveDetail": "", "value": 18 }, "reflex": { "saveDetail": "", "value": 13 }, "will": { "saveDetail": "", "value": 16 } }, "spellcasting": { "rituals": { "dc": 23 } }, "traits": { "attitude": { "value": "hostile" }, "languages": { "custom": "Telepathy 100 feet", "selected": [], "value": [ "celestial", "infernal" ] }, "rarity": "common", "senses": { "value": "greater darkvision; see invisibility" }, "size": { "value": "lg" }, "value": [ "amphibious", "devil", "fiend" ] } }, "type": "npc" }