{ "_id": "00s3MhFQ4yOp2rTf", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/npc.svg", "items": [ { "_id": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/spellcastingEntry.svg", "name": "Primal Prepared Spells", "sort": 100000, "system": { "autoHeightenLevel": { "value": null }, "description": { "value": "" }, "displayLevels": {}, "prepared": { "flexible": false, "value": "prepared" }, "proficiency": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "showSlotlessLevels": { "value": true }, "showUnpreparedSpells": { "value": false }, "slots": { "slot0": { "max": 5, "prepared": { "0": { "id": "K07tRKEBKcQG81WT" }, "1": { "id": "Hb6XT4QorvqiEm26" }, "2": { "id": "3DYOj4xeUqoZ2lQM" }, "3": { "id": "8phBHUqP433MWpdn" }, "4": { "id": "OAiKDyxB8TNOPIIn" } }, "value": 0 }, "slot1": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot10": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot11": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot2": { "max": 3, "prepared": { "0": { "id": "W5w94skCEC4KufWE" }, "1": { "id": "jXSHhaIicEQjzdqa" }, "2": { "id": "SwAdDoHz3esNYZXO" } }, "value": 0 }, "slot3": { "max": 3, "prepared": { "0": { "id": "WUUSwRxC1l9nOuVa" }, "1": { "id": "xa8Zi6byxStRN017" }, "2": { "id": "ZWWyfu0865pxxSl6" } }, "value": 0 }, "slot4": { "max": 3, "prepared": { "0": { "id": "6NjcmGR2p4wezdc1" }, "1": { "id": "8h9OINJWmyJN9bL8" }, "2": { "id": "g1AfjgS3jHMG4MCw" } }, "value": 0 }, "slot5": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot6": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot7": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot8": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot9": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 } }, "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "spelldc": { "dc": 28, "mod": 0, "value": 20 }, "tradition": { "value": "primal" } }, "type": "spellcastingEntry" }, { "_id": "JgGnEERmYAIJ8Hbc", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/spellcastingEntry.svg", "name": "Primal Innate Spells", "sort": 200000, "system": { "autoHeightenLevel": { "value": null }, "description": { "value": "" }, "displayLevels": {}, "prepared": { "flexible": false, "value": "innate" }, "proficiency": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "showSlotlessLevels": { "value": true }, "showUnpreparedSpells": { "value": false }, "slots": { "slot0": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot1": { "max": 1, "prepared": [], "value": 1 }, "slot10": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot11": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot2": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot3": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot4": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot5": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot6": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot7": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot8": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 }, "slot9": { "max": 0, "prepared": [], "value": 0 } }, "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "spelldc": { "dc": 28, "mod": 0, "value": 18 }, "tradition": { "value": "primal" } }, "type": "spellcastingEntry" }, { "_id": "6NjcmGR2p4wezdc1", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.b5sGjGlBf58f8jn0" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/air-walk.webp", "name": "Air Walk", "sort": 300000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

The target can walk on air as if it were solid ground. It can ascend and descend in this way at a maximum of a 45-degree angle.

" }, "duration": { "value": "5 minutes" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 4 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "touch" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "air-walk", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 creature" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "divine", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "air", "transmutation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "g1AfjgS3jHMG4MCw", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aqRYNoSvxsVfqglH" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/freedom-of-movement.webp", "name": "Freedom of Movement", "sort": 400000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You repel effects that would hinder a creature or slow its movement. While under this spell's effect, the target ignores effects that would give them a circumstance penalty to Speed. When they attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Escape] an effect that has them @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Immobilized], @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Grabbed], or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Restrained], they automatically succeed unless the effect is magical and of a higher level than the freedom of movement spell.

" }, "duration": { "value": "10 minutes" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 4 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "touch" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "freedom-of-movement", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 creature touched" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "divine", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "abjuration" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "YUKLiS4VoRXDjUcg", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ZhJ8d9Uk4lwIx86b" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/plant-growth.webp", "name": "Plant Growth", "sort": 500000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "ritual" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": false, "verbal": false }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You cause the plants within the area to be healthier and more fruitful. In addition to other benefits of healthy plants, this increases the crop yield for farms, depending on your success. If you cast it in the area of a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Blight], plant growth attempts to counteract the blight instead of producing its usual effect.


Critical Success Double the crop yield in the area, or increase the area to a 1-mile radius.


Success Increase the crop yield in the area by one-third.


Failure The ritual has no effect.


Critical Failure The flora in the area changes in an unanticipated way, determined by the GM but generally as contradictory to your true desires as possible (for instance, blighting crops when you would prefer to enrich them).

" }, "duration": { "value": "1 year" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 4 }, "location": { "value": null }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "Nature (expert)" }, "range": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "1" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "Farming Lore or Survival" }, "slug": "plant-growth", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "1 day" }, "traditions": { "value": [] }, "traits": { "rarity": "uncommon", "value": [ "plant", "positive", "necromancy" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "WUUSwRxC1l9nOuVa", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VosLNn2M8S7JH67D" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/blindness.webp", "name": "Blindness", "sort": 600000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You blind the target. The effect is determined by the target's Fortitude save. The target then becomes temporarily immune for 1 minute.


Critical Success The target is unaffected.


Success The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Blinded] until its next turn begins.


Failure The target is Blinded for 1 minute.


Critical Failure The target is Blinded permanently.

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 3 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "30 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "fortitude" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "blindness", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "save" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 creature" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "divine", "occult", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "incapacitation", "necromancy" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "xa8Zi6byxStRN017", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o0l57UfBm9ScEUMW" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/glyph-of-warding.webp", "name": "Glyph of Warding", "sort": 700000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": true, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You craft a trap by binding a hostile spell into a symbol. While Casting this Spell, you also Cast a Spell of a lower spell level to store in the glyph. The stored spell must take 3 actions or fewer to cast, have a hostile effect, and target one creature or have an area. You can set a password, a trigger, or both for the glyph. Any creature that moves, opens, or touches the target container or enters the target area that doesn't speak the password or that matches the trigger activates the glyph, releasing the harmful spell within.


Once a spell is stored in the glyph, the glyph gains all the traits of that spell. If the stored spell targets one or more creatures, it targets the creature that set off the glyph. If it has an area, that area is centered on the creature that set off the glyph. Glyph of warding's duration ends when the glyph is triggered. The glyph counts as a magical trap, using your spell DC for both the Perception check to notice it and the Thievery check to disable it; both checks require the creature attempting them to be trained in order to succeed.


You can Dismiss glyph of warding. The maximum number of glyphs of warding you can have active at a time is equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.

" }, "duration": { "value": "unlimited" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 3 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "touch" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "glyph-of-warding", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 container or a 10-foot-by-10-foot area" }, "time": { "value": "10 minutes" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "divine", "occult", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "abjuration" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "ZWWyfu0865pxxSl6", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vh1RpbWfqdNC4L3P" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/meld-into-stone.webp", "name": "Meld into Stone", "sort": 800000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You merge with an adjacent block of stone with enough volume to fit you and your worn and held possessions. You must touch the stone when you Cast the Spell. You can hear, but not see, what's going on outside the stone, and you can cast spells while in the stone as long as they don't require line of effect beyond the stone.


Significant physical damage to the stone while you are inside it expels you and deals 10d6 damage to you. Passwall expels you without dealing damage and ends meld into stone. You can Dismiss this spell.

" }, "duration": { "value": "10 minutes" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 3 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "meld-into-stone", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "earth", "transmutation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "W5w94skCEC4KufWE", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.f8hRqLJaxBVhF1u0" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/acid-arrow.webp", "name": "Acid Arrow", "sort": 900000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": { "0": { "applyMod": false, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "", "value": "acid" }, "value": "3d8" } } }, "description": { "value": "

You conjure an arrow of acid that keeps corroding the target after it hits. Make a spell attack against the target. On a hit, you deal 3d8 acid damage plus [[/r 1d6[persistent,acid]]]. On a critical hit, double the initial damage, but not the persistent damage.


Heightened (+2) The initial damage increases by 2d8, and the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Persistent Damage] increases by 1d6.

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "heightening": { "damage": { "0": "2d8" }, "interval": 2, "type": "interval" }, "level": { "value": 2 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "120 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "acid-arrow", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "attack" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 creature" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "acid", "attack", "evocation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "8h9OINJWmyJN9bL8", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YWrfKetOqDwVFut7" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/barkskin.webp", "name": "Barkskin", "sort": 1000000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

The target's skin becomes covered in bark. The target gains resistance 2 to bludgeoning and piercing damage and weakness 3 to fire. After the target takes fire damage, it can Dismiss the spell as a free action triggered by taking the damage; doing so doesn't reduce the fire damage the target was dealt.


@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spell-effects.Item.Spell Effect: Oaken Resilience]


Heightened (+2) The resistances increase by 2, and the weakness increases by 3.

" }, "duration": { "value": "10 minutes" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 2 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "touch" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "barkskin", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 willing creature" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "plant", "abjuration" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "jXSHhaIicEQjzdqa", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.J6vNvrUT3b1hx2iA" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/entangle.webp", "name": "Entangle", "sort": 1100000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": { "details": "all squares in a 20-foot-radius burst that contain plants", "type": "burst", "value": 20 }, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

Area all squares in a 20-foot burst that contain plants or fungi


Plants and fungi in the area entangle creatures. The area counts as difficult terrain. Each round that a creature starts its turn in the area, it must attempt a Reflex save. On a failure, it takes a -10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the area, and on a critical failure, it is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Immobilized] for 1 round. Creatures can attempt to Escape at entangle's DC to remove these effects.

" }, "duration": { "value": "1 minute" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 2 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "120 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "reflex" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "entangle", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "save" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "plant", "transmutation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "SwAdDoHz3esNYZXO", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0qaqksrGGDj74HXE" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/glitterdust.webp", "name": "Glitterdust", "sort": 1200000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": { "type": "burst", "value": 10 }, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

Creatures in the area are outlined by glittering dust. Each creature must attempt a Reflex save. If a creature has its invisibility negated by this spell, it is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Concealed] instead of @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Invisible]. This applies both if the creature was already Invisible and if it benefits from new invisibility effects before the end of the invisibility negation effect from this spell.


Critical Success The target is unaffected.


Success The target's invisibility is negated for 2 rounds.


Failure The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Dazzled] for 1 minute and its invisibility is negated for 1 minute.


Critical Failure The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Blinded] for 1 round and Dazzled for 10 minutes. Its invisibility is negated for 10 minutes.

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 2 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "120 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "reflex" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "glitterdust", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "save" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "evocation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "K07tRKEBKcQG81WT", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gISYsBFby1TiXfBt" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/acid-splash.webp", "name": "Acid Splash", "sort": 1300000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": { "0": { "applyMod": false, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "", "value": "acid" }, "value": "1d6" }, "gcovwqxwitqchoin": { "applyMod": false, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "splash", "value": "acid" }, "value": "1" } } }, "description": { "value": "

You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus [[/r (1[splash])[acid]]]. On a critical success, the target also takes [[/r 1[persistent,acid]]] damage.


Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier, and the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Persistent Damage] increases to [[/r 2[persistent,acid]]].


Heightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier, the Persistent Damage increases to [[/r 3[persistent,acid]]], and the splash damage increases to [[/r (2[splash])[acid]]].


Heightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 3d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier, the Persistent Damage increases to [[/r 4[persistent,acid]]], and the splash damage increases to [[/r (3[splash])[acid]]].


Heightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 4d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier, the Persistent Damage increases to [[/r 5[persistent,acid]]], and the splash damage increases to [[/r (4[splash])[acid]]].

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "heightening": { "levels": { "3": { "damage": { "value": { "0": { "applyMod": true, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "", "value": "acid" }, "value": "1d6" }, "gcovwqxwitqchoin": { "applyMod": false, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "splash", "value": "acid" }, "value": "1" } } } }, "5": { "damage": { "value": { "0": { "applyMod": true, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "", "value": "acid" }, "value": "2d6" }, "gcovwqxwitqchoin": { "applyMod": false, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "splash", "value": "acid" }, "value": "2" } } } }, "7": { "damage": { "value": { "0": { "applyMod": true, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "", "value": "acid" }, "value": "3d6" }, "gcovwqxwitqchoin": { "applyMod": false, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "splash", "value": "acid" }, "value": "3" } } } }, "9": { "damage": { "value": { "0": { "applyMod": true, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "", "value": "acid" }, "value": "4d6" }, "gcovwqxwitqchoin": { "applyMod": false, "type": { "categories": [], "subtype": "splash", "value": "acid" }, "value": "4" } } } } }, "type": "fixed" }, "level": { "value": 1 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "30 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "acid-splash", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "attack" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 creature" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "custom": "", "value": [ "arcane", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "attack", "acid", "cantrip", "evocation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "Hb6XT4QorvqiEm26", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gpzpAAAJ1Lza2JVl" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/detect-magic.webp", "name": "Detect Magic", "sort": 1400000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": { "type": "emanation", "value": 30 }, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of magic. You can choose to ignore magic you're fully aware of, such as the magic items and ongoing spells of you and your allies.


You detect illusion magic only if that magic's effect has a lower level than the level of your detect magic spell. However, items that have an illusion aura but aren't deceptive in appearance (such as an invisibility potion) typically are detected normally.


Heightened (3rd) You learn the school of magic for the highest-level effect within range that the spell detects. If multiple effects are equally strong, the GM determines which you learn.


Heightened (4th) As 3rd level, but you also pinpoint the source of the highest-level magic. Like for an imprecise sense, you don't learn the exact location, but can narrow down the source to within a 5-foot cube (or the nearest if larger than that).

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 1 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "detect-magic", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "custom": "", "value": [ "arcane", "divine", "occult", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "detection", "cantrip", "divination" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "vax3v7OGwnh9qwMx", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.i35dpZFI7jZcRoBo" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/illusory-disguise.webp", "name": "Illusory Disguise", "sort": 1500000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You create an illusion that causes you to appear as another creature of the same body shape, and with roughly similar height (within 6 inches) and weight (within 50 pounds), as yourself. The disguise is typically good enough to hide your identity, but not to impersonate a specific individual. The spell doesn't change your voice, scent, or mannerisms. You can change the appearance of your clothing and worn items, such as making your armor look like a dress. Held items are unaffected, and any worn item you remove returns to its true appearance.


Casting illusory disguise counts as setting up a disguise for the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.action-macros.Macro.Impersonate: Deception]{Impersonate} use of Deception; it ignores any circumstance penalties you might take for disguising yourself as a dissimilar creature, it gives you a +4 status bonus to Deception checks to prevent others from seeing through your disguise, and you add your level even if you're untrained. You can Dismiss this spell.


Heightened (2nd) The spell also disguises your voice and scent, and it gains the auditory and olfactory traits.


Heightened (3rd) You can appear as any creature of the same size, even a specific individual. You must have seen an individual to take on their appearance. The spell also disguises your voice and scent, and it gains the auditory and olfactory traits.


@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spell-effects.Item.Spell Effect: Illusory Disguise]

" }, "duration": { "value": "1 hour" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 1 }, "location": { "value": "JgGnEERmYAIJ8Hbc" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "illusory-disguise", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "value": [ "arcane", "occult" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "visual", "illusion" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "3DYOj4xeUqoZ2lQM", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Qw3fnUlaUbnn7ipC" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/prestidigitation.webp", "name": "Prestidigitation", "sort": 1600000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

The simplest magic does your bidding. You can perform simple magical effects for as long as you Sustain the Spell. Each time you Sustain the Spell, you can choose one of four options.


Prestidigitation can't deal damage or cause adverse conditions. Any actual change to an object (beyond what is noted above) persists only as long as you Sustain the Spell.

" }, "duration": { "value": "sustained" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "level": { "value": 1 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "10 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "prestidigitation", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": true }, "target": { "value": "1 object (cook, lift, or tidy only)" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "custom": "", "value": [ "arcane", "divine", "occult", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "cantrip", "evocation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "8phBHUqP433MWpdn", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.O9w7r4BKgPogYDDe" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/produce-flame.webp", "name": "Produce Flame", "sort": 1700000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": { "0": { "applyMod": true, "type": { "categories": [], "value": "fire" }, "value": "1d4" } } }, "description": { "value": "

A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range. Make a spell attack roll against your target's AC. This is normally a ranged attack, but you can also make a melee attack against a creature in your unarmed reach.


On a success, you deal 1d4 fire damage plus your spellcasting ability modifier. On a critical success, the target takes double damage and [[/r 1d4[persistent,fire]]] damage.


Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d4 and the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Persistent Damage] on a critical hit by 1d4.

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "heightening": { "damage": { "0": "1d4" }, "interval": 1, "type": "interval" }, "level": { "value": 1 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "30 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "produce-flame", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "attack" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 creature" }, "time": { "value": "2" }, "traditions": { "custom": "", "value": [ "arcane", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "attack", "fire", "cantrip", "evocation" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "OAiKDyxB8TNOPIIn", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.OhD2Z6rIGGD5ocZA" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/spells/read-aura.webp", "name": "Read Aura", "sort": 1800000, "system": { "ability": { "value": "" }, "area": null, "category": { "value": "spell" }, "components": { "focus": false, "material": false, "somatic": true, "verbal": true }, "cost": { "value": "" }, "damage": { "value": {} }, "description": { "value": "

You focus on the target object, opening your mind to perceive magical auras. When the casting is complete, you know whether that item is magical, and if it is, you learn the school of magic.


If the object is illusory, you detect this only if the effect's level is lower than the level of your read aura spell.


Heightened (3rd) You can target up to 10 objects.


Heightened (6th) You can target any number of objects.

" }, "duration": { "value": "" }, "hasCounteractCheck": { "value": false }, "heightening": { "levels": { "3": { "target": { "value": "10 objects" } }, "6": { "target": { "value": "any number of objects" } } }, "type": "fixed" }, "level": { "value": 1 }, "location": { "value": "thNxqBSaHQwe1kqj" }, "materials": { "value": "" }, "prepared": { "value": "" }, "primarycheck": { "value": "" }, "range": { "value": "30 feet" }, "rules": [], "save": { "basic": "", "value": "" }, "secondarycasters": { "value": "" }, "secondarycheck": { "value": "" }, "slug": "read-aura", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Core Rulebook" }, "spellType": { "value": "utility" }, "sustained": { "value": false }, "target": { "value": "1 object" }, "time": { "value": "1 minute" }, "traditions": { "custom": "", "value": [ "arcane", "divine", "occult", "primal" ] }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "detection", "cantrip", "divination" ] } }, "type": "spell" }, { "_id": "RatED2kNCjAiVv2a", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/melee.svg", "name": "Fist", "sort": 1900000, "system": { "attack": { "value": "" }, "attackEffects": { "custom": "", "value": [ "bog-rot" ] }, "bonus": { "value": 21 }, "damageRolls": { "0": { "damage": "2d10+8", "damageType": "bludgeoning" } }, "description": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "weaponType": { "value": "melee" } }, "type": "melee" }, { "_id": "boE5h9E3qlCaVd4L", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.qCCLZhnp2HhP3Ex6" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Darkvision", "sort": 2000000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "darkvision", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "V0Zof9p6jaQUrOl0", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.j2wsK6IsW5yMW1jW" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Tremorsense (Imprecise) 30 feet", "sort": 2100000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "interaction", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "tremorsense", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "OqYpi6JullFs4WMU", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.TTCw5NusiSSkJU1x" } }, "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Negative Healing", "sort": 2200000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "


" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "ActiveEffectLike", "mode": "override", "path": "system.attributes.hp.negativeHealing", "value": true } ], "slug": "negative-healing", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder Bestiary 2" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "BBdrCuAIiJoPRLOJ", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Breath of the Bog", "sort": 2300000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "

@Template[type:emanation|distance:30]{30 feet} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.Aura]


A creature that begins its turn within the area feels as if its lungs were filling with water and must succeed at a @Check[type:fortitude|dc:28] save or be unable to speak or breathe. The creature can still hold its breath and can attempt a new save at the end of its turn. A creature that succeeds is temporarily immune for 24 hours.

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [ { "key": "Aura", "radius": 30, "slug": "breath-of-the-bog", "traits": [ "aura", "divine", "enchantment", "mental" ] } ], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "aura", "divine", "enchantment", "mental" ] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "hNe75I8nMGqBfaaP", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Reaction.webp", "name": "Rise Up", "sort": 2400000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "reaction" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "defensive", "description": { "value": "

Trigger A creature walks on top of a bog mummy that lies buried in the mud or peat below


Requirements Initiative has not yet been rolled


Effect The bog mummy automatically notices the creature and Burrows before rolling initiative.

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "g2QS3ryiZhgirGmj", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/actions/Passive.webp", "name": "Bog Rot", "sort": 2500000, "system": { "actionType": { "value": "passive" }, "actions": { "value": null }, "category": "offensive", "description": { "value": "

This affliction can't be reduced below stage 1, nor can the damage from it be healed, until it's successfully treated with remove curse or a similar effect; the affliction can then be removed as normal for a disease. A creature killed by bog rot melts into a noxious sludge and can't be resurrected except by a 7th-level resurrect ritual or similar magic


Saving Throw @Check[type:fortitude|dc:21]


Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 minute)


Stage 2 @Damage[3d6[negative]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Clumsy]{Clumsy 1} (1 day)

" }, "requirements": { "value": "" }, "rules": [], "slug": "bog-rot", "source": { "value": "" }, "traits": { "rarity": "common", "value": [ "curse", "disease", "divine", "necromancy", "negative" ] }, "trigger": { "value": "" }, "weapon": { "value": "" } }, "type": "action" }, { "_id": "PwK5HKOlkcH0QWPM", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Athletics", "sort": 2600000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 19 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "MJ2A0WcbMqwXH7fZ", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Nature", "sort": 2700000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 19 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" } }, "type": "lore" }, { "_id": "nQVh2gtZd534YNJW", "img": "systems/pf2e/icons/default-icons/lore.svg", "name": "Stealth", "sort": 2800000, "system": { "description": { "value": "" }, "mod": { "value": 19 }, "proficient": { "value": 0 }, "rules": [ { "key": "FlatModifier", "label": "PF2E.SkillVariant.Buried", "predicate": [ "buried" ], "selector": "stealth", "value": 2 } ], "slug": null, "source": { "value": "" }, "variants": { "0": { "label": "+21 while buried in a bog", "options": "buried" } } }, "type": "lore" } ], "name": "Elder Child of Belcorra", "system": { "abilities": { "cha": { "mod": 0 }, "con": { "mod": 0 }, "dex": { "mod": 3 }, "int": { "mod": 0 }, "str": { "mod": 6 }, "wis": { "mod": 3 } }, "attributes": { "ac": { "details": "", "value": 28 }, "allSaves": { "value": "" }, "hp": { "details": "negative healing", "max": 155, "temp": 0, "value": 155 }, "immunities": [ { "type": "death-effects" }, { "type": "disease" }, { "type": "paralyzed" }, { "type": "poison" }, { "type": "unconscious" } ], "initiative": { "statistic": "perception" }, "perception": { "value": 18 }, "resistances": [ { "type": "fire", "value": 10 } ], "speed": { "otherSpeeds": [ { "type": "burrow", "value": 15 } ], "value": 20 }, "weaknesses": [ { "type": "cold", "value": 10 } ] }, "details": { "alignment": { "value": "LE" }, "blurb": "Variant bog mummy", "creatureType": "", "level": { "value": 9 }, "privateNotes": "", "publicNotes": "", "source": { "value": "Pathfinder #165: Eyes of Empty Death" } }, "resources": { "focus": { "max": 1, "value": 1 } }, "saves": { "fortitude": { "saveDetail": "", "value": 15 }, "reflex": { "saveDetail": "", "value": 18 }, "will": { "saveDetail": "", "value": 20 } }, "spellcasting": { "rituals": { "dc": 28 } }, "traits": { "languages": { "custom": "", "selected": [], "value": [ "common", "gnomish", "undercommon" ] }, "rarity": "rare", "senses": { "value": "darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet" }, "size": { "value": "sm" }, "value": [ "mummy", "undead" ] } }, "type": "npc" }