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Terratest website

This is the code for the Terratest website.

Terratest website is built with Jekyll and published on Github Pages from docs folder on master branch.

Quick Start

Download project

Clone or fork Terratest repository.


  1. Install Ruby. Version 2.4 or above is recommended. Consider using rbenv to manage Ruby versions.

  2. Install bundler:

    gem install bundler
  3. Go to the docs folder:

    cd docs
  4. Install gems:

    bundle install
  5. Run the docs site locally:

    bundle exec jekyll serve
  6. Open https://localhost:4000/ in your web browser.


GitHub Pages automatically rebuilds the website from the /docs folder whenever you commit and push changes to the master branch.

Working with the documentation

We recommend updating the documentation before updating any code (see Readme Driven Development). This ensures the documentation stays up to date and allows you to think through the problem at a high level before you get lost in the weeds of coding.

The Terratest website contains Docs collection stored in /docs/_docs.

When you work with the documentation, it's good to preview the changes. To do that, run project as it is described in Run section.

  1. Change content on the existing page
  2. Add a new page
  3. Remove or rename page
  4. Add custom redirection

Change content on the existing page

  1. Find page in _docs by file name (it's the same as page's title).
  2. Edit content and save file.

Add a new page

  1. Create a new file in _docs. The file's name and title have to be the same.
  2. At the beginning of the file, add:
layout: collection-browser-doc                  # X Cannot be changed
title: Quick start                              # <--- Change this
  - getting-started                             # <--- Change this if needed
excerpt: Learn how to work with Terratest.      # <--- Change page description
tags: ["Quick Start", "DRY", "backend", "CLI"]  # <--- Set tags
order: 100                                      # <--- It sorts the docs on the list
nav_title: Documentation                        # X Cannot be changed
nav_title_link: /docs/                          # X Cannot be changed

  • layout - do not change! (Layout sets components like a navigation sidebar, page header, footer, etc.)
  • title - document title
  • categories - the document's category. Four categories are in use for now: "getting-started", "testing-best-practices", "alternative-testing-tools", and "community".
  • excerpt - description. Try to keep it short.
  • tags - check other posts to see common tags, but you can set a new as well.
  • order - it is used to sort the documents within collection.
  • nav_title - the title displayed above navigation. It's optional and it's recommended to use the same as other files in the collection.
  • nav_title_link - it is URL. If it is set, the nav_title becomes a link with a given URL.
  1. Add content at the end of the file.

Remove or rename page

  1. Find page in _docs by file name (it's the same as page's title).
  2. Delete page or rename.

Add custom redirection

To add link to any page, including subpages outside of any collection, you can create a new file in specific collection (e.g. _docs), and set following content in the file:

title: Support
categories: Community
excerpt: Need help?
tags: ["support"]
  - /support
order: 301


The navigation sidebar is built in _includes/collection_browser/navigation/_collection_toc.html.

First, the script groups documents of the given collection by categories. Categories make the uppermost level in the navigation sidebar. Then, within each category, the script adds documents titles to the navigation under specific categories. Documents are sorted by order field set in frontmatter section. Next, headings from each document are being extracted and added to the navigation.


Project structure

|-- _docs                     # docs *collection*
|-- _includes                 # partials
|-- _layouts                  # layouts
|-- _pages                    # static pages
| |-- 404                     # "404: Not found" page
| |-- cookie-policy           # "Cookie Policy" page
| |-- docs                    # index page for *_docs* collection
| |-- index                   # home page
|-- _posts                    # Posts collection - empty and not used
|-- _site                     # website generated by Jekyll
|-- assets                    # Javascript, Stylesheets, and images
|-- scripts                   # useful scripts to use in development
| |-- convert_md_to_adoc      # contains the command to convert MD files to ADOC
|-- Gemfile
|-- _config.yml               # Jekyll configuration file

Documentation and Examples collections

The documentation is implemented as a Jekyll collection and built with Collection Browser.

Documentation collection

The index page of the Docs collection is in: _pages/docs/index.html and is available under /docs URL. It uses Collection browser from _includes/collection_browser/browser which makes the list of docs, adds search input with tag filter and puts navigation sidebar containing collection's categories.

Collection is stored in _docs folder.

Adding new pages to collections

The Docs collection uses collection browser which requires to setup proper meta tags in the doc file.

  1. Create a new file in collection folder. Docs add to the _docs.
layout: collection-browser-doc
title: CLI options  # CHANGE THIS
  - getting-started # CHANGE THIS
excerpt: >- # CHANGE THIS
  Terratest example description
tags: ["CLI"] # CHANGE THIS
order: 102 # CHANGE THIS
nav_title: Documentation # OPTIONAL
nav_title_link: /docs/ # OPTIONAL
  • layout - always has to be: collection-browser-doc [DO NOT CHANGE]
  • title - the doc title.
  • categories - set one category. Use downcase with dashes, e.g. getting-started.
  • excerpt - the doc description.
  • tags - doc tags.
  • order - it is use to list documents in the right order. "Getting Started" starts from 100, "Features" starts from 200, and "Community" starts from 300.
  • nav_title - the title above navigation. It's optional. It's a link if nav_title_link is set.
  • nav_title_link - it is a URL. If it is set, nav_link is transformed to the link.

Adding new collections

To add a new collection based on Collection browser, like Docs collection:

  1. Add collection to the _config.yml:
  my-collection:   # --> Change to your collection's name
    output: true
    sort_by: order
    permalink: /:collection/:categories/:title/  # --> You can adjust this to your needs. You can remove ":categories" if your collection doesn't use it.
  1. Create a folder for collection in root directory, e.g: _my-collection (change name)
  2. Add documents to the _my-collection folder and set proper meta tags (see: Adding new docs to collections).
  3. Create folder for collection's index page in _pages. Use collection name, e.g: _pages/my-collection.
  4. Add index.html file to newly create folder:
layout: collection-browser # DO NOT CAHNGE THIS
title: Use cases
subtitle: Learn how to work with Terratest.
excerpt: Learn how to work with Terratest.
permalink: /examples/
slug: examples
nav_title: Documentation # OPTIONAL
nav_title_link: /docs/ # OPTIONAL

{% include collection_browser/browser.html collection=site.examples collection_name='examples' %}
  1. Change title, subtitle, excerpt, permalink, and slug in meta tags.
  2. In include statement, set collection to your collection set in _config.yml and set collection_name.

Collection Browser

The Collection Browser is strongly inspired by implementation of guides on website.

The Collection Browser's purpose is to wrap Jekyll collection into:

  • index page containing ordered list of docs with search form,
  • show pages presenting docs' contents, and containing navigation sidebar,
  • and build navigation sidebar.


  1. Add collection to _config.yml
  my-collection:   # --> Change to your collection's name
    output: true
    sort_by: order
    permalink: /:collection/:categories/:title/  # --> You can adjust this to your needs. You can remove ":categories" if your collection doesn't use it.
  1. Create a folder for collection in root directory: _my-collection
  2. Add documents (.md format is recommended) to the _my-collection folder.
  3. In each document add:
layout: collection-browser-doc  # <-- It has to be "collection-browser-doc"
title: CLI options              # <-- [CHANGE THIS] doc's title
categories:                     # <-- [CHANGE THIS] use single category. (Downcase and dashes instead of spaces)
  - getting-started
excerpt: >-                     # <-- [CHANGE THIS] doc's description
  Some description.
tags: ["CLI", "Another tag"]    # <-- [CHANGE THIS] doc's tags
order: 102                      # <-- [CHANGE THIS] set different number to each doc to set right order
  1. Create index page for collection. Create folder with collection name in _pages: my-collection
  2. Add index.html in _pages/my-collection:
layout: collection-browser         # <-- It has to be "collection-browser"
title: Use cases
subtitle: Learn how to work with Terratest.
excerpt: Learn how to work with Terratest.
permalink: /use-cases/
slug: use-cases

{% include collection_browser/browser.html collection_name='my-collection' %}

Adjust meta tags and replace my-collection with your collection name in {% include ... %}

How it works

The Collection Browser needs the index page in _pages folder. It basically imports browser.html from _includes/collection_browser. Meta tags, like title, subtitle, excerpt, are used by Collection Browser on index page. The index page is then published under URL assigned to permalink.

The index page displays the list of collection's docs. Clicking on any of them, redirects user to the collection's doc page.


Collections are registered in the _config.yml file like other typical Jekyll collections. Additional field used in the configuration is: sort_by: order. It ensures that collection's documents are displayed in the right order. The order is set then in every collection document. For large collections it's recommended to split files into several folders, and then to use 3-digit numbers. So each folder would have reserved range of numbers, like: 100 - 199, 200-299, etc. It makes easy to add new documents without overwriting order fields in other docs.


The Collection Browser uses two layouts:

  • _layouts/collection-browser.html - for the index page containing the list of documents
  • _layouts/collection-browser-doc.html - for the "show" page of collection's doc


All Collection Browser partials are stored in _includes/collection_browser.

  • browser.html - it is the collection's index page
  • _doc-page.html - is a starting point for collection's document pages (show pages)

Some includes may use partials from _includes directory. For example, _includes/collection_browser/_cta-section.html uses _includes/links-n-built-by.html.


Names of assets used by collection-browser in assets folder start with collection-browser.

Collection Browser's classes in stylesheets starts mostly with cb, collection-browser and collection-browser-doc.

Javascript files used by Collection Browser:

  • collection-browser_scroll.js - responsible for the scroll spying in navigation sidebar and sticking this bar at the top of the screen when page is being scrolled.
  • collection-browser_search.js - responsible for handling text search and tag filters.
  • collection-browser_toc.js - responsible for opening and closing navigation sidebar on the document page.

Navigation Sidebar

The navigation sidebar is built in _includes/collection_browser/navigation/_collection_toc.html. Read more: Navigation

Markdown (md) > AsciiDoc (adoc) converter

Recommended format of documents is Github Markdown (.md). If you use the Markdown format (.md), and you want to convert to AsciiDoc format, you can do this with Pandoc:

  1. Create file and paste there Markdown content
  2. Run:
$ pandoc --from=gfm --to=asciidoc --wrap=none --atx-headers > output.adoc
  1. The converted content in .adoc format is printed in output.adoc

You can use also scripts/

AsciiDoc (adoc) > Markdown (md) converter

To convert from .adoc (AsciiDoc) format to Markdown, you need AsciiDoctor and Pandoc.

First, install Asciidoctor:

$ sudo apt-get install asciidoctor

Next, install Pandoc:

Then you can use script: scripts/ or use the command:

$ asciidoctor -b docbook input.adoc && pandoc -f docbook -t gfm input.xml -o --wrap=none --atx-headers

In both cases:

  1. create a file: input.adoc,
  2. add content to the file,
  3. run script or command,
  4. The output can be found in