# variables that should not be overridden by the user GIT_COMMIT = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD || echo unknown) GIT_COMMIT_SHORT = $(shell echo ${GIT_COMMIT} | cut -c1-7) GIT_TAG = $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0 || echo untagged) DATE = $(shell date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") VERSION = $(GIT_TAG)-SNAPSHOT-$(GIT_COMMIT_SHORT) PLUS_ARGS = --secret id=nginx-repo.crt,src=nginx-repo.crt --secret id=nginx-repo.key,src=nginx-repo.key # variables that can be overridden by the user PREFIX = nginx/nginx-ingress## The name of the image. For example, nginx/nginx-ingress TAG = $(VERSION:v%=%)## The tag of the image. For example, 2.0.0 TARGET ?= local## The target of the build. Possible values: local, container and download override DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS += --build-arg IC_VERSION=$(VERSION) --build-arg GIT_COMMIT=$(GIT_COMMIT) --build-arg DATE=$(DATE) ## The options for the docker build command. For example, --pull. # final docker build command DOCKER_CMD = docker build $(strip $(DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS)) --target $(strip $(TARGET)) -f build/Dockerfile -t $(strip $(PREFIX)):$(strip $(TAG)) . export DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1 .DEFAULT_GOAL:=help .PHONY: help help: Makefile ## Display this help @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "; printf "Usage:\n\n make \033[36m\033[0m [VARIABLE=value...]\n\nTargets:\n\n"}; {printf " \033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' @grep -E '^(override )?[a-zA-Z_-]+ \??\+?= .*?## .*$$' $< | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = " \\??\\+?= .*?## "; printf "\nVariables:\n\n"}; {gsub(/override /, "", $$1); printf " \033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' .PHONY: all all: test lint verify-codegen update-crds debian-image .PHONY: lint lint: ## Run linter docker run --pull always --rm -v $(shell pwd):/kubernetes-ingress -w /kubernetes-ingress -v $(shell go env GOCACHE):/cache/go -e GOCACHE=/cache/go -e GOLANGCI_LINT_CACHE=/cache/go -v $(shell go env GOPATH)/pkg:/go/pkg golangci/golangci-lint:latest golangci-lint --color always run -v .PHONY: test test: ## Run tests go test ./... cover: ## Generate coverage report @./hack/test-cover.sh .PHONY: verify-codegen verify-codegen: ## Verify code generation ./hack/verify-codegen.sh .PHONY: update-codegen update-codegen: ## Generate code ./hack/update-codegen.sh .PHONY: update-crds update-crds: ## Update CRDs go run sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools/cmd/controller-gen crd:crdVersions=v1 schemapatch:manifests=./deployments/common/crds/ paths=./pkg/apis/configuration/... output:dir=./deployments/common/crds @cp -Rp deployments/common/crds/ deployments/helm-chart/crds .PHONY: certificate-and-key certificate-and-key: ## Create default cert and key ./build/generate_default_cert_and_key.sh .PHONY: build build: ## Build Ingress Controller binary @docker -v || (code=$$?; printf "\033[0;31mError\033[0m: there was a problem with Docker\n"; exit $$code) ifeq (${TARGET},local) @go version || (code=$$?; printf "\033[0;31mError\033[0m: unable to build locally, try using the parameter TARGET=container or TARGET=download\n"; exit $$code) CGO_ENABLED=0 GO111MODULE=on GOOS=linux go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w -X main.version=${VERSION} -X main.commit=${GIT_COMMIT} -X main.date=$(DATE)" -o nginx-ingress github.com/nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress/cmd/nginx-ingress else ifeq (${TARGET},download) @$(MAKE) download-binary-docker endif .PHONY: download-binary-docker download-binary-docker: ## Download Docker image from which to extract Ingress Controller binary, TARGET=download is required ifeq (${TARGET},download) DOWNLOAD_TAG := $(shell ./hack/docker.sh $(GIT_COMMIT) $(GIT_TAG)) ifeq ($(DOWNLOAD_TAG),fail) $(error unable to build with TARGET=download, this function is only available when building from a git tag or from the latest commit matching the edge image) endif override DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS += --build-arg DOWNLOAD_TAG=$(DOWNLOAD_TAG) endif .PHONY: build-goreleaser build-goreleaser: ## Build Ingress Controller binary using GoReleaser @goreleaser -v || (code=$$?; printf "\033[0;31mError\033[0m: there was a problem with GoReleaser. Follow the docs to install it https://goreleaser.com/install\n"; exit $$code) GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH) goreleaser build --rm-dist --debug --snapshot --id kubernetes-ingress .PHONY: debian-image debian-image: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian) $(DOCKER_CMD) --build-arg BUILD_OS=debian .PHONY: alpine-image alpine-image: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Alpine) $(DOCKER_CMD) --build-arg BUILD_OS=alpine .PHONY: alpine-image-plus alpine-image-plus: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Alpine with NGINX Plus) $(DOCKER_CMD) $(PLUS_ARGS) --build-arg BUILD_OS=alpine-plus .PHONY: debian-image-plus debian-image-plus: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian with NGINX Plus) $(DOCKER_CMD) $(PLUS_ARGS) --build-arg BUILD_OS=debian-plus .PHONY: debian-image-nap-plus debian-image-nap-plus: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian with NGINX Plus and App Protect WAF) $(DOCKER_CMD) $(PLUS_ARGS) --build-arg BUILD_OS=debian-plus-nap --build-arg DEBIAN_VERSION=buster-slim .PHONY: openshift-image openshift-image: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (UBI) $(DOCKER_CMD) --build-arg BUILD_OS=ubi .PHONY: openshift-image-plus openshift-image-plus: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (UBI with NGINX Plus) $(DOCKER_CMD) $(PLUS_ARGS) --build-arg BUILD_OS=ubi-plus .PHONY: openshift-image-nap-plus openshift-image-nap-plus: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (UBI with NGINX Plus and App Protect WAF) $(DOCKER_CMD) $(PLUS_ARGS) --secret id=rhel_license,src=rhel_license --build-arg BUILD_OS=ubi-plus-nap --build-arg UBI_VERSION=7 .PHONY: alpine-image-opentracing alpine-image-opentracing: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Alpine with OpenTracing) $(DOCKER_CMD) --build-arg BUILD_OS=alpine-opentracing .PHONY: debian-image-opentracing debian-image-opentracing: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian with OpenTracing) $(DOCKER_CMD) --build-arg BUILD_OS=opentracing .PHONY: debian-image-opentracing-plus debian-image-opentracing-plus: build ## Create Docker image for Ingress Controller (Debian with OpenTracing and NGINX Plus) $(DOCKER_CMD) $(PLUS_ARGS) --build-arg BUILD_OS=opentracing-plus .PHONY: all-images ## Create all the Docker images for Ingress Controller all-images: alpine-image alpine-image-plus debian-image debian-image-plus debian-image-nap-plus debian-image-opentracing debian-image-opentracing-plus openshift-image openshift-image-plus openshift-image-nap-plus .PHONY: push push: ## Docker push to PREFIX and TAG docker push $(PREFIX):$(TAG) .PHONY: clean clean: ## Remove nginx-ingress binary -rm nginx-ingress -rm -r dist .PHONY: deps deps: ## Add missing and remove unused modules, verify deps and download them to local cache @go mod tidy && go mod verify && go mod download .PHONY: clean-cache clean-cache: ## Clean go cache @go clean -modcache