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NGINX Ingress Controller Helm Chart


This chart deploys the NGINX Ingress controller in your Kubernetes cluster.


  • Kubernetes 1.6+.
  • Helm 2.8.x+.
  • Git.
  • If you’d like to use NGINX Plus:
    • Build an Ingress controller image with NGINX Plus and push it to your private registry by following the instructions from here.
    • Update the controller.image.repository field of the values-plus.yaml accordingly.

Installing the Chart

  1. Clone the Ingress controller repo:

    $ git clone
  2. If you're using a stable release, check out the corresponding tag. For release 1.3.0, run:

    $ git checkout v1.3.0
  3. Change your working directory to /helm-chart:

    $ cd kubernetes-ingress/helm-chart
  4. To install the chart with the release name my-release (my-release is the name that you choose):

    For NGINX:

    $ helm install --name my-release .

    For NGINX Plus:

    $ helm install --name my-release -f values-plus.yaml .

    The command deploys the Ingress controller in your Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

    When deploying the Ingress controller, make sure to use your own TLS certificate and key for the default server rather than the default pre-generated ones. Read the Configuration section below to see how to configure a TLS certificate and key for the default server. Note that the default server returns the Not Found page with the 404 status code for all requests for domains for which there are no Ingress rules defined.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the release my-release

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the NGINX Ingress controller chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default The name of the Ingress controller daemon set or deployment. nginx-ingress
controller.kind The kind of the Ingress controller installation - deployment or daemonset. deployment
controller.nginxplus Deploys the Ingress controller for NGINX Plus. false
controller.hostNetwork Enables the Ingress controller pods to use the host's network namespace. false
controller.image.repository The image repository of the Ingress controller. nginx/nginx-ingress
controller.image.tag The tag of the Ingress controller image. edge
controller.image.pullPolicy The pull policy for the Ingress controller image. IfNotPresent
controller.config.entries The entries of the ConfigMap for customizing NGINX configuration. { }
controller.defaultTLS.cert The base64-encoded TLS certificate for the default HTTPS server. If not specified, a pre-generated self-signed certificate is used. Note: It is recommended that you specify your own certificate. A pre-generated self-signed certificate.
controller.defaultTLS.key The base64-encoded TLS key for the default HTTPS server. Note: If not specified, a pre-generated key is used. It is recommended that you specify your own key. A pre-generated key.
controller.defaultTLS.secret The secret with a TLS certificate and key for the default HTTPS server. The value must follow the following format: <namespace>/<name>. Used as an alternative to specifiying a certifcate and key using controller.defaultTLS.cert and controller.defaultTLS.key parameters. None
controller.nodeSelector The node selector for pod assignment for the Ingress controller pods. { }
controller.terminationGracePeriodSeconds The termination grace period of the Ingress controller pod. 30
controller.tolerations The tolerations required for the IBM Cloud Private installation. None
controller.replicaCount The number of replicas of the Ingress controller deployment. 1
controller.service.create Creates a service to expose the Ingress controller pods. true
controller.service.type The type of service to create for the Ingress controller. LoadBalancer
controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy The externalTrafficPolicy of the service. The value Local preserves the client source IP. Local
controller.service.annotations The annotations of the Ingress controller service. { }
controller.serviceAccountName The serviceAccountName of the Ingress controller pods. Used for RBAC. nginx-ingress
controller.ingressClass A class of the Ingress controller. The Ingress controller only processes Ingress resources that belong to its class - i.e. have the annotation "" equal to the class. Additionally, the Ingress controller processes Ingress resources that do not have that annotation which can be disabled by setting the "-use-ingress-class-only" flag. nginx
controller.useIngressClassOnly Ignore Ingress resources without the "" annotation. false
controller.watchNamespace Namespace to watch for Ingress resources. By default the Ingress controller watches all namespaces. ""
controller.healthStatus Add a location "/nginx-health" to the default server. The location responds with the 200 status code for any request. Useful for external health-checking of the Ingress controller. false
controller.reportIngressStatus.enable Update the address field in the status of Ingresses resources with an external address of the Ingress controller. You must also specify the source of the external address either through an external service via controller.reportIngressStatus.externalService or the external-status-address entry in the ConfigMap via controller.config.entries. Note: controller.config.entries.external-status-address takes precedence if both are set. true
controller.reportIngressStatus.externalService Specifies the name of the service with the type LoadBalancer through which the Ingress controller is exposed externally. The external address of the service is used when reporting the status of Ingress resources. controller.reportIngressStatus.enable must be set to true. nginx-ingress
controller.reportIngressStatus.enableLeaderElection Enable Leader election to avoid multiple replicas of the controller reporting the status of Ingress resources. controller.reportIngressStatus.enable must be set to true. true
rbac.create Configures RBAC. true
prometheues.create Deploys a Prometheus exporter container within the Ingress controller pod. false
prometheus.port Configures the port to scrape the metrics. 9113
prometheus.image.repository The image repository of the Prometheus exporter. nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter
prometheus.image.tag The tag of the Prometheus exporter image. 0.1.0
prometheus.image.pullPolicy The pull policy for the Prometheus exporter image. IfNotPresent


$ cd kubernetes-ingress/helm-chart
$ helm install --name my-release . --set controller.replicaCount=5


  • The values-icp.yaml file is used for deploying the Ingress controller on IBM Cloud Private. See the blog post for more details.