getVersion(); } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) { Mage::getSingleton('core/session') ->addError('Error determining Varnish version: '. $e->getMessage()); return null; } switch ($version) { case '4.0': case '4.1': return Mage::getModel( 'turpentine/varnish_configurator_version4', array('socket' => $socket) ); case '3.0': return Mage::getModel( 'turpentine/varnish_configurator_version3', array('socket' => $socket) ); case '2.1': return Mage::getModel( 'turpentine/varnish_configurator_version2', array('socket' => $socket) ); default: Mage::throwException('Unsupported Varnish version'); } } /** * The socket this configurator is based on * * @var Nexcessnet_Turpentine_Model_Varnish_Admin_Socket */ protected $_socket = null; /** * options array * * @var array */ protected $_options = array( 'vcl_template' => null, ); public function __construct($options = array()) { $this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $options); } abstract public function generate($doClean = true); // abstract protected function _getTemplateVars(); /** * Save the generated config to the file specified in Magento config * * @param string $generatedConfig config generated by @generate * @return null */ public function save($generatedConfig) { $filename = $this->_getVclFilename(); $dir = dirname($filename); if ( ! is_dir($dir)) { // this umask is probably redundant, but just in case... if ( ! mkdir($dir, 0777 & ~umask(), true)) { $err = error_get_last(); return array(false, $err); } } if (strlen($generatedConfig) !== file_put_contents($filename, $generatedConfig)) { $err = error_get_last(); return array(false, $err); } return array(true, null); } /** * Get the full path for a given template filename * * @param string $baseFilename * @return string */ protected function _getVclTemplateFilename($baseFilename) { $extensionDir = Mage::getModuleDir('', 'Nexcessnet_Turpentine'); return sprintf('%s/misc/%s', $extensionDir, $baseFilename); } /** * Get the name of the file to save the VCL to * * @return string */ protected function _getVclFilename() { return $this->_formatTemplate( Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/servers/config_file'), array('root_dir' => Mage::getBaseDir()) ); } /** * Get the name of the custom include VCL file * * @return string */ protected function _getCustomIncludeFilename($position = '') { $key = 'custom_include_file'; $key .= ($position) ? '_'.$position : ''; return $this->_formatTemplate( Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/servers/'.$key), array('root_dir' => Mage::getBaseDir()) ); } /** * Get the custom VCL template, if it exists * Returns 'null' if the file doesn't exist * * @return string */ protected function _getCustomTemplateFilename() { $filePath = $this->_formatTemplate( Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/servers/custom_vcl_template'), array('root_dir' => Mage::getBaseDir()) ); if (is_file($filePath)) { return $filePath; } else { return null; } } /** * Format a template string, replacing {{keys}} with the appropriate values * and remove unspecified keys * * @param string $template template string to operate on * @param array $vars array of key => value replacements * @return string */ protected function _formatTemplate($template, array $vars) { $needles = array_map(create_function('$k', 'return "{{".$k."}}";'), array_keys($vars)); $replacements = array_values($vars); // do replacements, then delete unused template vars return preg_replace('~{{[^}]+}}~', '', str_replace($needles, $replacements, $template)); } /** * Format a VCL subroutine call * * @param string $subroutine subroutine name * @return string */ protected function _vcl_call($subroutine) { return sprintf('call %s;', $subroutine); } /** * Get the Magento admin frontname * * This is just the plain string, not in URL format. ex: * -> admin * * @return string */ protected function _getAdminFrontname() { if (Mage::getStoreConfig('admin/url/use_custom_path')) { if (Mage::getStoreConfig('web/url/use_store')) { return Mage::getModel('core/store')->load(0)->getCode()."/".Mage::getStoreConfig('admin/url/custom_path'); } else { return Mage::getStoreConfig('admin/url/custom_path'); } } else { return (string) Mage::getConfig()->getNode( 'admin/routers/adminhtml/args/frontName' ); } } /** * Get the hostname for host normalization from Magento's base URL * * @return string */ protected function _getNormalizeHostTarget() { $configHost = trim(Mage::getStoreConfig( 'turpentine_vcl/normalization/host_target' )); if ($configHost) { return $configHost; } else { $baseUrl = parse_url(Mage::getBaseUrl()); if (isset($baseUrl['port'])) { return sprintf('%s:%d', $baseUrl['host'], $baseUrl['port']); } else { return $baseUrl['host']; } } } /** * Get hosts as regex * * ex: base_url: * path_regex: (| * * @return string */ public function getAllowedHostsRegex() { $hosts = array(); foreach (Mage::app()->getStores() as $store) { $hosts[] = parse_url($store->getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB, false), PHP_URL_HOST); } $hosts = array_values(array_unique($hosts)); $pattern = '('.implode('|', array_map("preg_quote", $hosts)).')'; return $pattern; } /** * Get the Host normalization sub routine * * @return string */ protected function _vcl_sub_allowed_hosts_regex() { $tpl = <<_formatTemplate($tpl, array( 'allowed_hosts_regex' => $this->getAllowedHostsRegex() )); } /** * Get the base url path regex * * ex: base_url: * path_regex: /magento/(?:(?:index|litespeed)\.php/)? * * @return string */ public function getBaseUrlPathRegex() { $pattern = '^(%s)(?:(?:index|litespeed)\\.php/)?'; return sprintf($pattern, implode('|', array_map(create_function('$x', 'return preg_quote($x,"|");'), $this->_getBaseUrlPaths()))); } /** * Get the path part of each store's base URL and static file URLs * * @return array */ protected function _getBaseUrlPaths() { $paths = array(); $linkTypes = array(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_LINK, Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_JS, Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_SKIN, Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA); foreach (Mage::app()->getStores() as $store) { foreach ($linkTypes as $linkType) { $paths[] = parse_url($store->getBaseUrl($linkType, false), PHP_URL_PATH); $paths[] = parse_url($store->getBaseUrl($linkType, true), PHP_URL_PATH); } } $paths = array_unique($paths); usort($paths, create_function('$a, $b', 'return strlen( $b ) - strlen( $a );')); return array_values($paths); } /** * Format the URL exclusions for insertion in a regex. Admin frontname and * API are automatically added. * * @return string */ protected function _getUrlExcludes() { $urls = Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/urls/url_blacklist'); return implode('|', array_merge(array($this->_getAdminFrontname(), 'api'), Mage::helper('turpentine/data')->cleanExplode(PHP_EOL, $urls))); } /** * Get the default cache TTL from Magento config * * @return string */ protected function _getDefaultTtl() { return Mage::helper('turpentine/varnish')->getDefaultTtl(); } /** * Get the default backend configuration string * * @return string */ protected function _getDefaultBackend() { $timeout = Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/frontend_timeout'); $default_options = array( 'first_byte_timeout' => $timeout.'s', 'between_bytes_timeout' => $timeout.'s', ); if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/load_balancing') != 'no') { return $this->_vcl_director('default', $default_options); } else { return $this->_vcl_backend('default', Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/backend_host'), Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/backend_port'), $default_options); } } /** * Get the admin backend configuration string * * @return string */ protected function _getAdminBackend() { $timeout = Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/admin_timeout'); $admin_options = array( 'first_byte_timeout' => $timeout.'s', 'between_bytes_timeout' => $timeout.'s', ); if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/load_balancing') != 'no') { return $this->_vcl_director('admin', $admin_options); } else { return $this->_vcl_backend('admin', Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/backend_host'), Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/backend_port'), $admin_options); } } /** * Get the grace period for vcl_fetch * * This is curently hardcoded to 15 seconds, will be configurable at some * point * * @return string */ protected function _getGracePeriod() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/ttls/grace_period'); } /** * Get whether debug headers should be enabled or not * * @return string */ protected function _getEnableDebugHeaders() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/general/varnish_debug') ? 'true' : 'false'; } /** * Format the GET variable excludes for insertion in a regex * * @return string */ protected function _getGetParamExcludes() { return implode('|', Mage::helper('turpentine/data')->cleanExplode(',', Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/params/get_params'))); } protected function _getIgnoreGetParameters() { /** @var Nexcessnet_Turpentine_Helper_Data $helper */ $helper = Mage::helper('turpentine'); $ignoredParameters = $helper->cleanExplode(',', Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/params/ignore_get_params')); return implode('|', $ignoredParameters); } /** * @return boolean */ protected function _sendUnModifiedUrlToBackend() { return Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('turpentine_vcl/params/transfer_unmodified_url'); } /** * Get the Generate Session * * @return string */ protected function _getGenerateSessionStart() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/general/vcl_fix') ? '/* -- REMOVED' : ''; } /** * Get the Generate Session * * @return string */ protected function _getGenerateSessionEnd() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/general/vcl_fix') ? '-- */' : ''; } /** * Get the Generate Session * * @return string */ protected function _getGenerateSession() { return Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('turpentine_varnish/general/vcl_fix') ? 'return (pipe);' : 'call generate_session;'; } /** * Get the Generate Session Expires * * @return string */ protected function _getGenerateSessionExpires() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/general/vcl_fix') ? '# call generate_session_expires' : 'call generate_session_expires;'; } /** * Get the Force Static Caching option * * @return string */ protected function _getForceCacheStatic() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/static/force_static') ? 'true' : 'false'; } /** * Get the Force Static Caching option * * @return string */ protected function _getSimpleHashStatic() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/static/simple_hash') ? 'true' : 'false'; } /** * Format the list of static cache extensions * * @return string */ protected function _getStaticExtensions() { return implode('|', Mage::helper('turpentine/data')->cleanExplode(',', Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/static/exts'))); } /** * Get the static caching TTL * * @return string */ protected function _getStaticTtl() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/ttls/static_ttl'); } /** * Format the by-url TTL value list * * @return string */ protected function _getUrlTtls() { $str = array(); $configTtls = Mage::helper('turpentine/data')->cleanExplode(PHP_EOL, Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/ttls/url_ttls')); $ttls = array(); foreach ($configTtls as $line) { $ttls[] = explode(',', trim($line)); } foreach ($ttls as $ttl) { $str[] = sprintf('if (bereq.url ~ "%s%s") { set beresp.ttl = %ds; }', $this->getBaseUrlPathRegex(), $ttl[0], $ttl[1]); } $str = implode(' else ', $str); if ($str) { $str .= sprintf(' else { set beresp.ttl = %ds; }', $this->_getDefaultTtl()); } else { $str = sprintf('set beresp.ttl = %ds;', $this->_getDefaultTtl()); } return $str; } /** * Get the Enable Caching value * * @return string */ protected function _getEnableCaching() { return Mage::helper('turpentine/varnish')->getVarnishEnabled() ? 'true' : 'false'; } /** * Get the list of allowed debug IPs * * @return array */ protected function _getDebugIps() { return Mage::helper('turpentine/data')->cleanExplode(',', Mage::getStoreConfig('dev/restrict/allow_ips')); } /** * Get the list of crawler IPs * * @return array */ protected function _getCrawlerIps() { return Mage::helper('turpentine/data')->cleanExplode(',', Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/crawlers')); } /** * Get the regex formatted list of crawler user agents * * @return string */ protected function _getCrawlerUserAgents() { return implode('|', Mage::helper('turpentine/data') ->cleanExplode(',', Mage::getStoreConfig( 'turpentine_vcl/backend/crawler_user_agents' ))); } /** * Get the time to increase a cached objects TTL on cache hit (in seconds). * * This should be set very low since it gets added to every hit. * * @return string */ protected function _getLruFactor() { return Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/ttls/lru_factor'); } /** * Get the advanced session validation restrictions * * Note that if User-Agent Normalization is on then the normalized user-agent * is used for user-agent validation instead of the full user-agent * * @return string */ protected function _getAdvancedSessionValidationTargets() { $validation = array(); if (Mage::getStoreConfig('web/session/use_remote_addr')) { $validation[] = 'client.ip'; } if (Mage::getStoreConfig('web/session/use_http_via')) { $validation[] = 'req.http.Via'; } if (Mage::getStoreConfig('web/session/use_http_x_forwarded_for')) { $validation[] = 'req.http.X-Forwarded-For'; } if (Mage::getStoreConfig( 'web/session/use_http_user_agent' ) && ! Mage::getStoreConfig( 'turpentine_vcl/normalization/user_agent' )) { $validation[] = 'req.http.User-Agent'; } return $validation; } /** * Remove empty and commented out lines from the generated VCL * * @param string $dirtyVcl generated vcl * @return string */ protected function _cleanVcl($dirtyVcl) { return implode(PHP_EOL, array_filter( Mage::helper('turpentine/data') ->cleanExplode(PHP_EOL, $dirtyVcl), array($this, '_cleanVclHelper') ) ); } /** * Helper to filter out blank/commented lines for VCL cleaning * * @param string $line * @return bool */ protected function _cleanVclHelper($line) { return $line && ((substr($line, 0, 1) != '#' && substr($line, 0, 2) != '//') || substr($line, 0, 8) == '#include'); } /** * Format a VCL backend declaration * * @param string $name name of the backend * @param string $host backend host * @param string $port backend port * @param array $options options * @return string */ protected function _vcl_backend($name, $host, $port, $options = array()) { $tpl = << $host, 'port' => $port, 'name' => $name, ); $str = $this->_formatTemplate($tpl, $vars); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $str .= sprintf(' .%s = %s;', $key, $value).PHP_EOL; } $str .= '}'.PHP_EOL; return $str; } /** * Format a VCL director declaration, for load balancing * * @param string $name name of the director, also used to select config settings * @param array $backendOptions options for each backend * @return string */ protected function _vcl_director($name, $backendOptions) { $tpl = <<cleanExplode(PHP_EOL, Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/backend_nodes_admin')); $probeUrl = Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/backend_probe_url_admin'); } else { $backendNodes = Mage::helper('turpentine/data')->cleanExplode(PHP_EOL, Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/backend_nodes')); $probeUrl = Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/backend/backend_probe_url'); } $backends = ''; foreach ($backendNodes as $backendNode) { $parts = explode(':', $backendNode, 2); $host = (empty($parts[0])) ? '' : $parts[0]; $port = (empty($parts[1])) ? '80' : $parts[1]; $backends .= $this->_vcl_director_backend($host, $port, $probeUrl, $backendOptions); } $vars = array( 'name' => $name, 'backends' => $backends ); return $this->_formatTemplate($tpl, $vars); } /** * Format a VCL backend declaration to put inside director * * @param string $host backend host * @param string $port backend port * @param string $probeUrl URL to check if backend is up * @param array $options extra options for backend * @return string */ protected function _vcl_director_backend($host, $port, $probeUrl = '', $options = array()) { $tpl = << $host, 'port' => $port, 'probe' => '' ); if ( ! empty($probeUrl)) { $vars['probe'] = $this->_vcl_get_probe($probeUrl); } $str = $this->_formatTemplate($tpl, $vars); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $str .= sprintf(' .%s = %s;', $key, $value).PHP_EOL; } $str .= << $urlParts['host'], 'probe_path' => $urlParts['path'] ); return $this->_formatTemplate($tpl, $vars); } } /** * Format a VCL ACL declaration * * @param string $name ACL name * @param array $hosts list of hosts to add to the ACL * @return string */ protected function _vcl_acl($name, array $hosts) { $tpl = << $name, 'hosts' => implode("\n ", array_map($fmtHost, $hosts)), ); return $this->_formatTemplate($tpl, $vars); } /** * Get the User-Agent normalization sub routine * * @return string */ protected function _vcl_sub_normalize_user_agent() { /** * Mobile regex from * @link */ $tpl = <<_formatTemplate($tpl, array( 'normalize_host_target' => $this->_getNormalizeHostTarget() )); } /** * Get the hostname for cookie normalization * * @return string */ protected function _getNormalizeCookieTarget() { return trim(Mage::getStoreConfig( 'turpentine_vcl/normalization/cookie_target' )); } /** * Get the regex for cookie normalization * * @return string */ protected function _getNormalizeCookieRegex() { return trim(Mage::getStoreConfig( 'turpentine_vcl/normalization/cookie_regex' )); } /** * Get the allowed IPs when in maintenance mode * * @return string */ protected function _vcl_sub_maintenance_allowed_ips() { if (( ! $this->_getDebugIps()) || ! Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/maintenance/custom_vcl_synth')) { return false; } switch (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/servers/version')) { case 4.0: case 4.1: $tpl = <<_formatTemplate($tpl, array( 'debug_ips' => Mage::getStoreConfig('dev/restrict/allow_ips') )); } /** * When using Varnish as front door listen on port 80 and Nginx/Apache listen on port 443 for HTTPS, the fix will keep the url parameters when redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. * * @return string */ protected function _vcl_sub_https_redirect_fix() { $baseUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB); $baseUrl = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', $baseUrl); $baseUrl = rtrim($baseUrl, '/'); switch (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/servers/version')) { case 4.0: case 4.1: $tpl = <<_getDebugIps()) || ! Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/maintenance/custom_vcl_synth')) { return false; } switch (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/servers/version')) { case 4.0: case 4.1: $tpl = <<_formatTemplate($tpl, array( 'vcl_synth_content' => Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/maintenance/custom_vcl_synth'))); } /** * vcl_synth for fixing https * * @return string */ protected function _vcl_sub_synth_https_fix() { $tpl = $this->_vcl_sub_synth(); if ( ! $tpl) { $tpl = << $this->_getDefaultBackend(), 'admin_backend' => $this->_getAdminBackend(), 'admin_frontname' => $this->_getAdminFrontname(), 'normalize_host_target' => $this->_getNormalizeHostTarget(), 'url_base_regex' => $this->getBaseUrlPathRegex(), 'allowed_hosts_regex' => $this->getAllowedHostsRegex(), 'url_excludes' => $this->_getUrlExcludes(), 'get_param_excludes' => $this->_getGetParamExcludes(), 'get_param_ignored' => $this->_getIgnoreGetParameters(), 'default_ttl' => $this->_getDefaultTtl(), 'enable_get_excludes' => ($this->_getGetParamExcludes() ? 'true' : 'false'), 'enable_get_ignored' => ($this->_getIgnoreGetParameters() ? 'true' : 'false'), 'send_unmodified_url' => ($this->_sendUnModifiedUrlToBackend() ? 'true' : 'false'), 'debug_headers' => $this->_getEnableDebugHeaders(), 'grace_period' => $this->_getGracePeriod(), 'force_cache_static' => $this->_getForceCacheStatic(), 'simple_hash_static' => $this->_getSimpleHashStatic(), 'generate_session_expires' => $this->_getGenerateSessionExpires(), 'generate_session' => $this->_getGenerateSession(), 'generate_session_start' => $this->_getGenerateSessionStart(), 'generate_session_end' => $this->_getGenerateSessionEnd(), 'static_extensions' => $this->_getStaticExtensions(), 'static_ttl' => $this->_getStaticTtl(), 'url_ttls' => $this->_getUrlTtls(), 'enable_caching' => $this->_getEnableCaching(), 'crawler_acl' => $this->_vcl_acl('crawler_acl', $this->_getCrawlerIps()), 'esi_cache_type_param' => Mage::helper('turpentine/esi')->getEsiCacheTypeParam(), 'esi_method_param' => Mage::helper('turpentine/esi')->getEsiMethodParam(), 'esi_ttl_param' => Mage::helper('turpentine/esi')->getEsiTtlParam(), 'secret_handshake' => Mage::helper('turpentine/varnish') ->getSecretHandshake(), 'crawler_user_agent_regex' => $this->_getCrawlerUserAgents(), // 'lru_factor' => $this->_getLruFactor(), 'debug_acl' => $this->_vcl_acl('debug_acl', $this->_getDebugIps()), 'custom_c_code' => file_get_contents( $this->_getVclTemplateFilename(self::VCL_CUSTOM_C_CODE_FILE) ), 'esi_private_ttl' => Mage::helper('turpentine/esi') ->getDefaultEsiTtl(), ); if ((bool) Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/urls/bypass_cache_store_url')) { $vars['allowed_hosts'] = $this->_vcl_sub_allowed_hosts_regex(); } if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/normalization/encoding')) { $vars['normalize_encoding'] = $this->_vcl_sub_normalize_encoding(); } if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/normalization/user_agent')) { $vars['normalize_user_agent'] = $this->_vcl_sub_normalize_user_agent(); } if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/normalization/host')) { $vars['normalize_host'] = $this->_vcl_sub_normalize_host(); } if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/normalization/cookie_regex')) { $vars['normalize_cookie_regex'] = $this->_getNormalizeCookieRegex(); } if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/normalization/cookie_target')) { $vars['normalize_cookie_target'] = $this->_getNormalizeCookieTarget(); } if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_vcl/maintenance/enable')) { // in vcl_recv set the allowed IPs otherwise load the vcl_error (v3)/vcl_synth (v4) $vars['maintenance_allowed_ips'] = $this->_vcl_sub_maintenance_allowed_ips(); // set the vcl_error from Magento database $vars['vcl_synth'] = $this->_vcl_sub_synth(); } if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/general/https_redirect_fix')) { $vars['https_redirect'] = $this->_vcl_sub_https_redirect_fix(); if (Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/servers/version') == '4.0' || Mage::getStoreConfig('turpentine_varnish/servers/version') == '4.1') { $vars['vcl_synth'] = $this->_vcl_sub_synth_https_fix(); } } foreach (array('', 'top') as $position) { $customIncludeFile = $this->_getCustomIncludeFilename($position); if (is_readable($customIncludeFile)) { $key = 'custom_vcl_include'; $key .= ($position) ? '_'.$position : ''; $vars[$key] = file_get_contents($customIncludeFile); } } return $vars; } }