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NewsGate is the news aggregator capable of pulling the data from thousands of sources and categorizing it in a number of ways. A comprehensive Web interface allows end-user to browse the aggregated news items or search for the information directly. The XML-based API provides an ability to integrate NewsGate server with third-party systems.

The live instance of the server is NewsFiber.

News sources

NewsGate supports RSS, Atom and RDF formats for news sources. The management Web interface allows to perform crawling of the specific Web site to find news channels URLs of the supported formats.

It is also possible to collect and categorize (see below) arbitrary information from any WEB site page. This can be achieved by adding such a page URL to the system and associating it with a custom Python script that parses the page represented as a DOM and extracts news messages from it. The development of the script can be accomplished in the built-in editor that provides the preview of the resulted news items. A Python script can be associated with XML-based news feed as well. It can access incoming news items and modify their properties to remove some regular junk or irrelevant parts.

If it is not possible to obtain the message country/language properties from the feed metadata, this information is calculated heuristically with a high degree of accuracy.

Data processing

NewsGate automatically unites similar news into events, so only the latest message of event is displayed to the user by default (while he can browse event to view all the associated messages chronologically). The dedicated service iteratively improves news-by-event distribution in the background.

It is also possible to create the category definition tree using the powerful search language (see below) for such definitions. Incoming news items are checked against the categories search expressions and get labeled with matched ones. The management interface provides all required means for developing such a categorization. Bootstrapping the category definition with a couple of obvious search words you can iteratively widen the coverage (getting hints from the system) while keeping the categorization accuracy high enough. On the other hand, you can steadily expand the category tree to the hundreds of nodes. Also, you can edit the specific message category labelling to fix categorization mistake (while it always better to do it on the category definition level). Note that message categorization is not performed once and for all times. All messages get re-categorized (in the background) on every category definition change.

Messages get deleted when exceed the configured life limit, or just right after being pulled from the source not passing the configured filter. Not surprisingly such filters are expressed as search expressions. The language is flexible enough to specify that a message should be deleted before its expiration time if say it is not viewed or clicked for too long.

Web interface

NewsGate provides the Web interface to navigate the aggregated news items by categories, sources, countries, languages, events, matching a specific search request or any combination of the above. Besides being able to read the selected information on the site the user can subscribe to the corresponding RSS channel or create the email subscription. There is also an online editor for creating widgets (of the required style) that display the selected news being embedded into a third-party site.

The system collects impression and click statistics that is used in the sort-by-relevance algorithm to show most popular messages first.


NewsGate implements the customary Search Expression Language. It allows to search for news items containing the exact phrase as well as ignoring forms of words it contains. Such a capability is achieved by means of an extendable set of morphological dictionaries. At the moment, the following languages are supported: English, German, Italian, Portugal, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkey. Dictionaries for Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages are supported as well, but their usage supposes embedding some third party plugin for news items segmentation.

The language allows to search not just by words but also by message metadata, such as feed URL, site address, domain, country, language, event, category, publication or fetch date.


NewsGate provides advertising support out of the box. You can maintain ad creatives, launch advertising campaigns assigning creatives to specific slots on NewGate WEB pages and specifying impression conditions and caps.

Software architecture

NewsGate has modular services design and implements features for heavy production use:

  • Horizontal scaling allows to increase the service performance and capacity by adding nodes.
  • High availability is achieved by eliminating single points of failure, so one node failure does not impact the service availability and performance.
  • Internal backup/recovery support can be configured according to the required data backup policy.

All services are written in C/C++ and Python, thoroughly tested and optimized.

Supported OSes

CentOS 6.x, 7.x


This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from