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This directory contains the Zig source code of zbind. All the command line tooling is written in TypeScript, the Zig code only defines a library and API for other Zig projects to use.

The corresponding TypeScript source code is in ../src.


  • mem.zig defines different types of slices for accessing memory shared by Zig and TypeScript code.
  • napi.zig includes the Node-API headers for building native addons.
  • typeid.zig uses Zig comptime reflection to inspect types and write metadata in a custom binary format to memory accessible by TypeScript, parsed by ../src/typeid.ts.
  • wiretype.zig defines type conversions between Zig types and TypeScript types marshalled through a []f64. The corresponding TypeScript code is in ../src/wiretype.ts.
  • wrapper.zig writes the names and types of all functions callable from TypeScript into memory accessible by it, parsed by ../src/wrapper.ts.
  • zbind-napi.zig exports pointers to Zig wrapper functions adding type conversion to other functions. It's called by the NAPI entry point napi_register_module_v1 in ../zbind.zig.
  • zbind-wasm.zig similarly exports pointers to wrapper functions. It's called by the Wasm entry point init in ../zbind.zig.