// This is the configuration file for Renovate, a GitHub App that can automate dependency updates. // If you're here, you're probably looking to: // (1) Make updates for a dependency fully automated. Whitelist it at // (2) Customize Renovate behavior further. // For docs, see: https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/ // To debug, it can be helpful to looks at Renovate's runs/logs: https://app.renovatebot.com/dashboard#github/nelhage/rules_boost // This file is .json5, so we can have helpful comments, like this one :) [Normal JSON, Renovate's default, has no comments.] // (3) Learn about what's going on here and what Renovate can do. Read on :) { "packageRules": [{ // If you want a package to update on autopilot and have reasonably high confidence that CI-passing updates won't break things, whitelist it here avoid having automated PRs to review. "automerge": true, // Just automatically propose and merge in dependency upgrades to the latest. "automergeType": "branch", // No PR unless tests fail; just do it. "matchPackageNames" : [ // Add Bazel name= parameter here. . "bazel_skylib", "boost", "com_github_facebook_zstd", "zlib", "openssl", "ubuntu", // circleci, not Bazel. ], }, { "description": "Handle boost- prefix from boost release version names.", "matchPackageNames": ["boost"], "versioning": "regex:^boost-(?\\d+)(\\.(?\\d+))?(\\.(?\\d+))?(\\.(?.+))?$", }], // Defaults--and the tweaks we wish were defaults "extends": ["config:base"], // Gives us the Renovate defaults (Renovate auto-added) "separateMajorMinor": false, // Just always take the latest version. // Remove limits added by config:base defaults. "prConcurrentLimit": 0, "prHourlyLimit": 0, // Has Renovate maintain an issue with the status of dependencies--and a manual run button. Super handy but was originally not on by default. "dependencyDashboard": true, "dependencyDashboardHeader": "Collaborators: Check Renovate logs here: https://developer.mend.io/github/nelhage/rules_boost", // Footer seems to prevent manual run checkbox, so I made this a header. }