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Windows Dotfiles


Copy this command into your elevated PowerShell instance and run it to download this repo and start the installation:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned; `
New-Item -Path "$HOME\dev" -Type Directory; `
Invoke-WebRequest "" `
-OutFile "$HOME\Downloads\"; `
Get-ChildItem "$HOME\Downloads\" -Filter *.zip | Expand-Archive -DestinationPath "$HOME\dev" -Force; `
Rename-Item -NewName "windows-dotfiles" -Path "$HOME\dev\windows-dotfiles-master"; `
. "$HOME\dev\windows-dotfiles\Bootstrap.ps1"

Explanation of the upper command

  1. Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

    Allows execution of PowerShell scripts. Is needed for further execution and installation.

  2. New-Item -Path "$HOME\dev" -Type Directory

    Create a dev directory in the home directory for our dotfiles to be stored. The directory name can be changed, but all occurances of the directory name have to be changed in this project.

  3. Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "$HOME\Downloads\"

    Download the repository as a zip into the Downloads directory.

  4. Get-ChildItem "$HOME\Downloads\" -Filter *.zip | Expand-Archive -DestinationPath "$HOME\dev" -Force

    Unzip to the dev directory.

  5. Rename-Item -NewName "windows-dotfiles" -Path "$HOME\dev\windows-dotfiles-master"

    Rename the unzipped folder so branch name is not in the name.

  6. & "$HOME\dev\windows-dotfiles\Bootstrap.ps1"

    Start the installation.