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A memory efficient carousel which supports looping and non-looping behaviour


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View the demo on codio


Start Karma to boot the file server

karma start

then navigate to https://localhost:9876/base/demo.html


Just goto the demo.html using the file:https:// protocol locally


I agree that the above dependencies are unnecessary. However they were already dependencies for the project this carousel was built for. I suspect removing jQuery would be pretty straight forward as well as lo-dash. That is to say... Pull Requests Welcomed :)


var carousel = new Carousel({
  el: '#test',
  pageWidth: 128,
  data: [
    { url: '' },
    { url: '' },
    { url: '' },
    { url: '' },
    { url: '' },
  template: function (data, options) {
    if (data && data.url) {
      return '<img src="' + data.url + '" />';
    return '';

The required parameters upon construction are:

  • el: an element or selector
  • data: an array of data for each page

Other options:

  • animationDuration: the number in seconds used when swiping through the carousel (0.325 by default)
  • delayBuffers: will delay building of buffer pages, if you specify this parameter you will be required to call renderBuffers manually
  • initialDataIndex: the data index to first place the carousel after rendering (0 by default)
  • initialOffset: the number of pixels to offset the initial position of the carousel (0 by default)
  • loop: a boolean indicating whether the carousel should loop (default true)
  • manageImages: a boolean indicating that images inside the carousel should be monitored, delaying buffer page construction until visible images are loaded. See additional notes on this behaviour.
  • overscroll: a boolean indicating if the carousel should overscroll the right bound to allow the final page to become the current active page
  • pageTemplate: a function which returns a string containing html markup to construct the page (by default it creates <li> elements with the pageWidth set inline
  • pageWidth: the number of pixels wide each page should be (default is 256)
  • snap: a boolean indicating if the carousel should always snap to a page boundary at the end of a gesture (default false)
  • snapNearest: a boolean indicating if the carousel should always snap to the closest page boundary at the end of a gesture (default false). Note this enables the snap option above implictly.
  • template: a function which returns a string containing html markup to construct the contents of the page. The function is passed two parameters data and options
  • templateOptions: the options that should be passed to the template when rendering the content of each page

How manageImages behaves

If you enable the manageImages option described above Carousel.js will track any <img> tags that are added by the template. The purpose of this is to give visible images priority so they load first before attempting to load images for buffer pages. This is accomplished by delaying construction of the templates for offscreen buffers. This behaviour is also global to all instances of Carousel. That is, if you create multiple carousels then no buffer pages will be rendered until all visible images for every rendered carousel are loaded. There is an exception to this, if you interact with any carousel and the buffer pages are not constructed yet, they will be immediately constructed for that carousel despite the global image loading state.

A note for single page applications

Carousel.js exposes a method called flush which may be prudent to call when changing the visible elements of your application. This method will flush all the buffer page queues so it that all carousels waiting for images to load will render their buffer pages immediately. This will prevent any newly created Carousels from being stuck in the middle of the image queue.


The following methods are the only supported public facing methods:

render carousel.render()

Call this method when you are ready to insert the carousel instance into the DOM with the specified element (selector) provided upon construction.

var carousel = new Carousel({
  el: '#test',
  pageWidth: 128,
  data: [
    { url: '' },
    { url: '' },
    { url: '' },
    { url: '' },
    { url: '' },
  template: function (data, options) {
    if (data && data.url) {
      return '<img src="' + data.url + '" />';
    return '';

renderBuffers carousel.renderBuffers()

This method should only be called when using the delayBuffers option to indicate explicitly define when buffers should be rendered. This method should not be called when using manageImages as it will be called automatically when visible images are loaded.

goToDataIndex carousel.goToDataIndex(index)

Provide the index in the data which you want to display


add carousel.add(data)

Provide additional data to the Carousel. The data should be an array. Note that a union of data is performed so that only new data is appended to the end of existing data.

  { url: '' },
  { url: '' },
  { url: '' },

flush Carousel.prototype.flush()

When the manageImages option has been used and you wish to stop waiting for visible images to be ready before building buffer pages. Calling flush() will render the buffer pages for all Carousel objects.



Carousel.js provides the same event system as Backbone.js. The following are the current catalog of events that Carousel.js provides:

  • "crossboundary" (previous, current) - whenever a page boundary is crossed, provides the previous and current page details, page details will be in this format:
      page: pageNumberHere,
      dataIndex: dataIndexhere
  • "imagesloaded" (imagesLoadedInstance) - triggered whenver manageImages is enabled and all visible images have loaded for a carousel
  • "transitionend" - whenever an animation completes
  • "resize" (eventDetails) - whenever the carousel changes size in response to an orientation change or window resize

You can listen for any of these events using on or once as follows:

carouselInstance.on("crossboundary", function(previous, current) {
  console.log('previous page was',, 'current page is',;
  console.log('previous dataIndex was', previous.dataIndex, 'current dataIndex is', current.dataIndex);


Install Node (comes with npm) and Bower.

From the repo root, install the project's development dependencies:

npm install
bower install

If you don't have bower installed globally already, you can run:

npm install -g bower

Testing relies on the Karma test-runner. If you'd like to use Karma to automatically watch and re-run the test file during development, it's easiest to globally install Karma and run it from the CLI.

npm install -g karma
karma start

To run the tests in Firefox, just once, as CI would:

npm test

Browser support

  • Google Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Safari (latest)
  • Mobile Safari (iOS 5+)
  • Android Browser 2.3+
  • Likely others


A memory efficient carousel which supports looping and non-looping behaviour







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