[build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [tool.setuptools.packages.find] include = ["giskard*"] exclude = ["docs*", "tests*"] [tool.setuptools.package-data] giskard = [ "**/*.md", "**/*.html", "**/*.css", "**/*.js", "**/*.json", "**/*titanic.csv", "**/*prompts.csv", "**/*.txt", "**/injection_data/*.csv", ] [tool.pdm.scripts] _.env = { GSK_DISABLE_ANALYTICS = "True", GISKARD_DEV_MODE = "True" } # add "-n auto" to the pytest command to parallelize the execution test.cmd = "pdm base-test tests/" # for some reason github runners don't work when calling 'pdm test -m "not slow"' base-test.cmd = "pytest -c pyproject.toml --cov=giskard --cov-report=xml --cov-append --disable-warnings --no-header -vv --durations=0" test-fast.cmd = "pdm base-test -n auto -m 'not slow and not concurrency' --use-subprocess tests" test-slow.cmd = "pdm base-test -m 'slow and not concurrency' --use-subprocess" test-worker.cmd = "pdm base-test -m 'concurrency' tests/" lint = "ruff giskard tests" doc = "sphinx-build docs docs/_build/html" # -W --keep-going -n => temporary disable check-doc = "python ./docs/scrapper.py" watch-doc = "python -m sphinx_autobuild --watch giskard docs docs/_build/html" clean = "rm -rf coverage.xml coverage* .coverage*" notebook = "jupyter notebook --ip --port 8888 --no-browser --notebook-dir ./docs/reference/notebooks --NotebookApp.token=''" check-deps = "deptry ." debug-worker = "python3 -Xfrozen_modules=off -m debugpy --listen localhost:5678 --wait-for-client giskard/cli.py worker start" worker = "python3 giskard/cli.py worker start" debug-internal-worker = "python3 -Xfrozen_modules=off -m debugpy --listen localhost:5678 --wait-for-client giskard/cli.py worker start -s" internal-worker = "python3 giskard/cli.py worker start -s" update-lock = "docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm -it -w /work -v ${PWD}/pdm.lock:/work/pdm.lock -v ${PWD}/pyproject.toml:/work/pyproject.toml python:3.10-slim bash -c \"apt update && apt install curl -y && curl -sSL https://pdm.fming.dev/install-pdm.py | python3 - && /root/.local/bin/pdm lock -G :all -v\"" [tool.pdm.dev-dependencies] dev = [ "typing-extensions", "jupyter>=1.0.0", "jupyterlab>=3.4.2", "pre-commit>=2.19.0", "mypy>=0.982", "deptry>=0.5.13", "ruff>=0.0.271", "mlflow>2", "black[d]>=22.12.0", "pip>=23.1.2", "pytest-asyncio>=0.21.1", "pydantic>=2", "avidtools", "mistralai>=0.1.8", "boto3>=1.34.88", ] ml_runtime = [ "langchain>=0.0.275", "nltk>=3.8.1", "xgboost>=1.7.5", "lightgbm>=3.3.5", "imbalanced-learn>=0.12.0", "catboost>=1.1.1", "requests-mock>=1.10.0", "tensorflow-hub>=0.12.0", "transformers>=4.34.1", "sentencepiece", # needed for some transformers stuff with tokenizer "torch>=2.0.0", "torchdata>=0.6.0", "portalocker>=2.0.0", # Needed by torchdata for test_newspaper_classification_pytorch_dataset "torchtext>=0.15.1", "tensorflow-macos==2.14.0; sys_platform == 'darwin' and platform_machine == 'arm64'", "tensorflow==2.14.0", # tensorflow-text is only available on linux or mac, but not for arm64 nor windows "tensorflow-text==2.14.0; python_version < '3.11' and (sys_platform == 'linux' or sys_platform == 'darwin') and platform_machine == 'x86_64'", "mlflow>2,<2.12", # version 2.12 throws error with imbalance-learn "wandb", "tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem<0.32; platform_machine != 'arm64'", # Tensorflow io does not work for windows from 0.32, but does not work for arm64 before... ] test = [ "pytest-cov>=4.0.0", "pytest>=7.1.2", "pytest-xdist>=3.3.1", "polyfactory", "pytest-env>=1.1.0", "openai>=1", "pytest-memray; sys_platform == 'linux' or sys_platform == 'darwin'", "pytest-reportlog>=0.4.0", "shap<0.45", # Fixing this to avoid changed on insights ] doc = [ "furo>=2023.5.20", "myst-parser>=1.0.0", "sphinx-autobuild>=2021.3.14", "sphinx>=6.1.3", "sphinxcontrib-napoleon>=0.7", "sphinx-autoapi>=2.1.0", "sphinx-rtd-theme>=1.2.0", "sphinx-tabs>=3.4.1", "sphinx-design>=0.4.1", "sphinx-copybutton>=0.5.2", "sphinx-click>=4.4.0", "nbsphinx>=0.9.2", "ipython==8.12.0", "scrapy", "requests", ] [project.scripts] giskard = "giskard.cli:cli" [project.entry-points."mlflow.model_evaluator"] giskard = "giskard.integrations.mlflow.giskard_evaluator:GiskardEvaluator" [project.urls] "Homepage" = "https://giskard.ai" "Source Code" = "https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard" "Bug Tracker" = "https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard/issues" "Documentation" = "https://docs.giskard.ai/" "Discord" = "https://discord.gg/ABvfpbu69R" "Linkedin" = "https://www.linkedin.com/company/giskard-ai" "Mastodon" = "https://fosstodon.org/@Giskard" "Twitter" = "https://twitter.com/giskard_ai" [project] name = "giskard" readme = "README.md" license = { text = "Apache Software License 2.0" } version = "2.12.0" description = "The testing framework dedicated to ML models, from tabular to LLMs" authors = [{ name = "Giskard AI", email = "hello@giskard.ai" }] keywords = ["Artificial Intelligence", "Machine Learning", "Quality", "MLOps"] # Pypi classifiers: https://pypi.org/classifiers/ classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", ] requires-python = ">=3.9, <3.12" dependencies = [ "cloudpickle>=1.1.1", "zstandard>=0.10.0", "mlflow-skinny>=2", "numpy>=1.22.0", "scikit-learn>=1.0", "scipy>=1.7.3, <1.12.0", "mixpanel>=4.4.0", "requests>=2.19", "pydantic<3,>1", "pandas>=1.3.4", "xxhash>=3.2.0", "langdetect>=1.0.9", "chardet", # text metadata "jinja2>=3", # scan template "requests-toolbelt>=0.9.1", "setuptools", # used for pkg_resources "typing_extensions", # used in registry/decorators, for python <3.10 "pyyaml", "packaging", # used in settings "markdown", # needed for display of scan results in notebook "colorama", # needed for the scan "num2words>=0.5.13", "griffe>=0.36.9", "sentry-sdk>=1.40.5", ] [project.optional-dependencies] llm = [ "openai", "evaluate>=0.4.1", "bert-score>=0.3.13", "tenacity>=4.11.0", "faiss-cpu>=1.7.4", "bokeh>=3.3.4", "umap-learn>=0.5.5", "scikit-learn>=1.3.2", ] hub = [ # Worker deps "websockets>=11.0", # Not sure what is the minimal version, let's say 11 to handle python 3.11 "uvloop>=0.18.0; sys_platform != 'win32'", # Server deps "tenacity>=4.11.0", "psutil>=5.4.6", "click>=7.0", "docker>=6.0.0", "shap>=0.41.0", "llvmlite>=0.40.0", # Needed to be installable for Poetry "numba>=0.50.0", # Needed to be installable for Poetry "lockfile>=0.12.2", "pycryptodome>=3.6.1", "pyngrok>=6.0.0", "daemon>=1.2", ] talk = [ "openai", "tenacity>=4.11.0", "shap<0.44.1,>=0.41.0", "tabulate==0.9.0", ] [tool.ruff] line-length = 120 ignore = ["E501"] [tool.black] # https://github.com/psf/black target-version = ['py39', 'py310', 'py311'] line-length = 120 color = true exclude = ''' /( \.git | \.hg | \.mypy_cache | \.tox | \.venv | _build | buck-out | build | dist | env | venv | giskard/ml_worker/generated )/ ''' [tool.isort] # https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort/ py_version = 38 line_length = 100 known_typing = [ "typing", "types", "typing_extensions", "mypy", "mypy_extensions", ] sections = [ "FUTURE", "TYPING", "STDLIB", "THIRDPARTY", "FIRSTPARTY", "LOCALFOLDER", ] include_trailing_comma = true profile = "black" multi_line_output = 3 indent = 4 color_output = true [tool.mypy] # https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config_file.html#using-a-pyproject-toml-file python_version = 3.8 pretty = true show_traceback = true color_output = true show_column_numbers = true show_error_codes = true show_error_context = true plugins = ["pydantic.mypy"] allow_redefinition = false check_untyped_defs = false # TODO: Andrey: fix it gradually disallow_untyped_defs = false # TODO: Andrey: fix it gradually disallow_any_generics = false # TODO: Andrey: fix it gradually disallow_incomplete_defs = false # TODO: Andrey: fix it gradually ignore_missing_imports = true implicit_reexport = false no_implicit_optional = false # TODO: Andrey: fix it gradually strict_equality = false # TODO: Andrey: fix it gradually strict_optional = false # TODO: Andrey: fix it gradually warn_no_return = false warn_redundant_casts = true warn_return_any = false warn_unreachable = true warn_unused_configs = false warn_unused_ignores = false [tool.pytest.ini_options] # https://docs.pytest.org/en/6.2.x/customize.html#pyproject-toml # Directories that are not visited by pytest collector: testpaths = ["tests"] norecursedirs = [ "hooks", "*.egg", ".eggs", "dist", "build", "docs", ".tox", ".git", "__pycache__", ] doctest_optionflags = [ "ELLIPSIS", "NUMBER", "NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE", "IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL", ] markers = [ "slow: marks tests as slow (deselect with '-m \"not slow\"')", "concurrency: run MLWorker pool tests", "memory_expensive: memory consuming tests", ] # Extra options: addopts = [ "--strict-markers", "--tb=short", "--doctest-modules", "--doctest-continue-on-failure", ] env = ["WANDB_MODE=disabled"] [tool.deptry] extend_exclude = [".history"] ignore_notebooks = true