project(CFS_MD C) set(APP_SRC_FILES fsw/src/md_dwell_tbl.c fsw/src/md_utils.c fsw/src/md_dwell_pkt.c fsw/src/md_cmds.c fsw/src/md_app.c ) # Create the app module add_cfe_app(md ${APP_SRC_FILES}) # This permits direct access to public headers in the fsw/inc directory target_include_directories(md PUBLIC fsw/inc) set(APP_TABLE_FILES fsw/tables/md_dw02.c fsw/tables/md_dw03.c fsw/tables/md_dw04.c fsw/tables/md_dw01.c ) # Add tables to build add_cfe_tables(md ${APP_TABLE_FILES}) # If UT is enabled, then add the tests from the subdirectory # Note that this is an app, and therefore does not provide # stub functions, as other entities would not typically make # direct function calls into this application. if(ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS) add_subdirectory(unit-test) endif()