# Name `rcluster` - lua redis cluster client driver # Table of Contents * [Name](#name) * [Description](#description) * [Install](#install) * [Compile luacrc16](#compile-luacrc16) * [Install rcluster](#install-rcluster) * [Methods](#methods) * [Example](#example) * [Init](#init) * [Operate a key](#operate-a-key) * [Operate multiple keys](#operate-multiple-keys) * [Stress Testing](#stress-testing) * [web server and redis cluster environment](#web-server-and-redis-cluster-environment) * [Pressure measuring result](#pressure-measuring-result) * [Issues](#issues) * [TODO](#todo) # Description The lua library is a redis client driver that support redis cluster The library takes advantage of [https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-redis](https://github.com/agentzh) and [luacrc16](https://github.com/youlu-cn/luacrc16) : * [lua-resty-redis](https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-redis) - Lua redis client driver which written by [agentzh](https://github.com/agentzh) * [luacrc16](https://github.com/youlu-cn/luacrc16) - crc16 for lua which written by [youlu-cn](https://github.com/youlu-cn) `Note:` Recommended to use the lua library in [openresty](https://github.com/openresty/openresty) environment # Install The following steps assume that the openresty environment have been ok and the installation path is `/usr/local/openresty/` ### Compile luacrc16 ```shell git clone https://github.com/youlu-cn/luacrc16.git cd luacrc16 gcc crc16.c -fPIC -shared -o crc16.so mv crc16.so /usr/local/openresty/lualib/ ``` `Note:` * If prompted lua.h lualib.h lauxlib.h does not exist when compiling, modify the crc16.c include path to absolute path. ```lua -- modify before #include #include #include -- modify after #include #include #include ``` * If the server has multiple luajit environment, recommended to use the openresty luajit. * Paste the generated `crc16.so` to the lua_package_cpath supported directory (there paste to `/usr/local/openresty/lualib/`). [Back to TOC](#table-of-contents) ### Install rcluster ``` git clone https://github.com/standsun/rcluster.lua.git cd rcluster.lua mv src/rcluster.lua /usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/rcluster.lua ``` [Back to TOC](#table-of-contents) # Methods * Rcluster:new(cfg) * Rcluster:init_pipeline() * Rcluster:cancel_pipeline() * Rcluster:commit_pipeline() * Redis single key operation method, see agentzh's [lua-resty-redis#methods](https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-redis#methods) ```lua -- copy from redis.lua local common_cmds = { "get", "set", "mget", "mset", "del", "incr", "decr", -- Strings "llen", "lindex", "lpop", "lpush", "lrange", "linsert", -- Lists "hexists", "hget", "hset", "hmget", --[[ "hmset", ]] "hdel", -- Hashes "smembers", "sismember", "sadd", "srem", "sdiff", "sinter", "sunion", -- Sets "zrange", "zrangebyscore", "zrank", "zadd", "zrem", "zincrby", -- Sorted Sets "auth", "eval", "expire", "script", "sort" -- Others } ``` [Back to TOC](#table-of-contents) # Example ### Init ```lua local rcluster = require 'resty.rcluster' local redis = rcluster:new({ --name = "myproject", -- optional, default value: default --auth = 'password', -- optional, default value: nil --timeout = 1000, -- optional, default value: 3000 ms --keep_time = 10000, -- optional, default value: 10000 ms --keep_size = 100, -- optional, default value: 100 server = { -- required { host = "", port = 6525 }, { host = "", port = 6525 }, { host = "", port = 6525 }, } }) ``` ### Operate a key ```lua local res,err = redis:hget("user_info_1000","username") ``` [Back to TOC](#table-of-contents) ### Operate multiple keys ```lua redis:init_pipeline() redis:hget("user_info_1000","username") redis:hset("user_info_1000","username","standsun") redis:hget("user_info_1002","username") local res,err = redis:commit_pipeline() ``` [Back to TOC](#table-of-contents) # Stress Testing ### web server and redis cluster environment web server cpu: `24 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz` redis config: ``` { name = "testing", auth = 'guest', -- need auth timeout = 1000, keep_time = 10000, keep_size = 100, server = { { host = "", port = 6003}, { host = "", port = 6003}, } } ``` cluster slots: ```shell :6003 :7003 :6003 :7003 :6003 :7003 :6003 :7003 :6003 :7003 :6003 :7003 :6003 :7003 :6003 :7003 ``` ### Pressure measuring result - Scene 1: nginx direct output `Load test server` ```shell $ wrk -t2 -c2000 -d3m -T10s --latency http://example.api.com/ # result Running 3m test @ http://example.api.com/ 2 threads and 2000 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 64.76ms 165.19ms 7.29s 94.54% Req/Sec 50.04k 8.43k 92.22k 68.54% Latency Distribution 50% 12.23ms 75% 41.23ms 90% 185.64ms 99% 627.51ms 17922852 requests in 3.00m, 3.04GB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 6742, write 0, timeout 2 Requests/sec: 99538.76 Transfer/sec: 17.27MB ``` `Web server` ```shell $ dstat -tcr --net-packets -N eth2 # partial results ----system---- ----total-cpu-usage---- --io/total- --pkt/eth2- date/time |usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ|#recv #send 01-06 15:39:19| 10 22 61 0 0 7| 0 6.00 | 124k 132k 01-06 15:39:20| 9 20 65 0 0 7| 0 13.0 | 111k 121k 01-06 15:39:21| 10 21 63 0 0 7| 0 0 | 117k 125k 01-06 15:39:22| 9 20 64 0 0 7| 0 0 | 115k 123k 01-06 15:39:23| 10 21 62 0 0 7| 0 0 | 121k 129k ``` - Scene 2: get one user info (not using pipeline) `Load test server` ```shell $ wrk -t2 -c2000 -d3m -T10s --latency --script=scripts/uri.lua http://example.api.com/ # scripts/uri.lua content request = function() path = "/get_one_userinfo?uid=" .. math.random(1,100000) return wrk.format(nil, path) end # result Running 3m test @ http://example.api.com/ 2 threads and 2000 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 37.64ms 53.61ms 3.01s 88.69% Req/Sec 38.41k 11.74k 73.31k 67.85% Latency Distribution 50% 18.33ms 75% 29.67ms 90% 103.83ms 99% 242.30ms 13771552 requests in 3.00m, 3.04GB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 6579, write 0, timeout 0 Requests/sec: 76487.79 Transfer/sec: 17.28MB ``` `Web server` ```shell $ dstat -tcr --net-packets -N eth2 # partial results ----system---- ----total-cpu-usage---- --io/total- --pkt/eth2- date/time |usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ|#recv #send 01-06 15:55:45| 39 16 35 0 0 10| 0 3.00 | 256k 263k 01-06 15:55:46| 38 16 36 0 0 10| 0 0 | 259k 264k 01-06 15:55:47| 38 16 35 0 0 10| 0 2.00 | 261k 265k 01-06 15:55:48| 38 16 35 0 0 11| 0 0 | 256k 264k 01-06 15:55:49| 39 16 35 0 0 11| 0 0 | 264k 267k ``` - Scene 3: get one user info (using pipline) `Load test server` ```shell $ wrk -t2 -c2000 -d3m -T10s --latency --script=scripts/uri.lua http://example.api.com/ # scripts/uri.lua content request = function() path = "/get_multi_userinfo?uids=" .. math.random(1,100000) return wrk.format(nil, path) end # result Running 3m test @ http://example.api.com/ 2 threads and 2000 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 38.51ms 51.10ms 1.24s 88.86% Req/Sec 36.11k 10.65k 76.94k 68.69% Latency Distribution 50% 20.59ms 75% 33.10ms 90% 100.90ms 99% 239.68ms 12947142 requests in 3.00m, 2.98GB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 3036, write 0, timeout 0 Requests/sec: 71904.74 Transfer/sec: 16.92MB ``` `Web server` ```shell $ dstat -tcr --net-packets -N eth2 # partial result ----system---- ----total-cpu-usage---- --io/total- --pkt/eth2- date/time |usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ|#recv #send 01-06 16:03:51| 43 14 33 0 0 10| 0 8.00 | 257k 257k 01-06 16:03:52| 44 15 29 0 0 11| 0 107 | 269k 271k 01-06 16:03:53| 42 16 31 0 0 11| 0 0 | 264k 268k 01-06 16:03:54| 42 15 33 0 0 10| 0 1.00 | 250k 254k 01-06 16:03:55| 41 14 35 0 0 10| 0 0 | 241k 245k 01-06 16:03:56| 44 15 31 0 0 10| 0 4.00 | 268k 275k 01-06 16:03:57| 43 15 33 0 0 10| 0 109 | 257k 259k ``` - Scene 4: get 10 user info (use pipline) `Load test server` ```shell $ wrk -t2 -c2000 -d3m -T10s --latency --script=scripts/uri.lua http://example.api.com/ # scripts/uri.lua content request = function() path = "/get_multi_userinfo?uids=" for i = 1,10,1 do path = path .. math.random(1,100000) ..',' end path = string.gsub(path, ",$", "") return wrk.format(nil, path) end # result Running 3m test @ http://example.api.com/ 2 threads and 2000 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 73.30ms 51.58ms 1.29s 90.40% Req/Sec 14.30k 3.31k 23.21k 83.09% Latency Distribution 50% 61.39ms 75% 82.64ms 90% 120.40ms 99% 236.09ms 5122467 requests in 3.00m, 2.85GB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 2981, write 0, timeout 0 Requests/sec: 28447.73 Transfer/sec: 16.19MB ``` `Web server` ```shell $ dstat -tcr --net-packets -N eth2 # partial result ----system---- ----total-cpu-usage---- --io/total- --pkt/eth2- date/time |usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ|#recv #send 01-06 16:11:03| 61 16 11 0 0 12| 0 347 | 410k 450k 01-06 16:11:04| 61 16 13 0 0 11| 0 0 | 404k 441k 01-06 16:11:05| 62 15 11 0 0 12| 0 0 | 407k 443k 01-06 16:11:06| 63 16 10 0 0 11| 0 0 | 417k 458k 01-06 16:11:07| 58 14 17 0 0 11| 0 0 | 381k 414k ``` # Issues # Todo [Back to TOC](#table-of-contents) # More * [lua-resty-redis-cluster](https://github.com/cuiweixie/lua-resty-redis-cluster) - another openresty redis cluster client wrotten by [cuiweixie](https://github.com/cuiweixie) * [redis_cluster](https://github.com/hyw97m/redis_cluster) - another openresty redis cluster client wrotten by [hyw97m](https://github.com/hyw97m)