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Ray Tracer in a boot sector

by Oscar Toledo G. Apr/12/2024


What is this?

This is a port of the amazing Ray Tracer in Atari 8-bit BASIC by D. Scott Williamson. You can see it at in turn based on a static BBC micro version by @coprolite9000

I asked him for permission to make a port to a boot sector, and here it is.

If you are going to run it in real hardware it requires a minimum of a Pentium Pro, otherwise most modern emulators will be able to run it.

How to use it.

If you want to assemble it, you must download the Netwide Assembler (NASM) from

Use this command line:

nasm -f bin ray.asm -Dcom_file=1 -o
nasm -f bin ray.asm -Dcom_file=0 -o ray.img

Tested with VirtualBox for macOS running Windows XP running this interpreter, it also works with DOSBox and probably with QEMU:

qemu-system-x86_64 -fda ray.img

Ray tracer in a boot sector

More on this?

Do you want to learn 8086/8088 assembler? Get my books Programming Boot Sector Games containing an 8086/8088 crash course! Also available More Boot Sector Games. Now available from Lulu and Amazon!