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Typescript Demo for Namespace Compute API


The API is defined using Buf platform and the demo uses Typescript bindings generated by it. The underlying protocol is based on HTTP and uses text JSON encoding, so it is feasible to access it from Node.js or browser without the generated bindings.

Install Javascript dependencies:

# Add @buf package registry to access the generated bindings.
npm config set @buf:registry

# Install deps.
npm install

Compute API Demo

The demo shows how to connect to the Compute API and use it to create an ephemeral Kubernetes cluster.

Accessing Compute API requires a tenant token. It can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Logging into a normal Namespace account locally:

    # Install Namespace CLI tool.
    curl -fsSL | sh
    # Login with your Namespace account.
    nsc login

    The token will be read from ~/Library/Application Support/ns/token.json.

  2. Using IAM API to programmatically obtain a tenant token.

    Use the IAM Demo above to do that and save the token to ./auth.json. If this file exists it will be automatically picked up.

Run the demo:

npm run kubernetes-demo

The output will look like this:

Kubernetes Cluster created.
   - ID:   1k55b4ji6iqgi
   - URL:

Waiting for the cluster to initialize...
   - cluster initialized.

Getting kubeconfig.yaml...
   - got:  1k55b4ji6iqgi.yaml

   $ kubectl --kubeconfig=1k55b4ji6iqgi.yaml get all


The demo shows how to authenticate with Namespace using an OpenID Connect token and programmatically create tenants and obtain tenant tokens.

To run this demo:

  1. Set up AWS Workload Federation with Namespace using a OpenID Connect.

    • See Authentication section of the API doc for deatils.

    • If setting up a OIDC issuer from scratch, use the following to generate a keypair:

      # Generate an EC private key
      openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private.pem
      # Derive the public key (to be shared with Namespace)
      openssl ec -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem
      # Get key ID (to pass in NAMESPACE_JWT_KEY_ID)
      openssl pkey -in public.pem -pubin -outform der -out public.der
      sha1sum public.der
  2. Edit iam-demo/main.ts constants to refer to the correct OIDC signing key and partner ID.

  3. Start the demo:

    npm run iam-demo

The output will look like:

Getting an identity token...
   - got oidc_<REDACTED>

Creating a new tenant...
   - ID:   tenant_39jt3aia14qmu

Getting a tenant token...
   - got nsct_<REDACTED>

Saved tenant token to token.json
Run `npm run kubernetes-demo` to use it.


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