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Cheems Bot Multi Device is a automated whatsapp bot developed by Xeon using Baileys and Nodejs. Dont forget to give a star bro.

Big thanks❀️ to Ray Senpai for huge contribution, Check out his bot Nezuko


------ # ```Bot Info```


------- ## ```Connect With Me```

## ```Donate Me``` - [`FamPay`](https://i.ibb.co/SKkw6Sy/IMG-20221223-WA0373.jpg)

Scan qr code from the above button, u can pay through GooglePay, Paytm, PhonePe and FamPay.

## ```Bot Support Groups``` - [`1st GC`](https://chat.whatsapp.com/HYj9wu5Jrv6CROxyeQbHoS) - [`2nd GC`](https://chat.whatsapp.com/BW0o3ZyiAF5Azb1bIqG9Ue) - [`3rd GC`](https://chat.whatsapp.com/KMymhLdGcjPHihOkrfHW7q) # Setup For Deployment πŸ‘‡ - FORK THE REPOSITORY [Here](https://github.com/DGXeon/CheemsBot-MD6/fork) ## `Scan QR Code For Session` [![Cheems Bot](https://repl.it/badge/github/quiec/whatsasena)](https://replit.com/@DGXeon/Cheems-Bot-Multi-Device-Qr-Code-Generator?output%20only=1&lite=1#index.js) ` BUILDPACKS` ``` https://github.com/jonathanong/heroku-buildpack-ffmpeg-latest https://github.com/clhuang/heroku-buildpack-webp-binaries.git ``` [![Deploy on Railway](https://railway.app/button.svg)](https://railway.app/new/template?template=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FDGXeon%2FCheemsBot-MD6) [![Deploy](https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg)](https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/DGXeon/CheemsBot-MD6/) # Install Manually πŸ‘‡ ## `Requirements` * [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) * [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) * [FFmpeg](https://github.com/BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds/releases/download/autobuild-2020-12-08-13-03/ffmpeg-n4.3.1-26-gca55240b8c-win64-gpl-4.3.zip) * [Libwebp](https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/download) * Any text editor ## `Clone Repo & Installation dependencies` ```bash git clone https://github.com/DGXeon/CheemsBot-MD6.git cd CheemsBot-MD6 npm start ``` ## `For Termux/Ssh/Ubuntu` ```bash apt update apt upgrade pkg update && pkg upgrade pkg install bash pkg install libwebp pkg install git -y pkg install nodejs -y pkg install ffmpeg -y pkg install wget pkg install imagemagick -y git clone https://github.com/DGXeon/CheemsBot-MD6 cd CheemsBot-MD npm start ``` ## `For VPS` ```bash apt install nodejs apt install git apt apt install ffmpeg apt apt install libwebp apt apt install imagrmagick apt install bash git clone https://github.com/DGXeon/CheemsBot-MD6 cd CheemsBot-MD6 npm start ``` ## `For 24/7 Activation (Termux)` ```bash npm i -g pm2 && pm2 start index.js && pm2 save && pm2 logs ```