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ImSingee / hammal
Forked from tomwei7/hammaldocker-registry proxy run in cloudflare workers
qiin2333 / Sunshine-Foundation
Forked from LizardByte/SunshineSunshine is a Gamestream host for Moonlight.
Add virtual monitors to your windows 10/11 device! Works with VR, OBS, Sunshine, and/or any desktop sharing software.
shinnpuru / GalTransl-for-ASMR
Forked from xd2333/GalTranslGalTransl for ASMR是GalTransl的一个分支,您可以使用本程序将日语音视频文件/字幕文件转换为中文字幕文件。
VergilGao / vddswitcher
Forked from nomi-san/parsec-vddA Windows console tool that uses parsec-vdd to switch to a virtual display.
fatwang2 / siri-ultra
Forked from Sh4yy/personal-aiThe most intelligent Siri powered by LLMs
robertparley / wtfpython-cn
Forked from leisurelicht/wtfpython-cnwtfpython的中文翻译/持续更新/能力有限,欢迎帮我改进翻译
jacobwhall / marktext
Forked from marktext/marktextfork of marktext, seeking to modernize our favorite markdown editor
openvpi / DiffSinger
Forked from MoonInTheRiver/DiffSingerAn advanced singing voice synthesis system with high fidelity, expressiveness, controllability and flexibility based on DiffSinger: Singing Voice Synthesis via Shallow Diffusion Mechanism
zjp-CN / tlborm
Forked from Veykril/tlbormThe Little Book of Rust Macros (Updated Version) 中文翻译版
Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone", 线性代数的艺术中文版, 欢迎PR.
Workaround for low GPU utilization in recent Atelier games
exfatprogs / exfatprogs
Forked from namjaejeon/exfatprogsexFAT filesystem userspace utilities
antimatter15 / alpaca.cpp
Forked from ggerganov/llama.cppLocally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM
ernisn / superspeed
Forked from oooldking/script包含全国各地测速节点的一键测速脚本
LUFA Project for the Nintendo Switch. Pretends to be a HORI Pokken Pad and prints Splatoon 2 Posts 🍋🍋
subspacecommunity / subspace
Forked from subspacecloud/subspaceA fork of the simple WireGuard VPN server GUI community maintained
talkgo / read
Forked from yangwenmai/learning-golangGo 学习之路:Go 开发者博客、Go 微信公众号、Go 学习资料(文档、书籍、视频)
yunshuipiao / algorithms
Forked from keon/algorithms如果希望用不同语言来完成如下基本算法, 请 fork 一起努力。
yuche / javascript
Forked from airbnb/javascriptAirbnb JavaScript 编码规范
liubin / promises-book
Forked from azu/promises-bookJavaScript Promise迷你书