import { GlobalConfig } from '@n8n/config'; import convict from 'convict'; import { InstanceSettings } from 'n8n-core'; import { LOG_LEVELS } from 'n8n-workflow'; import path from 'path'; import { Container } from 'typedi'; import { ensureStringArray } from './utils'; convict.addFormat({ name: 'comma-separated-list', coerce: (rawStr: string) => rawStr.split(','), validate: ensureStringArray, }); export const schema = { executions: { // TODO: remove this and all usage of `executions.process` when we're sure that nobody has this in their config file anymore. process: { doc: 'Deprecated key, that will be removed in the future. Please remove it from your configuration and environment variables to prevent issues in the future.', format: String, default: '', env: 'EXECUTIONS_PROCESS', }, mode: { doc: 'If it should run executions directly or via queue', format: ['regular', 'queue'] as const, default: 'regular', env: 'EXECUTIONS_MODE', }, concurrency: { productionLimit: { doc: "Max production executions allowed to run concurrently, in main process for regular mode and in worker for queue mode. Default for main mode is `-1` (disabled). Default for queue mode is taken from the worker's `--concurrency` flag.", format: Number, default: -1, env: 'N8N_CONCURRENCY_PRODUCTION_LIMIT', }, }, // A Workflow times out and gets canceled after this time (seconds). // If the workflow is executed in the main process a soft timeout // is executed (takes effect after the current node finishes). // If a workflow is running in its own process is a soft timeout // tried first, before killing the process after waiting for an // additional fifth of the given timeout duration. // // To deactivate timeout set it to -1 // // Timeout is currently not activated by default which will change // in a future version. timeout: { doc: 'Max run time (seconds) before stopping the workflow execution', format: Number, default: -1, env: 'EXECUTIONS_TIMEOUT', }, maxTimeout: { doc: 'Max execution time (seconds) that can be set for a workflow individually', format: Number, default: 3600, env: 'EXECUTIONS_TIMEOUT_MAX', }, // If a workflow executes all the data gets saved by default. This // could be a problem when a workflow gets executed a lot and processes // a lot of data. To not exceed the database's capacity it is possible to // prune the database regularly or to not save the execution at all. // Depending on if the execution did succeed or error a different // save behaviour can be set. saveDataOnError: { doc: 'What workflow execution data to save on error', format: ['all', 'none'] as const, default: 'all', env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_SAVE_ON_ERROR', }, saveDataOnSuccess: { doc: 'What workflow execution data to save on success', format: ['all', 'none'] as const, default: 'all', env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_SAVE_ON_SUCCESS', }, saveExecutionProgress: { doc: 'Whether or not to save progress for each node executed', format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_SAVE_ON_PROGRESS', }, // If the executions of workflows which got started via the editor // should be saved. By default they will not be saved as this runs // are normally only for testing and debugging. This setting can // also be overwritten on a per workflow basis in the workflow settings // in the editor. saveDataManualExecutions: { doc: 'Save data of executions when started manually via editor', format: Boolean, default: true, env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_SAVE_MANUAL_EXECUTIONS', }, // To not exceed the database's capacity and keep its size moderate // the execution data gets pruned regularly (default: 15 minute interval). // All saved execution data older than the max age will be deleted. // Pruning is currently not activated by default, which will change in // a future version. pruneData: { doc: 'Delete data of past executions on a rolling basis', format: Boolean, default: true, env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_PRUNE', }, pruneDataMaxAge: { doc: 'How old (hours) the finished execution data has to be to get soft-deleted', format: Number, default: 336, env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_MAX_AGE', }, pruneDataHardDeleteBuffer: { doc: 'How old (hours) the finished execution data has to be to get hard-deleted. By default, this buffer excludes recent executions as the user may need them while building a workflow.', format: Number, default: 1, env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_HARD_DELETE_BUFFER', }, pruneDataIntervals: { hardDelete: { doc: 'How often (minutes) execution data should be hard-deleted', format: Number, default: 15, env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_PRUNE_HARD_DELETE_INTERVAL', }, softDelete: { doc: 'How often (minutes) execution data should be soft-deleted', format: Number, default: 60, env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_PRUNE_SOFT_DELETE_INTERVAL', }, }, // Additional pruning option to delete executions if total count exceeds the configured max. // Deletes the oldest entries first // Set to 0 for No limit pruneDataMaxCount: { doc: "Maximum number of finished executions to keep in DB. Doesn't necessarily prune exactly to max number. 0 = no limit", format: Number, default: 10000, env: 'EXECUTIONS_DATA_PRUNE_MAX_COUNT', }, queueRecovery: { interval: { doc: 'How often (minutes) to check for queue recovery', format: Number, default: 180, env: 'N8N_EXECUTIONS_QUEUE_RECOVERY_INTERVAL', }, batchSize: { doc: 'Size of batch of executions to check for queue recovery', format: Number, default: 100, env: 'N8N_EXECUTIONS_QUEUE_RECOVERY_BATCH', }, }, }, generic: { // The timezone to use. Is important for nodes like "Cron" which start the // workflow automatically at a specified time. This setting can also be // overwritten on a per workflow basis in the workflow settings in the // editor. timezone: { doc: 'The timezone to use', format: '*', default: 'America/New_York', env: 'GENERIC_TIMEZONE', }, releaseChannel: { doc: 'N8N release channel', format: ['stable', 'beta', 'nightly', 'dev'] as const, default: 'dev', env: 'N8N_RELEASE_TYPE', }, gracefulShutdownTimeout: { doc: 'How long should n8n process wait for components to shut down before exiting the process (seconds)', format: Number, default: 30, env: 'N8N_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT', }, }, secure_cookie: { doc: 'This sets the `Secure` flag on n8n auth cookie', format: Boolean, default: true, env: 'N8N_SECURE_COOKIE', }, ssl_key: { format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_SSL_KEY', doc: 'SSL Key for HTTPS Protocol', }, ssl_cert: { format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_SSL_CERT', doc: 'SSL Cert for HTTPS Protocol', }, editorBaseUrl: { format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_EDITOR_BASE_URL', doc: 'Public URL where the editor is accessible. Also used for emails sent from n8n.', }, security: { restrictFileAccessTo: { doc: 'If set only files in that directories can be accessed. Multiple directories can be separated by semicolon (";").', format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_RESTRICT_FILE_ACCESS_TO', }, blockFileAccessToN8nFiles: { doc: 'If set to true it will block access to all files in the ".n8n" directory, the static cache dir at ~/.cache/n8n/public, and user defined config files.', format: Boolean, default: true, env: 'N8N_BLOCK_FILE_ACCESS_TO_N8N_FILES', }, audit: { daysAbandonedWorkflow: { doc: 'Days for a workflow to be considered abandoned if not executed', format: Number, default: 90, env: 'N8N_SECURITY_AUDIT_DAYS_ABANDONED_WORKFLOW', }, }, }, workflowTagsDisabled: { format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'N8N_WORKFLOW_TAGS_DISABLED', doc: 'Disable workflow tags.', }, userManagement: { jwtSecret: { doc: 'Set a specific JWT secret (optional - n8n can generate one)', // Generated @ start.ts format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_USER_MANAGEMENT_JWT_SECRET', }, jwtSessionDurationHours: { doc: 'Set a specific expiration date for the JWTs in hours.', format: Number, default: 168, env: 'N8N_USER_MANAGEMENT_JWT_DURATION_HOURS', }, jwtRefreshTimeoutHours: { doc: 'How long before the JWT expires to automatically refresh it. 0 means 25% of N8N_USER_MANAGEMENT_JWT_DURATION_HOURS. -1 means it will never refresh, which forces users to login again after the defined period in N8N_USER_MANAGEMENT_JWT_DURATION_HOURS.', format: Number, default: 0, env: 'N8N_USER_MANAGEMENT_JWT_REFRESH_TIMEOUT_HOURS', }, /** * @important Do not remove until after cloud hooks are updated to stop using convict config. */ isInstanceOwnerSetUp: { // n8n loads this setting from DB on startup doc: "Whether the instance owner's account has been set up", format: Boolean, default: false, }, authenticationMethod: { doc: 'How to authenticate users (e.g. "email", "ldap", "saml")', format: ['email', 'ldap', 'saml'] as const, default: 'email', }, }, externalFrontendHooksUrls: { doc: 'URLs to external frontend hooks files, ; separated', format: String, default: '', env: 'EXTERNAL_FRONTEND_HOOKS_URLS', }, externalHookFiles: { doc: 'Files containing external hooks. Multiple files can be separated by colon (":")', format: String, default: '', env: 'EXTERNAL_HOOK_FILES', }, logs: { level: { doc: 'Log output level', format: LOG_LEVELS, default: 'info', env: 'N8N_LOG_LEVEL', }, output: { doc: 'Where to output logs. Options are: console, file. Multiple can be separated by comma (",")', format: String, default: 'console', env: 'N8N_LOG_OUTPUT', }, file: { fileCountMax: { doc: 'Maximum number of files to keep.', format: Number, default: 100, env: 'N8N_LOG_FILE_COUNT_MAX', }, fileSizeMax: { doc: 'Maximum size for each log file in MB.', format: Number, default: 16, env: 'N8N_LOG_FILE_SIZE_MAX', }, location: { doc: 'Log file location; only used if log output is set to file.', format: String, default: path.join(Container.get(InstanceSettings).n8nFolder, 'logs/n8n.log'), env: 'N8N_LOG_FILE_LOCATION', }, }, }, push: { backend: { format: ['sse', 'websocket'] as const, default: 'websocket', env: 'N8N_PUSH_BACKEND', doc: 'Backend to use for push notifications', }, }, binaryDataManager: { availableModes: { format: 'comma-separated-list', default: 'filesystem', env: 'N8N_AVAILABLE_BINARY_DATA_MODES', doc: 'Available modes of binary data storage, as comma separated strings', }, mode: { format: ['default', 'filesystem', 's3'] as const, default: 'default', env: 'N8N_DEFAULT_BINARY_DATA_MODE', doc: 'Storage mode for binary data', }, localStoragePath: { format: String, default: path.join(Container.get(InstanceSettings).n8nFolder, 'binaryData'), env: 'N8N_BINARY_DATA_STORAGE_PATH', doc: 'Path for binary data storage in "filesystem" mode', }, }, deployment: { type: { format: String, default: 'default', env: 'N8N_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE', }, }, mfa: { enabled: { format: Boolean, default: true, doc: 'Whether to enable MFA feature in instance.', env: 'N8N_MFA_ENABLED', }, }, sso: { justInTimeProvisioning: { format: Boolean, default: true, doc: 'Whether to automatically create users when they login via SSO.', }, redirectLoginToSso: { format: Boolean, default: true, doc: 'Whether to automatically redirect users from login dialog to initialize SSO flow.', }, saml: { loginEnabled: { format: Boolean, default: false, doc: 'Whether to enable SAML SSO.', }, loginLabel: { format: String, default: '', }, }, ldap: { loginEnabled: { format: Boolean, default: false, }, loginLabel: { format: String, default: '', }, }, }, hiringBanner: { enabled: { doc: 'Whether hiring banner in browser console is enabled.', format: Boolean, default: true, env: 'N8N_HIRING_BANNER_ENABLED', }, }, personalization: { enabled: { doc: 'Whether personalization is enabled.', format: Boolean, default: true, env: 'N8N_PERSONALIZATION_ENABLED', }, }, diagnostics: { enabled: { doc: 'Whether diagnostic mode is enabled.', format: Boolean, default: true, env: 'N8N_DIAGNOSTICS_ENABLED', }, config: { posthog: { apiKey: { doc: 'API key for PostHog', format: String, default: 'phc_4URIAm1uYfJO7j8kWSe0J8lc8IqnstRLS7Jx8NcakHo', env: 'N8N_DIAGNOSTICS_POSTHOG_API_KEY', }, apiHost: { doc: 'API host for PostHog', format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_DIAGNOSTICS_POSTHOG_API_HOST', }, }, frontend: { doc: 'Diagnostics config for frontend.', format: String, default: '1zPn9bgWPzlQc0p8Gj1uiK6DOTn;', env: 'N8N_DIAGNOSTICS_CONFIG_FRONTEND', }, backend: { doc: 'Diagnostics config for backend.', format: String, default: '1zPn7YoGC3ZXE9zLeTKLuQCB4F6;', env: 'N8N_DIAGNOSTICS_CONFIG_BACKEND', }, }, }, defaultLocale: { doc: 'Default locale for the UI', format: String, default: 'en', env: 'N8N_DEFAULT_LOCALE', }, license: { serverUrl: { format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_LICENSE_SERVER_URL', doc: 'License server url to retrieve license.', }, autoRenewEnabled: { format: Boolean, default: true, env: 'N8N_LICENSE_AUTO_RENEW_ENABLED', doc: 'Whether auto renewal for licenses is enabled.', }, autoRenewOffset: { format: Number, default: 60 * 60 * 72, // 72 hours env: 'N8N_LICENSE_AUTO_RENEW_OFFSET', doc: 'How many seconds before expiry a license should get automatically renewed. ', }, activationKey: { format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_LICENSE_ACTIVATION_KEY', doc: 'Activation key to initialize license', }, tenantId: { format: Number, default: 1, env: 'N8N_LICENSE_TENANT_ID', doc: 'Tenant id used by the license manager', }, cert: { format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_LICENSE_CERT', doc: 'Ephemeral license certificate', }, }, hideUsagePage: { format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'N8N_HIDE_USAGE_PAGE', doc: 'Hide or show the usage page', }, redis: { prefix: { doc: 'Prefix for all n8n related keys', format: String, default: 'n8n', env: 'N8N_REDIS_KEY_PREFIX', }, queueModeId: { doc: 'Unique ID for this n8n instance, is usually set automatically by n8n during startup', format: String, default: '', }, }, /** * @important Do not remove until after cloud hooks are updated to stop using convict config. */ endpoints: { rest: { format: String, default: Container.get(GlobalConfig), }, }, /** * @important Do not remove until after cloud hooks are updated to stop using convict config. */ ai: { enabled: { doc: 'Whether AI features are enabled', format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'N8N_AI_ENABLED', }, }, aiAssistant: { baseUrl: { doc: 'Base URL of the AI assistant service', format: String, default: '', env: 'N8N_AI_ASSISTANT_BASE_URL', }, }, expression: { evaluator: { doc: 'Expression evaluator to use', format: ['tmpl', 'tournament'] as const, default: 'tournament', env: 'N8N_EXPRESSION_EVALUATOR', }, reportDifference: { doc: 'Whether to report differences in the evaluator outputs', format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'N8N_EXPRESSION_REPORT_DIFFERENCE', }, }, sourceControl: { defaultKeyPairType: { doc: 'Default SSH key type to use when generating SSH keys', format: ['rsa', 'ed25519'] as const, default: 'ed25519', env: 'N8N_SOURCECONTROL_DEFAULT_SSH_KEY_TYPE', }, }, workflowHistory: { enabled: { doc: 'Whether to save workflow history versions', format: Boolean, default: true, env: 'N8N_WORKFLOW_HISTORY_ENABLED', }, pruneTime: { doc: 'Time (in hours) to keep workflow history versions for', format: Number, default: -1, env: 'N8N_WORKFLOW_HISTORY_PRUNE_TIME', }, }, multiMainSetup: { enabled: { doc: 'Whether to enable multi-main setup for queue mode (license required)', format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'N8N_MULTI_MAIN_SETUP_ENABLED', }, ttl: { doc: 'Time to live (in seconds) for leader key in multi-main setup', format: Number, default: 10, env: 'N8N_MULTI_MAIN_SETUP_KEY_TTL', }, interval: { doc: 'Interval (in seconds) for leader check in multi-main setup', format: Number, default: 3, env: 'N8N_MULTI_MAIN_SETUP_CHECK_INTERVAL', }, }, proxy_hops: { format: Number, default: 0, env: 'N8N_PROXY_HOPS', doc: 'Number of reverse-proxies n8n is running behind', }, featureFlags: { partialExecutionVersionDefault: { format: String, default: '0', env: 'PARTIAL_EXECUTION_VERSION_DEFAULT', doc: 'Set this to 1 to enable the new partial execution logic by default.', }, }, };